Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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ñöïc n. masculine

      gioáng heät adj. to be as alike as two peas

      gioáng ngöôøi n. mankind, human race

      gioáng nhö v. to look like

      gioáng noøi n. race

      gioáng vaät n. animal

      gioàng v. (= troàng) to plant, to cultivate, to grow

      gioäp v. to blister [because of burn, scalding, sunburn]

      giô v. to raise [hand, foot]; to show: giô maët to show oneself

      giôø n. time; time of the clock; hour: Baây giôø laø maáy giôø? What time is it now?; baây giôø now; moät giôø ñoàng hoà one hour; hai giôø röôõi saùng 2.30 a.m.; ba giôø keùm naêm five to three; giôø aên saùng breakfast time

      giôø ñaây n. at the present time

      giôø giaác n., v. time; schedule; to stick to a schedule

      giôø laâu adj. long, long time

      giôû 1 v. to alter, to change 2 v. to untie, to unwrap, to open

      giôû chöùng v. to change one’s conduct

      giôû daï v. [of woman] to begin to have labor pains

      giôû gioïng v. to change one’s tune

      giôû giôøi n. change of weather

      giôû maët v. to change one’s line of conduct, to overturn; to turn one’s face

      giôû mình v. to turn over in bed

      giôû reùt v. to become cold, to be cold again

      giôi n. bat

      giôùi n. sex; world, circles

      giôùi haïn n., v. limit, limitation; to limit

      giôùi nghieâm n. curfew, martial law: ban haønh leänh giôùi nghieâm to declare martial law/curfew

      giôùi thieäu v. to introduce [socially]: Toâi xin giôùi thieäu baïn toâi vôùi oâng. May I introduce my friend to you.

      giôùi tuyeán n. demarcation line

      giôøi (= trôøi) sky, heaven; weather, climate; God, Lord, Providence, Heavens; R long: ba thaùng giôøi three long months; treân giôøi in the sky; chaàu giôøi to die, to pass away; Giôøi ôi! Good heavens!; Chuùa Giôøi God; maët giôøi the sun

      giôøi ñaùnh n. God’s punishment

      giôøi ñaát n. nothing at all [in negative statements]: Noù say, chaúng bieát giôøi ñaát gì. He was dead drunk and wasn’t conscious of anything.

      giôøi giaùng v. to have a nasty fall

      giôøn v. to flit, to flitter about, to wander

      giôõn v. to play, to romp

      giôïn v. to feel a thrill

      giuõ v. to shake the dust or water off

      giuõa v. to file; to smooth, to polish: giuõa moùng tay to file one’s finger-nails

      giuïc v. to urge on, to incite/motivate someone to do something

      giuùi 1 v. to push with force, to thrust 2 v. to slip in something secretly: giuùi tieàn vaøo tuùi ai to slip money into someone’s pocket

      giuïi v. to rub, to stamp out: giuïi maét to rub one’s eyes

      giuøm v. to aid, to help: giuøm moät tay to give help, to give a hand

      giun n. worm, earthworm

      giun deá n., adj. worms and crickets; feeble

      giun saùn n. worms and tapeworms

      giuùp v. to help, to aid: giuùp ñôõ ai vieäc gì to help someone do something

      giuùp ích to be of service to, to be useful

      giuùp söùc v. to help, to back up

      giuùp vieäc v. to aid, to collaborate

      giöõ v. [SV thuû] to keep, to hold, to maintain; to protect, to guard, gìn giöõ to maintain, to preserve; canh giöõ, phoøng giöõ to guard; giöõ lôøi höùa to keep one’s promise; giöõ mieäng to hold one’s tongue; giöõ mình to be on one’s guard; giöõ nhaø to guard the house; giöõ traät töï to maintain order; giöõ vieäc to assume work

      giöõ bo bo v. to guard jealously

      giöõ gìn v. to maintain, to preserve, to take care of

      giöõ khö khö v. to guard jealously

      giöõ treû v. to mind children

      giöõa n., adv. [SV trung] in the middle, in the center; amidst, between, among: giöõa trôøi in the open air; giöõa tröa midday, noon

      giöông v. to open one’s eyes wide, to stare; to stretch some string

      giöôøng n. bed: lieät giöôøng to be bedridden

      giöôøng chieáu n. bed and mat

      giöït v. (= giaät) to snatch; to win; to pull

      goø 1 n. mound, knoll CL caùi 2 v. to tighten, to hammer into shape

      goø boù v. to impose strict discipline; [of written style] to be affected

      goø cöông v. to draw in the rein, to pull in the reins, to rein

      goø ñoáng n. hillock

      goø gaãm v. to forge [written style]

      goø löng v. to bend the back

      goø maù n. cheekbone

      goõ v. to knock, to rap: goõ cöûa nhaø ai to knock on the door of someone’s house; chim goõ moõ woodpecker

      goõ laïi v. to straighten [warped metal surface]

      goaù adj. widowed: goaù choàng to be a widow

      goùc n. angle, corner; portion, fraction, piece [of a cake]

      goùi v., n. to wrap up; to pack; parcel, package, pack, bundle: goùi quaø to wrap up a present

      goûi n. special Vietnamese dish made of prawn, pork and vegetables, Vietnamese coleslaw

      goïi v. (= keâu) to call, to hail, to summon; to

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