Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
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hoang toaøng adj. extravagant
hoang vaéng adj. deserted
hoang vu adj. wild
hoaøng 1 adj. yellow (= vaøng) 2 n. phoenix 3 n. emperor; prince: Nöõ Hoaøng Anh the Queen of England
hoaøng anh n. oriole
hoaøng aân n. imperial favor
hoaøng cung n. imperial palace
hoaøng baøo n. imperial robe
hoaøng ñaïo n. zodiac: ngaøy hoaøng ñaïo lucky day, auspicious day
hoaøng ñeá n. emperor, king
hoaøng gia n. royal family
hoaøng giaùp n. doctor’s degree
Hoaøng Haø n. the Yellow River
hoaøng haäu n. queen, empress
hoaøng hoân n. twilight, dusk, sunset
hoaøng kim n. gold: thôøi ñaïi hoaøng kim the golden age
hoaøng phaùi n. royal family
hoaøng phuï n. the emperor’s father
hoaøng thaùi haäu n. the queen mother
hoaøng thaùi töû n. the crown prince
hoaøng thaønh n. imperial city
hoaøng thaân n. prince
hoaøng thaát n. imperial family
hoaøng thieân n. Heaven
hoaøng thöôïng n. Sire; His Majesty
hoaøng toäc n. imperial family
hoaøng trieàu n. the reigning dynasty
hoaøng töû n. prince
hoaøng yeán n. canary [bird], serin
hoaûng v. to be stupefied, to panic, to be awestruck: hoaû ng sôï to panic
hoaønh n., adj. width, breath; transversal, horizontal (= ngang) [opp. tung]
hoaønh caùch moâ n. diaphragm [in abdomen]
hoaønh ñoà n. drawing, draft, [detailed] map [of building]
hoaønh haønh v. to act in an over-bearing manner, to be aggressively haughty or arrogant
hoaønh taøi n. great talent
hoaûnh adj. dry, tearless [of eyes]
hoaïnh v. to scold, to criticize, to blame: hoaïnh hoeï to find fault with someone’s work
hoaïnh taøi n. windfall, ill-gotten money
hoaït adj., n. active, quick; living
hoaït aûnh n. moving pictures, motion pictures, movies
hoaït baùt adj. vivaciuos, eloquent, active, brisk
hoaït ñaàu adj. crooked
hoaït ñoäng v., n. to be active; activity: hoaït ñoäng xaõ hoäi social activities
hoaït hoaï n. animated cartoons
hoaït keâ n., adj. humor; humorous
hoaït keá n. livelihood
hoaéc adv. very: thoái hoaéc to smell very bad
hoaëc conj. or, either (= hay): hoaëc ñuùng hoaëc sai right or wrong
hoaëc giaû adv. or, perhaps, if by any chance
hoaém adv., adj. very; sunken deep: saâu hoaém very deep
hoaüng n. deer
hoaét adj. very sharp
hoùc v. to stick, to have [bone, etc.] stuck in one’s throat
hoùc buùa adj. difficult, tough
hoùc hieåm adj. dangerous, perilous
hoïc 1 v. to study, to learn: hoïc tieáng Vieät to learn Vietnamese 2 n. study, subject: khoa hoïc science; tröôøng hoïc school; töï hoïc self-taught; nieân hoïc school year, academic year; tieåu hoïc elementary [education], primary [education]
hoïc baï n. student file, school record, school report
hoïc boång n. scholarship
hoïc cheá n. educational system
hoïc chính n. educational service
hoïc cuï n. school equipment, teaching aid
hoïc ñoøi v. to imitate, to follow, to copy
hoïc ñöôøng n. school
hoïc giaû n. scholar, learned man
hoïc giôùi n. educational circles
hoïc haønh v. to study [and to practice]
hoïc hieäu n. school
hoïc hoûi v. to study, to learn, to educate oneself
hoïc kyø n. term, semester, session
hoïc loõm v. to learn merely by observing, to pick up something from someone
hoïc moùt v. to imitate, to copy
hoïc löïc n. capacity, ability [of a student]
hoïc nieân n. school year, academic year
hoïc phaùi n. school of thought
hoïc phí n. tuition fees, school fees
hoïc sinh n. student, pupil [primary and high schools]
hoïc taäp v. to study, to learn: hoïc taäp chính trò to study politics
hoïc thuaät n. learning, education
hoïc thuyeát n. doctrine, theory
hoïc thöùc n. knowledge, learning
hoïc troø n. pupil, student, schoolboy, schoolgirl
hoïc vaán n. instruction, education, learning
hoïc vò n. academic title, degree