Лучшие романы Томаса Майна Рида / The Best of Thomas Mayne Reid. Майн Рид
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That their intentions are hostile, is to be inferred from the fact of their wearing the war costume. It is also apparent from their manner of making approach. Still further, by their dismounting at some distance from the hut, securing their horses in the underwood, and continuing their advance on foot.
Their stealthy tread – taking care to plant the foot lightly upon the fallen leaves – the precaution to keep inside the shadow – the frequent pauses, spent in looking ahead and listening – the silent gestures with which these movements are directed by him who appears to be the leader – all proclaim design, to reach the jacalé unperceived by whoever may chance to be inside it.
In this they are successful – so far as may be judged by appearances. They stand by the stockade walls, without any sign being given to show that they have been seen.
The silence inside is complete, as that they are themselves observing. There is nothing heard – not so much as the screech of a hearth-cricket.
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Texas – a state in the South West of the USA (678,358 square kilometres); till 1836 Texas belonged to Mexico; after the independence from Mexico had been declared, the territory was included in the USA and became a state in 1845
savannah – a plain with grass and no trees
prairie – a level treeless land covered with grass
the Leona – the river in Texas, USA
serape – a bright, coloured Mexican shawl or plaid
cicada – a flying insect which produces a shrill sound in hot, dry weather
nimbus – a light or golden circle round the saint’s head; a rain cloud
azure – (poet.) bright blue (usually about the sky)
centaurean – from centaur – in Greek mythology, a strange creature, half man and half horse
San Antonio de Bejar – the city in south-central Texas; it was founded by the Spanish expedition from Mexico in 1718
Osnaburgh – a linen cloth of a certain trademark
Pittsburgh – the city in Pennsylvania on the Monongahela River; the first settlement was founded in 1758
Kentucky – the state in the south of the United States (104,664 square kilometres); it was admitted as the 15th state in 1792
Jehu – the King of Israel (842–815 BC) who was a great chariot driver
Indianola – the city in central Iowa founded in 1849; there used to be a town of the same name in Texas
the Gulf of Matagorda – the Bay of Matagorda, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico in southern Texas
en route – on the way to/from (French)
cortège – a procession (French)
nankin – a kind of rich cloth
A Leghorn hat is a hat made of straw imported from Livorno, a town in Italy
A Panama hat is a light hat made of plaited palm leaves; the name comes from Panama, a Spanish-speaking republic in Central America
entourage – people accompanying a respected or high-ranking person
carriole – a light, covered carriage drawn by one horse
a Jersey wagon – a light two-wheeled carriage