Be Bully Free. Catherine Thornton L.

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Be Bully Free - Catherine Thornton L.

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      BE BULLY


      A Hands-On Guide to

      How You Can Take Control

      Michael Panckridge and

      Catherine Thornton

      Jessica Kingsley Publishers

      London and Philadelphia





What Is Bullying?


The Effects of Bullying


The Scenarios and Strategies


#1 Simon – who gets an orange thrown at him by a group of boys

       Type: Overt – Physical


#2 Trina – who experiences peer pressure to try something she doesn’t want to do

       Type: Covert


#3 Marissa – who receives nasty, anonymous texts

       Type: Cyber


#4 Tanisha – who gets the cold shoulder

       Type: Covert


#5 John – who receives negative comments on Facebook

       Type: Cyber


#6 Danny – who receives untrue emails and written messages

       Type: Overt – Verbal


#7 Melonie – who is excluded from her group

       Type: Covert


#8 Karrie – who experiences cyberbullying after posting a photo

       Type: Cyber


#9 Ashli – who is verbally put down and humiliated

       Type: Overt – Verbal


#10 Leila – who is bullied with hurtful lies

       Type: Overt – Written


#11 Billy – who experiences racial vilification

       Type: Overt – Verbal


#12 Anton – who has a hate page written about him

       Type: Cyber


#13 Matt – who is excluded from his online game

       Type: Cyber


#14 Rachael – who has her photo taken and posted

       Type: Cyber


#15 Orval – who receives threatening messages

       Type: Cyber


#16 Lauryn – who is excluded by her friends

       Type: Covert


#17 Tyrone – who receives unwelcome text messages

       Type: Cyber


#18 Wen – who receives threatening emails

       Type: Overt – Written


#19 Neil – who is pushed around and taunted

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