A Private Affair. A.C. Arthur

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A Private Affair - A.C. Arthur Mills & Boon Dare

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a person burned by the lies in tabloids, you should know better than to believe anything they print,” he replied, anyway, but then wondered if he’d gone too far. The last thing he wanted was to irritate her.

      “You’re right,” she countered, quicker than he expected.

      “But if you want to know if I have a girlfriend, the answer is no.”

      Her fingers moved on her thigh, but she didn’t speak. They’d slowed down, Chaz thought. From the time they’d first come up here, until now, her fingers had gone from clenching together, to rubbing along the stem of the wineglass, to resting on her thigh. Chaz had never seen Riley nervous. He doubted she felt that way often and he almost smiled with the realization that she must be relaxing with him.

      “Do you have a boyfriend?”

      Chaz was almost positive she was single, but he didn’t want her to think he was presumptuous.

      “No,” she replied. “I’m not in the market for a boyfriend, fiancé or husband. I’m fine being single.”

      Because the other way hadn’t worked for her. Chaz knew and had no desire to rehash any of that for her.

      “So am I,” he said.

      “Why? Your uncle definitely believes in the institution of marriage. I’m surprised he’s not pressuring you to settle down.”

      “That’s precisely why I’m still single,” Chaz admitted. “Uncle Tobias was on his fourth wife when he took me in after my parents’ deaths. Twenty-four years later and he’s on wife number eight. He averages around three to four years with each one, before he decides to trade for a newer model.”

      “Wow, that’s a little harsh. You don’t think he’s really falling in love with them?”

      “Only if he can fall out of love with them just as often. It seems like a vicious cycle to me.”

      “A cycle indeed,” she added. “My parents may be the exception to the rule. They’ve been married for thirty-eight years this coming June. I think theirs is a real, true love.”

      “But you’re not looking for that yourself?”

      She shook her head. “Absolutely not. My focus right now is on RGF. That’s all.”

      “Yes, it’s about to get busy on the work front for both of us. But you should always have a balance between work and play,” he said and then stood. “Do you want another glass of wine?”

      Another drink, more small talk, whatever it took to make Riley feel comfortable with the deal they’d made. He could still smell her sweet and intoxicating scent on his fingers and his erection hadn’t abated, but there was no rush. They had all night.

      Then what?

      Then nothing. They’d get up in the morning and go home. Done.

      When she nodded, Chaz took their glasses inside. He poured them both some wine and returned to the terrace. Riley was standing now, too, leaning a hip against the railing as she watched him walk toward her. Chaz handed her the glass.

      “Do you have a New Year’s resolution?” she asked.

      He shrugged. “Never make them. My professional goals are the same each year.”

      Chaz watched as one of her elegantly arched brows lifted.

      “What about your personal goals? Balance of work and play, remember?”

      She smiled and Chaz felt the air leave his lungs. Straight white teeth and plump lips. The memory of their scorching kisses would forever be emblazoned on his mind. But it wasn’t her mouth that had physically assaulted Chaz in that moment, it was the light he saw flash in her eyes. The little bit of laughter that had joined her smile.

      “I want to take more time to paint,” he admitted. Something he’d never told anyone else.

      “You’re an artist?”

      “Something like that,” he said before downing the contents of his glass. He was suddenly very thirsty.

      And very ready to take her. Chaz looked at the empty glass momentarily and then walked over to a table and set it down.

      When he returned to stand in front of Riley, he asked, “What’s your New Year’s resolution?”

      She tilted her head as she contemplated a response.

      “To have a kick-ass launch at every event this year,” she replied without hesitation.

      Chaz stepped closer, lifting a hand to cup her cheek. “Then let’s not think about work tonight. If this is the only time you’ll have for play this year, let’s make it count.”

      He’d been rubbing his thumb over the smooth skin of her cheek when it brushed past her lip. In seconds she was licking the same spot. His cock jumped.

      “I agree. We’ll make tonight count,” she whispered.

      Chaz took her glass and set it on the table next to his before pulling her into his arms, taking her mouth into a hot kiss. She returned his kiss with fervor, twining her arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

      There wasn’t any part of her that he didn’t want to touch, kiss, lick and thoroughly enjoy. He couldn’t thank her enough for agreeing to this, for wanting this as much as he did. Dragging his mouth from her lips, he suckled her neck, his hands going flat on her back before he unzipped her dress.

      “Happy New Year, Riley,” he whispered the moment his fingers moved along her bare skin.

      She shocked and pleased him immensely by pressing a hand between their bodies and finding his rigid erection before unzipping his pants. “Happy New Year, Chaz.”


      HE WAS HARD and hot in her hands. When her slim fingers wrapped around his thick cock, Riley sighed with pleasure, while the persistent hum of arousal grew in the pit of her stomach. After unzipping his pants and freeing his erection, she’d closed her eyes to savor the feel of him and the wonder of this moment. She was actually doing this, and she was enjoying it.

      Opening her eyes, Riley glanced down to see her hands on him. Their skin tones were different, hers lighter, his darker. Her fingers seemed too small against his length and width, yet she jerked him slowly, sliding her fingers from the base of his cock until her thumb brushed over the tip.

      Chaz sucked in a breath and groaned, “Do that again.”

      She did, but not because he said so, because she liked it, too. His skin felt silky and the sound of his groan rubbed along the most primal part of her. The part that enjoyed the power she had at this moment.

      “I thought about...this.” She’d almost admitted that she’d thought about him specifically instead of simply fantasizing about the physical that was now happening. For Riley there was a distinct difference—thinking

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