Organic Mechanisms. Xiaoping Sun

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Organic Mechanisms - Xiaoping Sun

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is a negative constant (ρ < 0). An EWG (σ > 0) will destabilize the transition state carrying a positive charge, making the kA/kH < 1 [lg(kA/kH) < 0]. An EDG (σ < 0) will stabilize the transition state carrying a positive charge, making the kA/kH > 1 [lg(kA/kH) > 0]. Both EWG and EDG require a negative ρ constant to maintain the Hammett equation. For the reactions which develop a negative charge (or destroy a positive charge) in the transition state of the rate‐determining step, ρ in the Hammett equation is a positive constant (ρ > 0). An EWG (σ > 0) will stabilize the transition state carrying a negative charge, making the kA/kH > 1 [lg(kA/kH) > 0]. An EDG (σ < 0) will destabilize the transition state carrying a negative charge, making the kA/kH < 1 [lg(kA/kH) < 0]. Both EWG and EDG require a positive ρ constant to maintain the Hammett equation.

Chemical reactions depict the substituted benzenes. (a) Electrophilic aromatic substitution, (b) Nucleophilic aromatic substitution, (c) Hydrolysis, (d) SN2 reaction, and (e) Dissociation.

      1.8.1 Formation of Molecular Orbitals from Atomic Orbitals

Schematic illustration of the shapes of the s and p orbitals in the three-dimensional space.

      ψ1 and ψ2 represent atomic orbitals of the two approaching atoms 1 and 2, respectively. c11, c12, c21, and c22 are constants (positive, zero, or negative). Φ1 and Φ2 are the resulting molecular orbitals from linear combinations of ψ1 and ψ2. By the nature, the molecular orbitals are one‐electron wavefunctions. However, they can approximately characterize the behavior of electrons in a many‐electron molecule. In principle, the number of molecular orbitals formed is equal to the number of participating atomic orbitals which overlap in a molecule. In other words, the participating atomic orbitals can combine linearly in

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