An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов

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An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology - Группа авторов

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11.2 Experimental Hybridization: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Control 11.3 Analytical Techniques References Further Reading 12 Use of Enzymes in the Modification of Nucleic Acids 12.1 Restriction Enzymes (Restriction Endonucleases) 12.2 Ligases 12.3 Methyltransferases 12.4 DNA Polymerases 12.5 RNA Polymerases and Reverse Transcriptase 12.6 Nucleases 12.7 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 12.8 Phosphatases Further Reading 13 Polymerase Chain Reaction 13.1 Introduction 13.2 PCR Methods 13.3 PCR as a Quantitative Method 13.4 Areas of Application Further Reading 14 DNA Sequencing 14.1 Introduction 14.2 The Sanger Method 14.3 Pyrosequencing 14.4 Second‐Generation Sequencing: Illumina and Ion Torrent 14.5 Third‐Generation Sequencing Techniques 14.6 The Impact of the DNA Sequencing Technology References Further Reading Websites 15 Cloning Procedures 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Construction of Recombinant Vectors Further Reading 16 Expression of Recombinant Proteins 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Expression of Recombinant Proteins in Host Organisms 16.3 Expression in Cell‐Free Systems Further Reading 17 Patch Clamp Method 17.1 Ion Channels 17.2 Technical Requirements of the Patch Clamp Method 17.3 Patch Clamp Configurations 17.4 Applications of the Patch Clamp Method Reference Further Reading 18 Cell Cycle Analysis 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Analyzing the Cell Cycle 18.3 Experimental Analysis of the Cell Cycle Acknowledgments Further Reading 19 Microscopic Techniques 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Electron Microscopy 19.3 Atomic or Scanning Force Microscopy 19.4 Light Microscopy 19.5 Microscopy in the Living Cell Further Reading 20 Laser Applications 20.1 Laser Development: A Historical Perspective 20.2 Types of Lasers and Setups 20.3 Properties of Laser Radiation 20.4 Applications Further Reading

      7  Part III: Key Topics 21 Sequencing the Universe of Life 21.1 What to Sequence? 21.2 Sequencing Projects: Human 21.3 Sequencing Other Species, Environments, … 21.4 Sequencing in the Clinics: Personalizing Oncology 21.5 Sequencing in the Private Sector: Direct to Consumer Testing (DTC) 21.6 The Information Content of a Genome Sequence and Ethical Consequences References 22 Cellular Systems Biology 22.1 Introduction 22.2 Analysis of Cellular Networks by Top‐Down Approaches 22.3

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