The Expeditions. Maʿmar ibn Rāshid
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قال: فرجعنا إليها مرةً أخرى، فدخلتْ علينا تلك المنتشية. فقالت: أمحمّد هذا؟ والّذي يُحلف به إن جاء لخاطبًا. قال: قلت على حياء: أجل.
قال: فلم تعصنا خديجة ولا أختها. فانطلقتْ إلى أبيها خويلد بن أسد، وهو ثمل من الشراب. فقالت: هذا ابن أخيك محمّد بن عبد الله يخطب خديجة وقد رضيت خديجة. فدعاه، فسأله عن ذلك، فخطب إليه، فأنكحه. قال: فخلّقت خديجة وحلّت عليه حلّة، فدخل رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم بها.
فلمّا أصبح، صحا الشيخ من سكره. فقال: ما هذا الخلوق؟ ما هذه الحلّة؟ قالت أخت خديجة: هذه حلّة كساكــها ابن أخيك محمّد بن عبد الله. أنكحته خديجة وقد بنى بها! فأنكر الشيخ، ثمّ سلّم إلى أن صار ذلك واستحيى. وطفقت رجّاز من رجّاز قريش تقول:
لاَ تَزْهَدِي خَدِيْجُ عن مُحَمَّدْ | جلدٌ يُضِيءُ كَضِيَاءِ الفَرْقَدْ |
١ مم: عن.
٢ مم: دروه.
٣ زب؛ مم: نحدث.
As the years passed, he became all the more admired among them, and eventually they named him “the Trustworthy” (al-amīn) before the revelation descended upon him. So it came to be that none would butcher a camel for sale without urging him to invoke God’s blessing over it on their behalf.
Once he had grown to his full height and reached manhood—though without attaining any great wealth—Khadījah bint Khuwaylid hired him, sending him to Ḥubāshah, a market in Tihāmah. She also hired alongside him another man from the Quraysh. Speaking of Khadījah, the Messenger of God remarked, “Of all the women who hired servants, I never saw one kinder than Khadījah. We would always return, my companion and I, and find at her home a gift of food she had stored away for us.”
The Prophet continued, “When we returned from the Ḥubāshah market, I said to my companion, ‘Let’s leave, and we’ll have a chat at Khadījah’s house.’ So we went there, and while we were in her home, a muntashiyah—one of the slave-born women of the Quraysh—came into the room where we were. A muntashiyah is a buxom young woman who desires men. She said, ‘Is this Muḥammad? By Him with Whom pacts are made, has he come as a suitor?’ And I said, ‘Not at all!’ Once my companion and I had left, he said, ‘Are you too shy to accept Khadījah’s proposal? By God, there’s not a single Qurashī woman would not consider you her equal!’”
The Prophet continued, “We returned to her another time, and that buxom girl returned to us and asked, ‘Is this Muḥammad? By Him with Whom pacts are made, has he come as a suitor?’ ‘Yes,’ I replied bashfully.”
The Prophet said, “Khadījah would never act contrary to either our wishes or her sister’s,24 and her sister had gone off to see her father, Khuwaylid ibn Asad, who was drunk. She said, ‘This is your nephew, Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh, who wishes to become betrothed to Khadījah, and Khadījah has consented.’” Khuwaylid invited the Messenger of God over and asked him about the marriage arrangement. Khuwaylid then betrothed Khadījah to him and gave her to him in marriage. Khadījah was covered in perfume, and the Messenger of God was dressed in a wedding garment. Then the Messenger of God consummated the marriage with Khadījah.
When her father awoke the next morning, the old man had recovered from his drunkenness and said, “What is this perfume? And this wedding garment?” Khadījah’s sister replied, “This is the wedding garment in which your nephew Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh has clothed you! You married him to Khadījah, and he’s consummated the marriage!” The old man at first denied this but then resigned himself to what had transpired and became ashamed. At that moment some of the rajaz poets25 of Quraysh began to recite:
Do not abstain, O Khadījah, from Muḥammad,
Whose skin glimmers like the light of Pherkad.26
فلبث رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم مع خديجة حتّى ولدت له بعض بناته، وكان لها وله القاسم. وقد زعم بعض العلماء أنّها ولدت له غلامًا آخر يُسمّى الطاهر. قال: وقال بعضهم: ما نعلمها ولدت له إلّا القاسم. وولدت له بناته الأربع: زينب وفاطمة ورقيّة وأمّ كلثوم. وطفق رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم بعدما ولدت له بعض بناته يتحنّث وحُبّب إليه الخلاء.
The Messenger of God remained with Khadījah, and eventually she bore him several daughters. The two of them also had al-Qāsim. Some scholars claim that she bore him another young boy named al-Ṭāhir. Another scholar said, “We do not know of her giving birth to any boy except al-Qāsim, and she also bore him his four daughters: Zaynab, Fāṭimah, Ruqayyah, and Umm Kulthūm.” After she had born him a number of daughters, the Messenger of God also began to practice acts of religious devotion,27 and he became fond of seclusion.
عبد الرزّاق قال: أخبرنا معمر قال: أخبرنا الزهريّ قال: أخبرني عروة عن عائشة، قالت:
ʿAbd al-Razzāq said: Maʿmar related to us and said: al-Zuhrī related to us and said: ʿUrwah related to me that ʿĀʾishah said:
أوّل ما بُدئ به رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم من الوحي الرؤيا الصادقة١ فكان لا يرى رؤيا إلّا جاءت مثل فلق الصبح. ثمّ حبّب إليه الخلاء،