A Private Affair. A.C. Arthur

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A Private Affair - A.C. Arthur Mills & Boon Dare

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the glass to his lips and took a sip of aged whiskey while keeping his gaze leveled on her. She stood across the room, near a highboy table decorated to match the room’s gold-and-black decor. Her hair, which Chaz preferred loose and dancing over her shoulders, was pulled up so that the slender line of her neck was visible. Diamonds sparkled at her ears and matched the triple-tier bracelet on her left wrist. The skewed-neck design of the dress left one delectable tawny-hued shoulder bared, its tight fit outlining the perfection of her curves. Chaz took another swallow from his glass and convinced himself that the fixation he’d had on Riley Gold, for longer than he cared to admit, wasn’t at all foolish or immature.

      The man she was speaking to offered her a drink and she accepted, but she would not sip from that glass. If he was correct, and Chaz was ninety-eight percent certain he was, the glass was filled with scotch. Riley did not drink hard liquor. Champagne and red wine were her preference, as were desserts over any other portion of a meal. The fact that he knew those things and too many more to count was probably a little obsessive, but nobody had to know that but him.

      “See something you like?”

      Chaz didn’t blink at the heavily Italian-accented voice. He did spare a glance to his right, where Franco Vitali now stood.

      “I see several things of interest,” Chaz replied.

      Franco chuckled. “Even if you were not their biggest competitor in the US, she would not give you the time of day. Her heart has been frozen since the scandal years ago.”

      “Not my concern,” Chaz told him. “I like variety.”

      He did—normally. Chaz had a general affection for women and gave them his time as the need arose. Which, for the last ten years, seemed to be quite often. Starting with a simple bachelor blog, Chaz had quickly built a social media following that consisted mainly of women trying their best to end his lone-star status. He’d parlayed that success into Conversation Media, a multimillion-dollar social media consulting firm that Chaz was extremely proud to own. Riley, on the other hand, occupied another space in his mind. One he had yet to figure out.

      “Me, too,” Franco continued. “Listen, there are dozens of models in my suite. They could not come down as they were not invited. You, my friend, are invited to join me upstairs to bring in the New Year properly.”

      Chaz managed a bland grin in Franco’s direction. He’d known the guy for years, as he was one of Italy’s most talented designers. And he had an eye for good art, just like Chaz. But Chaz had never partied with Franco.

      “I think I’m good with my own celebration,” Chaz said.

      Franco shrugged his slim shoulders. “Suit yourself, compagno.”

      Alone once again, Chaz looked across the room only to be disappointed. Riley was gone. It was just as well. At least he’d had a partial dance with her. There could never be anything between them, anyway. His uncle, the feud, his new position at King Designs and the pending success of Chaz’s new venture—ChatMe, a social media platform designed for on-the-go millennials enjoying the single life—stood in the way.

      That meant Chaz had better things to do than to nurse thoughts about Riley Gold. He could save those for when he was alone in bed, as he’d been far too often to admit. Finishing his drink, Chaz decided he had time for one more business connection before the New Year rolled in. He was heading toward a well-known fashion magazine editor when he caught a glimpse of that infamous black dress and those long, sexy legs.

      Chaz knew he shouldn’t do it. He should continue his trek toward the editor, share a drink and small talk with her while dropping subtle hints about the new men’s collection being debuted at Fashion Week. He should ignore Riley Gold the same way she always tried to ignore him.

      But he didn’t.

      He couldn’t. Which made no sense at all. Chaz never chased a woman.

      To be fair, he wasn’t actually doing so now. He was just walking toward the balcony. There was no rule against a man deciding to get some air...in the place that a beautiful woman was doing the same. And it wasn’t because each time he’d seen her tonight she’d been with another man—two other men—who had been standing very close to her. That definitely wasn’t the reason he stepped onto the balcony, because Chaz was not inclined to be jealous of anyone.

      She was on the phone with her back to him.

      He should walk away now. Just let her do what she did best: freeze people—or rather, him—out for no reason. It was tempting as he stood there and thrust his hands into the front pockets of his pants. There were still plenty of women in the ballroom who he could dance with, have drinks with while the New Year rolled in and maybe even take upstairs to his room for the night. He also hadn’t forgotten Franco’s offer to attend his private party. Again, plenty of willing women. Chaz did not have to stand here and deal with Riley Gold.

      But the moment he heard the small hitch in her voice as she’d yelled at whoever she was speaking to, he knew he wasn’t going up to any private party. And he wasn’t going to snag some other woman from the ballroom. He was going to stay right here until he knew Riley was okay.

      “Yes,” she continued. “I told him that.”

      She was nodding while holding the cell phone to her ear, as if the person she was speaking to could somehow see her.

      “I said that, too. Look, RJ, you really didn’t have to call. You should be getting ready for Uncle Harry’s New Year’s Eve party, and not worrying about whether or not I could close the deal. Which, as a matter of fact, I did. Perry will be in New York on January 5 to meet with you and Dad.”

      So this was about business. She was speaking to Ronald Gold III, better known as RJ, next in line to sit on the throne at RGF. Chaz almost turned back at that point. Riley’s business was RGF’s business and that did not involve him. He should have known the only thing causing any type of emotional reaction in her would have to do with her family company. All she ever did was work.

      “Yes. Thank you. Happy New Year to you, too,” she finished before pulling the phone away from her ear and disconnecting the call.

      The wish she’d offered her brother was filled with frustration, and Chaz watched as she leaned over, resting her elbows on the railing. Straight ahead were the Duomo cathedral and glittering lights of the Milanese skyline. A gorgeous sight to behold. But Riley lowered her head and sighed.

      Chaz had never seen her this way. Riley Gold was a fierce, intelligent woman who had proved herself as one of the most talented and shrewd businesswomen he’d ever met. If she had a weakness, no one would ever know what it was. If she faltered, nobody would ever witness it. She was gorgeous and on point every second of every day. Until now.

      His first instinct was to walk right up, wrap his arms around her waist and revel in the feel of her back pressed against him. He would remind her that there was a time for business and a time for pleasure. Then he would drop a soft kiss on her temple and continue to hold her until she cuddled into his embrace. Then he would...

      Chaz cleared his throat and pushed those ridiculous thoughts out of his mind. “Working on New Year’s Eve?” he asked, still standing a short distance away from her.

      She jumped, her elbows slipping on the railing so that it appeared she might fall. Chaz didn’t hesitate. He hurried over, wrapping his arm around her waist in the same way he’d just been contemplating, and pulled her back against him.


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