The Good Behaviour Book. Марта Сирс
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Expect discipline problems to occur when the child lacks a facilitator. A child forced to function on his own will become frustrated and discouraged. I’ve watched children try to function without the help of a parent or someone else to act as a facilitator: The child seems angry, as if he senses that he is missing out on the help he needs. He will either withdraw out of insecurity or, if gifted with a persistent personality, make himself noisy enough to get help. Either way, his emotional and intellectual development are compromised. One of the main features I have noticed among attachment-parented children and their facilitator parents is these children know how to use adult resources to their advantage, and the parents know how to respond appropriately. Ideally, for two years, the facilitator is mainly the mother and then gradually both of the parents as the father helps the child move away from “mother only”. As children grow they may latch on to additional facilitators: grandparents, teachers, coaches, scoutmasters, and so on. It’s the parents’ job to monitor these, persons of significance in their child’s life. Behaviour often deteriorates when a child must function without these special persons. Throughout this book you will find many suggestions to help you become a facilitator.
how attachment parenting makes discipline easier
You probably never thought of these attachment tools as being acts of discipline, but they are. Attachment parenting is like immunizing your child against emotional diseases later on. Here are other ways this style of parenting improves the behaviour of your child and the way he experiences life. Jill, an attached mother of three, told us: “Knowing my children empowers me.” This kid knowledge becomes like a sixth sense enabling you to anticipate and control situations to keep your kids out of trouble. Our daughter-in-law Diane describes her experience with this style of parenting: “I know Lea so deeply at every stage of her development. Attachment parenting allows me to put myself in her shoes. I imagine how she needs me to act.”
Attachment parenting promotes mutual sensitivity. At six years of age Matthew would come to me with a request, “Dad, I think I know the answer, but …” Because our mutual sensitivity and trust is so high, he knows when to expect a “yes” or a “no” answer. He tests me, but knows my answer. The connected parent and child easily communicate each other’s feelings. Once connected to your child you will be able to read his body language and appropriately redirect behaviour, and your child will be able to read your desires and strive to please. As one connected parent put it: “Often all I have to do is look at him disapprovingly and he stops misbehaving.”
Attachment parenting produces people who care. General Norman Schwarzkopf once said, “Men who can’t cry scare me.” Many of the world’s problems can be traced to one group of people being insensitive to the needs and rights of another group. One of the mothers in my practice arranged a talk for a group of attachment mothers, and she invited one of the survivors of the Holocaust to come and tell her story. Commenting on the social benefits of sensitive parenting, the survivor concluded her talk, “Because of children like yours, this tragedy will never happen again.”
an exercise in sensitivity
Because of misguided teachings from “experts”, some mothers have to go through “deprogramming” before they can let themselves respond naturally. Try this exercise: When a baby cries (yours or someone else’s), examine the first feeling that comes over you. Does the cry bother you in the right way, prompting an irresistible urge to lovingly pick up and comfort the baby? Or does the baby’s cry trigger insensitivity: “I’m not going to let this little person control me.” If you have a less than nurturing response, you are at risk for a disappointing disciplinary relationship with your child, and you need to learn more about the needs of tiny babies and to rethink the giving end of parenthood.
A mother I counselled in my surgery during a prenatal interview was worried that she wouldn’t be a good mother. I asked her how she feels when she hears babies cry. She responded, “I just can’t stand to leave a baby crying. I want to rush over and pick that baby up. It bothers me to see other mothers ignore their babies’ cries.” I assured this woman that she was very likely to be a good mother because she had the quality of sensitivity. Cries bother sensitive women – and men too. Cries are supposed to bother us.
Attachment parenting organizes babies. To understand better how attachment parenting organizes infant behaviour, think of a baby’s gestation as lasting eighteen months – nine months inside the womb, and at least nine more months outside. The womb environment regulates the baby’s systems automatically. Birth temporarily disrupts this organization. Attachment parenting provides a gentle, sensitive, external regulating system that takes over where the womb left off. When a mother carries her baby her rhythmic walk, familiar from the baby’s time in the womb, has a calming effect. When the baby is cuddled close to his mother’s breast, her heartbeat reminds him of the sounds of the womb. When baby is draped across mum or dad’s chest, he senses the rhythmic breathing. Being kept warm and held close calms him and helps him control his reflexes. This high-touch style of parenting, with its emphasis on keeping the baby comfortable, has a regulating effect on the infant’s disorganized rhythms. Baby knows where he belongs. With his needs for food, warmth, comfort, and stimulation receiving predictable responses, the attachment-parented baby is physiologically better off. A 1993 study compared sleep-wake patterns and heart rates of breast- and bottle-fed babies. The breastfed babies showed more energy-efficient heart rates and sleep patterns. They were more organized. The researchers concluded that a baby who isn’t breastfed is like an engine out of tune.
synthetic substitutes
Soothing babies has become big business. There are vibrating beds, lullaby-singing teddy bears, battery-operated swings, and bottle holders. These synthetic sitters are snapped up by tired parents in hopes of making life with baby easier. While many parents need a break, and artificial soothers can provide this occasionally, a steady diet of synthetic subs will sabotage your discipline. Using your own resources when the going gets tough boosts your creativity, your patience, and your confidence – all of which you will need to discipline your child. And if the use of artificial substitutes gets out of balance, your baby is at risk of learning to be comforted by things rather than people. As you browse through baby stores, hold on to your credit cards. Relying too much on synthetic help early on may set you up for later disappointment when you realize there are no substitutes for disciplining your child.
Attachment parenting promotes quiet alertness. Both research and our own experience have demonstrated that attachment-parented babies cry much less. So what do they do with their free time? They spend much of it in the state of quiet alertness. During waking hours, babies go through many types of behaviour: crying, sleepy, alert and agitated, and quietly alert. Babies are most attentive to their environment in the state of quiet alertness. By not fussing and crying, they conserve their energy and use it for interacting. The result is that they are more pleasant to be with. And because a responsive parent takes time to enjoy the baby when he is in this state, the baby is motivated to stay quietly alert for longer.
Attachment-parenting promotes trust. Being in charge of your child is an important part of discipline. Children need to know that they can depend on their parents not only to