Organic Mechanisms. Xiaoping Sun

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Organic Mechanisms - Xiaoping Sun

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more than two p orbitals overlap sideways, it results in the formation of a conjugate π bond. Similar to the separate π bonds (formed by sideway overlap of two p orbitals), a conjugate π bond consists of series of MOs formed by linear combinations of the contributing p orbitals. The number of constituent MOs is equal to the number of contributing p orbitals. For example, the conjugate π‐bond of allyl radical (CH2=CHCH2˙), formed by sideway overlap of three p orbitals in the carbon atoms, consists of the following three MOs (Fig. 1.11a):

equation equation equation

      The conjugate π‐bond of 1,3‐butadiene (CH2=CHCH=CH2), formed by sideway overlap of four p orbitals in the carbon atoms, consists of the following four MOs (Fig. 1.11b):

equation equation equation equation

      In each of the molecules, since all the p orbitals are from carbon atoms, their contributions to each of the MOs are equal.

      1.8.2 Molecular Orbital Diagrams

Schematic illustration of the formation of conjugate π bonds from p orbitals in (a) the allyl radical and (b) the 1,3-butadiene molecule. Chemical structures of the resonance stabilization of benzene.

      1.8.3 Resonance Stabilization

      By the nature, resonance stabilization is a result of electron delocalization in a molecule, which leads to decrease in energy and stabilizes the molecule. It typically occurs in the pπ systems. First, we will use the benzene molecule as an example to demonstrate the nature of resonance stabilization.


      Since the structures I and II are equivalent, the contributions of both Lewis structures to the real structure of the benzene molecule should be equal. Therefore, we have a = b. Due to the electron delocalization, the real structure III has lower energy than that of structure I or II. Such stabilization by electron delocalization is called resonance stabilization.

Chemical reaction depicts the possible resonance structures for the carbonyl group. Chemical reaction depicts the resonance stabilization of the anolate anion. equation

      Due to a charge separation, the structure B possesses a higher energy than does the structure A. The contributions of structures A and

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