Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      hoïc xaù n. student hostel, dormitory, residence hall

      hoe adj. bright red, reddish

      hoen adj. stained, spotted: hoen oá stained

      hoi adj. [of mutton] smelly

      hoùi adj. bald: hoùi ñaàu bald-head

      hoûi v. [SV vaán] to ask, to question, to inquire: caâu hoûi question; hoûi cung to interrogate [defendant]

      hoûi han v. to ask, to inquire

      hoûi möôïn v. to borrow

      hoûi nhoû v. to whisper a question

      hoûi thaêm v. to inquire about someone’s health, to send one’s regards to

      hoûi vay v. to borrow [money]

      hoûi vôï v. to ask for a girl’s hand in marriage

      hom hem adj. skinny, thin, gaunt, emaciated

      hoùm adj. [of child] mischievous

      hoøm n. locker, trunk, coffer CL caùi, chieác (= röông) coffin; hoøm xe luggage-boot

      hoõm adj. [of cheeks, eyes, etc.] hollow; deep

      hoøn n. ball, stone: hoøn bi marble [children’s]; hoøn ñaïn bullet; hoøn ñaát clod of earth

      hong v. to dry [something]

      hoùng v. to get, to enjoy: ñi hoùng maùt to get fresh air

      hoøng v. to expect, to hope, to intend

      hoûng v. to break down, to fail: hoûng beùt to be fouled up

      hoïng n. throat, mouth

      hoùp adj. [of cheeks] hollow, sunken

      hoïp v. to gather, to meet, to convene: tuï hoïp to hold a meeting

      hoïp maët v. to gather, to meet with others

      hoïp söùc v. to join forces, to unite

      hoùt 1 v. [of birds] to sing, to twitter 2 v. to shovel

      hoâ v. to cry out, to shout, to give military command: hoan hoâ to cheer, to acclaim

      hoâ haøo v. to call upon, to appeal to

      hoâ haáp v., n. to breathe; respiration

      hoâ hoaùn v. to yell, to shout

      hoá 1 n. big hole, foxhole, ditch: saép xuoáng hoá to have one foot in the grave 2 v. to be made a fool of; to overpay [price]

      hoà 1 n. lake, pool: bôø hoà lakeshore 2 n. gum, glue, starch, mortar to starch [shirts, etc.]

      hoà ñieäp n. R butterfly (= böôm böôùm)

      hoà ñoà adj. blurred, muddled, vague

      hoà hôûi adj. cheerful, happy

      hoà ly n. fox

      hoà nghi v. to doubt, to suspect

      hoà sô n. file, docket, document: löu giöõ hoà sô to keep the files

      hoà taém n. swimming pool

      hoà thæ n. a man’s ambitions

      hoà tieâu n. black pepper

      hoå 1 n. tiger 2 v. to be ashamed, to feel shame: xaáu hoå/hoå theïn to be ashamed

      hoå mang n. cobra: raén hoå mang cobra

      hoå phaùch n., adj. amber

      hoå theïn adj. to be ashamed, to feel embarrassed

      hoã trôï v. to help one another, to support

      hoã töông adj. mutual, reciprocal

      hoä 1 v. to help, to assist, to aid in: giaùm hoä trusteeship; phuø hoä [of deities] to assist, to protect 2 n. household 3 adj. civil: luaät hoä civil law

      hoä chieáu n. passport

      hoä giaù v. to escort a king

      hoä khaåu n. number of inhabitants, family registration

      hoä laïi n. village or county clerk

      hoä phaùp n. guardian spirit [in Buddhism], [Caodaist] Pope; giant, colossus

      hoä saûn n., adj. maternity, pertaining to childbirth: nghæ hoä saûn maternity leave

      hoä sinh v. to deliver a child: nhaø hoä sinh maternity hospital

      hoä tang adj. mourning, grieving

      hoä thaân v. to protect oneself

      hoä tòch n. civil status, legal status

      hoä toáng v. to escort

      hoä veä v. to escort, to guard

      hoác n. hole, cave, hollow: hoác ñaù a hollow in the rocks

      hoác haùc adj. gaunt, emaciated

      hoäc 1 v. to vomit 2 n. drawer

      hoäc toác adj. very fast, breathless: laøm vieäc hoäc toác cho xong baûn baùo caùo to work without stop in order to finish the report

      hoâi 1 adj., v. smelly; to smell bad, to stink: hoâi nhö cuù to smell like a skunk 2 v. to loot

      hoâi haùm v. to stink

      hoái 1 v. to repent, to regret 2 v. to urge, to press, to push

      hoái caûi v. to show repentance and the desire to change

      hoái ñoaùi n. exchange: sôû hoái ñoaùi exchange office

      hoái haû v. to urge, to press; to be in a hurry

      hoái haän v. to repent, to regret

      hoái loä v. to bribe: aên hoái loä to receive a bribe

      hoái thuùc v. to urge, to push

      hoái xuaát n. exchange rate

      hoài 1 n. moment, time, period; act [of a play], chapter [of a novel tieåu thuyeát]; round: hoài aáy, hoài ñoù at that time; hoài naøy these days 2 v. to return (= veà, traû laïi): hoài aâm to reply

      hoài aâm v. to reply, to respond

      hoài cö v. to come back to one’s home

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