Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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style="font-size:15px;">      heøn adj. feeble, coward; lowly [opp. sang]; base, vile

      heøn chi/gì n. no wonder

      heøn haï adj. base, vile, humiliating

      heøn maït adj. base, vile, low, humiliating

      heøn moïn adj. lowly, small, humble

      heøn nhaùt adv. cowardly

      heïn v. to promise, to agree; to give a deadline/an appointment/ an ultimatum: ñuùng heïn to keep one’s word, an appointment, a promise

      heïn hoø v. to make an appointment, to promise: heïn hoø vôùi ai to make an appointment with someone

      heo n. pig (= lôïn): thòt heo pork

      heo caùi n. sow

      heo naùi n. sow

      heo röøng n. wild boar

      heùo v. to wilt, to dry up, to wither

      heûo laùnh adj. [of a place] deserted, remote

      heïp adj. narrow: chaät heïp narrow

      heùt v. to shriek, to scream, to roar, to yell, to shout: hoø heùt to shout

      heà n. clown, buffoon, jester

      heà v. to matter: khoâng/chaúng heà gì it does not matter

      heã adv. as sure as, as soon as, if, each time, whenever

      heã haû adj. to be satisfied

      heä 1 n. branch, generation: theá heä generation 2 n. system: thaàn kinh heä nervous system

      heä luaän n. corollary, consequence

      heä luî n. social ties, consequence

      heä quaû n. result, consequence

      heä soá n. co-efficient, weight [of subject in examination]

      heä thoáng n. system

      heä thoáng hoaù v. to systematize

      heä thöùc n. relation [in math]

      heä troïng adj. important, vital

      heách v. to raise, to lift up: muõi heách upturned nose

      heân adj. (= may) lucky, fortunate

      heân xui n. luck and ill luck

      heát 1 v. to finish, to complete; to end, to cease, be finished, be completed 2 adj., adv. whole; all: tröôùc heát first of all

      heát caû adv., adj. all, whole

      heát hoàn adv. out of one’s wits

      heát hôi v. to be out of breath

      heát loøng adj. wholehearted, with all one’s heart

      heát lôøi v. to finish speaking, to be unable to find any more arguments

      heát nhaün v. to finish all, to be clean out of

      heát raùo v. to be completely out of

      heát saïch v. to be clean out of, to finish all, to have no more left

      heát söùc adj. to be physically exhausted; to try one’s best to

      heát thaûy adj., adv. whole; all

      heát thôøi adj. out of date/fashion

      heát trôn v. See heát saïch

      heát yù adj. excellent, very good

      heät adj. to be identical [to], as alike as: gioáng heät as alike as two peas, exactly the same

      hí v. to neigh

      hí hoaùy v. to be busy with, to be absorbed in

      hí hoaï n. caricature, cartoon, comics, funnies

      hí hôûn v. to leap with joy

      hí höûng v. to leap with joy

      hí kòch n. drama

      hí tröôøng n. stage, theater

      hí vieän n. theater, playhouse

      hì hì exclam. ha, ha [laughter]

      hæ v. to blow one’s nose

      hæ haû v. to be satisfied

      hæ söï n. happy occasion

      hích v. to jostle, to push, to jolt

      hòch n. edict, proclamation, order of the day

      hieám adj. rare, scarce: hieám con to have few/no children

      hieám hoi v. to be rare; to have few or no children

      hieàm v. to dislike, to hate, to resent: tö hieàm personal hatred

      hieàm khích v. to detest

      hieàm nghi v. to suspect

      hieåm adj. dangerous, perilous: nguy hieåm dangerous; nham hieåm/thaâm hieåm to be cunning, sly, wily

      hieåm ñòa n. strategic area

      hieåm ñoäc adj. to be cunning, sly, wicked

      hieåm hoaï n. danger, peril

      hieåm hoác adj. dangerous, tricky

      hieåm ngheøo adj. dangerous, perilous, difficult

      hieåm trôû adj. [of road, place] dangerous, obstructive

      hieåm yeáu adj. strategically important

      hieân n. veranda, porch

      hieân ngang adj. haughty, proud

      hieán v. to offer

      hieán binh n. military police(man)

      hieán chöông n. constitution, charter: baûn Hieán Chöông Lieân Hôïp Quoác the United Nations Charter

      hieán phaùp n. constitution: thay ñoåi hieán phaùp to amend the constitution

      hieàn adj. mild, sweet, meek, good-natured, gentle; R [of wife] virtuous, loyal, worthy

      hieàn ñeä n. you, my brother

      hieàn haäu adj. mild, kind, benevolent

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