An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов

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An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology - Группа авторов

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Overview over Bottom‐Up Modeling of Biochemical Networks Further Reading References 23 Protein–Protein and Protein–DNA Interactions 23.1 Protein–Protein Interactions 23.2 Protein–DNA Interactions References Further Reading 24 Bioinformatics 24.1 Introduction 24.2 Data Sources 24.3 Sequence Analysis 24.4 Evolutionary Bioinformatics 24.5 Gene Prediction 24.6 Bioinformatics in Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis 24.7 Analysis of Ultraparallel Sequencing Data 24.8 Bioinformatic Software Further Reading 25 Drug Research 25.1 Introduction 25.2 Active Compounds and Their Targets 25.3 Preclinical Pharmacology and Toxicology 25.4 Clinical Development 25.5 Clinical Testing Further Reading 26 Drug Targeting and Prodrugs 26.1 Drug Targeting 26.2 Prodrugs 26.3 Penetration of Drugs Through Biological Membranes 26.4 Prodrugs to Extend Duration of Effect 26.5 Prodrugs for the Targeted Release of a Drug 26.6 Prodrugs to Minimize Side Effects References 27 Molecular Diagnostics in Medicine 27.1 Introduction 27.2 Uses of Molecular Diagnostics 27.3 Which Molecular Variations Should be Detected 27.4 Molecular Diagnostic Methods 27.5 Outlook Further Reading 28 Recombinant Antibodies and Phage Display 28.1 Introduction 28.2 Generation of Specific Recombinant Antibodies 28.3 Production and Purification of Recombinant Antibodies 28.4 Features and Applications of Recombinant Antibodies 28.5 Outlook Further Reading References 29 Genetically Modified Mice and Their Impact in Medical Research 29.1 Overview 29.2 Transgenic Mice 29.3 Homologous Recombination: Knockout (Knock‐In) Mice 29.4 Endonuclease‐Based Knockout Mice 29.5 Endonuclease‐Based Knock‐In Mice 29.6 Conditionally Regulated Gene Expression 29.7 Gene Transfer to Subpopulations of Cells 29.8 Impact of Genetically Modified Mice in Biomedicine 29.9 Outlook Reference Further Reading 30 Plant Biotechnology 30.1 Introduction 30.2 Gene Expression Control and Genome Editing 30.3 Production of Transgenic Plants 30.4 Selection of Transformed Plant Cells 30.5 Regeneration of Transgenic Plants 30.6 Plant Analysis: Identification and Characterization of Genetically Engineered Plants Further Reading 31 Biocatalysis in the Chemical Industry 31.1 Introduction 31.2 Bioconversion/Enzymatic Procedures 31.3 Development of an Enzyme for Industrial Biocatalysis 31.4 Fermentative Procedures References

      8  Part IV: Biotechnology in Industry 32 Industrial Application: Biotech Industry, Markets, and Opportunities

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