A Private Affair. A.C. Arthur

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A Private Affair - A.C. Arthur Mills & Boon Dare

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control like a safety net and the only way beneath the shields she’d erected around not just her heart, but her entire life, was through pleasure. It was the one thing she couldn’t fight, because she hadn’t received enough of it in her life. She hungered for it even though she would never allow herself to admit that. But Chaz knew and he’d waited long enough for the moment where he could start to push past her barriers.

      He’d eased into her until his heavy sac touched the warm wetness of her folds. She’d stretched for him so beautifully, her walls opening and then gripping him so tight he’d had to close his eyes to the staggering bliss. His entire body had gone still as his mind wrapped itself around the feel of her.

      Now Chaz pulled out until only the tip remained sheathed by her heat. He watched her arms slam down onto the bed, fingers gathering the duvet as she squeezed, and shook her head. “Don’t,” she whimpered.

      “Shh. I got you,” he promised and slammed into her again.

      She wanted fast and hot. Chaz would oblige.

      His knees were on the bed now and he grasped her ankles again, spreading her legs this time until they were in a wide V. He thrust into her in quick succession, watching as every emotion from surprise to fulfillment flitted across her face. Her hair had been so neat he’d been afraid to touch it while in the ballroom, but now strands had broken free of the smooth knot, falling around her face in an angelic fashion.

      “Yes!” Her teeth were clenched as the word fell from her lips. Her eyes were closed, full breasts moving with each thrust.

      Chaz moved a hand down until his thumb covered her clit. She gasped and he smiled on the inside.

      “This hot enough for you?” He circled her clit with the gentlest touch.

      She panted and nodded.

      “Look at me, Riley.” Chaz didn’t want her to just remember every second of this night. He wanted her to remember everything he did to her. Every touch, kiss and spark of pleasure he elicited from her.

      Her eyes opened slowly as if she were waking from a deep slumber—lovely cognac-brown eyes with just a hint of red along the edges. How many times had Chaz awakened in the middle of the night, dick hard and on the brink of embarrassing the hell out of himself, because those eyes had taunted him in his dreams? Too damn many.

      He pulled his hand back and slipped a finger slowly into his mouth, his dick throbbing inside her as her intent gaze followed that finger from his lips and back down. He touched her clit again and she closed her eyes.

      “No, Riley. Open those pretty eyes, baby. I want you to see everything I do to you.”

      Her eyes popped open quickly and Chaz circled her clit with his damp finger while only marginally slowing his thrusts into her. She yanked a hand away from the blanket to reach up and cup her breast. Squeezing so her pebble-hard nipple peeked between her fingers. Chaz clenched his teeth at the sexy sight.

      “Tell me you want it faster, Riley. Tell me now!”

      She was moaning and stroking her breast. “Faster!” It was an emphatic whimper and Chaz loved the sound.

      He pounded into her, continuing to work her clit until she was gasping and moaning. He wanted to hear her say his name but knew she wouldn’t. Not without him prompting her. And Chaz wasn’t going to prompt her. Not for everything. There were pieces of Riley he wanted, but only if she gave them freely. And right now, all she was about to give him was her release.

      “Fast and hot,” he groaned. “You’re so fuckin’ hot, Riley! I don’t care what anybody else says, you’re scorching hot, baby!”

      She arched off the bed, her thighs trembling as her release stormed through her body.

      “Yes! Give it all to me, Riley! Give me what’s mine.”

      Chaz lost himself in the moment. Glorious sensations rippling over every muscle in his body as he continued moving in and out of her. There’d never been a place that felt like this. The perfect fit, the deep thrusts, the mind-boggling feeling that pulsed through him as he gritted his teeth and held on tightly to her ankles when his own release filled the condom.

      When he could take a breath without feeling as if he were going to pass out, Chaz kissed both her ankles and smiled at those sexy-as-hell heels she was still wearing. He was just about to ease her legs down to the bed, pull out of her and lie beside her, when Riley moved first.

      She lowered her legs, ignoring his grip that instantly loosened. She was away from him and off the bed in seconds. Chaz was still on his knees blinking as she grabbed a black silk robe from a chair and carried it into the bathroom, where she immediately closed and locked the door.

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