A Private Affair. A.C. Arthur

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A Private Affair - A.C. Arthur Mills & Boon Dare

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movie, while considering how it would feel to kiss him or have sex with him was physical, pure and simple.

      “You thought about jerking me off until I came in your hands.” His voice was low but deep.

      Her fingers stilled over his tip, feeling the first drops of warm moisture.

      “I thought about you, too, Riley. I thought about taking your mouth in a hot-as-hell kiss.” As if to punctuate that statement he cupped her cheeks and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was chaste for only a second, before his tongue pushed through the barrier of her lips, tangling instantly with hers until she was breathless.

      “I thought about getting my hands on you,” he continued when his mouth was moving over the soft skin of her jaw.

      Riley continued stroking him while tilting her neck back so he could have better access. Just a few minutes ago they’d toasted the New Year, now Riley felt as if she needed another drink. Anything to cool the heat that was soaring through her at this moment.

      “Harder, Riley, honey. Stroke me harder.”

      He was pumping into her hand as his tongue trailed a hot path down her skin.

      “Yeah, like that,” he groaned and nipped the skin of her collarbone with his teeth.

      Riley shivered and clenched her teeth as she fought to hold in the moan of pleasure that soared through her body. This was just sex. It wasn’t some epiphany that would change the way she viewed relationships or even how she felt about Chaz and his family.

      She needed his clothes off and moved her hands from his rigid length up to his chest, where she was about to push his jacket over his shoulders. A loud sound stopped her and Riley realized it was more fireworks popping off. She looked around them quickly and felt a cool breeze over her bare skin.

      Damn! They were still outside on the balcony. Riley backed away from him, praying no one had seen them. Chaz’s gaze found hers, and before she could speak he scooped her up, carrying her through the glass doors and into the bedroom.

      While he took his time laying her down on the bed, his hands moved furiously to remove her dress. Riley was just about to lift her leg to remove her shoe when he said, “Leave them.”

      She shivered, this time from a chill and the way he was staring at her with such raw hunger. For a moment Riley thought she might have gone too far. Was she really going to do this? It had been so long...too long.

      “Everybody thinks you’re perfect. They have no idea.” He sounded as if he were in awe, his voice running like warm oil along every nerve in her body.

      She propped herself up on her elbows and dragged her legs onto the bed slowly until the spiked heel of her shoe dug into the cream-colored silk duvet. With her eyes locked on his, Riley let her knees fall apart and reveled in the quick hiss of breath he expelled before the guttural curse that followed.

      If nothing else, Chaz Warren was damn good for her ego.

      He looked at her as if she were the only woman in the world—no, as if she were the only woman in the world he wanted. That want was apparent in his eyes, which had grown darker than their usual russet-brown color. His lips thinned as his tongue snaked out to ease over them. He looked hungry and she felt as if she were sitting on a sterling-silver tray, offering herself to him.

      Chaz snatched his jacket off. His fingers moved lightning fast over the bow tie and buttons of his shirt, until his chest was bare and it was Riley’s turn to lick her lips at the delectable specimen standing before her.

      “I’ve watched you for so long, wondering what this moment would finally feel like.”

      Why did his voice arouse her this way? He was just a man talking as men sometimes did during sex. It should not have sent shivers down her spine or caused her thighs to tremble. But it did.

      She’d already undone the buckle of his pants so all he had to do was push them and his boxers down his toned legs. He paused to remove his wallet from his back pocket.

      He pulled out a strip of condoms and tossed them onto the bed beside her. “I don’t know if this is gonna be enough for twenty-four hours.”

      “I have some,” she told him before reaching for the plastic and ripping one packet from the others.

      While he finished removing his pants, boxers and shoes, Riley tore open the condom packet and tossed the plastic to the side. She was just about to sit up so that she could put the condom on him, when Chaz stood at the end of the bed. Her fingers paused over the latex while she soaked in every gorgeous inch of his body. In the dimness of the room—there was only light from the small lamp near the window she’d forgotten to turn off when she left—he looked like a chocolate Adonis. Every part of his body was perfectly sculpted, from the bulging biceps and pectoral muscles to his tapered waist and beautiful erection, which jutted forward as if it, too, were glad this moment had finally arrived. But even with all that, Riley’s eyes went right back to his shoulders. She definitely had a thing for good strong shoulders on a man.

      “Tonight, you can have whatever you want, Riley.”

      Like he could read her mind, Chaz reached out to take one of her ankles in his hand. She had no idea what he was about to do but didn’t really give a damn as long as he buried his long cock deep inside her as soon as humanly possible.

      Chaz lifted that leg until it was extended straight into the air. He kissed her ankle and rubbed his hand up her bare calf. The closer his fingers came to her inner thigh, Riley’s fingers trembled and she almost dropped the condom she’d forgotten she was holding. He inched higher until his fingers touched the tender folds of her pussy, easing through them to find that she was already slick with need.

      “Is this for me?” he asked, and Riley had to gulp hard before she could form a coherent response.

      “Tonight,” she whispered.

      For a moment Chaz looked as if he wanted to say something else, but he nodded instead. He dragged two fingers down her slit, back and forth until the sound of her arousal mixing with the motion echoed in the room. She gasped because a single touch had never made her this edgy and needy before. Riley wanted to jump up and wrap her legs around him. She wanted him inside her. Now!

      With that thought, she rose and reached for him. Chaz was faster. He grasped her wrists, stopping her from touching him.

      “We don’t have to rush,” he said. “I want to take my time with you, Riley. I want you to remember every second of this night.”

      Riley shook her head. “I want it now. Hot and fast.”

      He did not immediately respond and in those quiet seconds Riley realized she ached enough to beg. But, oh, how she prayed she wouldn’t have to. Every higher deity in the universe must have heard her prayer because in the next seconds Chaz slipped the condom from her fingers and sheathed his thick length. He pushed her back onto the bed and lifted both her ankles to rest on his shoulders.

      “This time,” he said, his brow furrowed as he eased onto the bed. “Just this one time we’ll go fast.”

      Riley didn’t know if she should thank him or not, but the thought died when Chaz planted his hands under her ass cheeks and spread her enough so that his dick could slide into her with one slow and viciously erotic thrust.

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