Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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       Large icosahedral capsids contain dedicated stabilizing proteins or multiple protein shells that reinforce one another.

       While ordered RNA can be observed, how genomes are condensed and organized within virus particles is largely obscure.

       Some large viruses are built with structural elements recognizable from simpler viruses.

       Virus particles can contain nonstructural components, including enzymes, small RNAs, and cellular macromolecules.

Protection of the genome
Assembly of a stable protective protein shell
Specific recognition and packaging of the nucleic acid genome
Interaction with host cell membranes to form the envelope
Delivery of the genome
Binding to external receptors of the host cell
Transmission of signals that induce uncoating of the genome
Induction of fusion with host cell membranes
Interaction with internal components of the infected cell to direct transport of the genome to the appropriate site
Other functions
Interactions with cellular components for transport to intracellular sites of assembly
Interactions with cellular components to ensure an efficient infectious cycle

      As might be anticipated, elucidation of the structures of virus particles and individual structural proteins has illuminated the mechanisms of both assembly of viral nanomachines in the final stages of an infectious cycle and their entry into a new host cell. High-resolution structural information can also facilitate identification of targets for antiviral drugs, as well as the design of such drugs (Volume II, Chapter 8), and provide insights into the dynamic interplay between important viral pathogens and host adaptive immune responses (Volume II, Chapter 4). As we shall see, cataloguing of virus architecture has also revealed completely unanticipated relationships among viruses of different families that infect evolutionarily divergent hosts, and has suggested new principles of virus classification.

Term Synonym Definition
Subunit (protein subunit) Single, folded polypeptide chain
Structural unit Asymmetric unit Unit from which capsids or nucleocapsids are built; may comprise one protein subunit or multiple, different protein subunits
Capsid Coat The protein shell surrounding the nucleic acid genome
Nucleocapsid Core The nucleic acid-protein assembly packaged within the virion; used when this assembly is a discrete substructure of a particle
Envelope Viral membrane The host cell-derived lipid bilayer carrying viral glycoproteins
Virion The infectious virus particle

      The greatest contrast between virus particle and

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