Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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μ (the number of subunits per turn). The pitch of the helix, P, is given by the formula P = ρ × μ. (B) Tobacco mosaic virus. (Left) A cryo-EM reconstruction at <5-Å resolution of a 70-nm segment of this particle. Each helical turn contains 16.3 protein molecules. Reprinted from Sachse J et al. 2007. J Mol Biol 371:812–835, with permission. Courtesy of N. Grigorieff, Leibniz-Institut für Alterforschung, Jena, Germany. (Right) The regular interaction of the (+) strand RNA genome with coat protein subunits is illustrated in the model based on an X-ray diffraction structure. Data from Namba K et al. 1989. J Mol Biol 208:307–325. (C) Vesicular stomatitis virus. Representative averages of cryo-EM images of the central trunk, conical tip, and flat base of this bullet-shaped virus particle are shown at the left. The trunk and tip were analyzed and reconstructed separately to form the montage model shown on the right, with N and M proteins in green and blue, respectively, and the membrane in purple and pink. The N protein packages the (−) strand RNA genome in a left-handed helix. The crystal structure of N determined in an N-RNA complex (Fig. 4.7) fits unambiguously with the cryo-EM density of trunk N subunits. The turns of the N protein helix are not closely associated with one another, a property that accounts for the unwinding of the nucleoprotein in the absence of M (see text), which forms an outer, left-handed helix. At the tip, N molecules interact in the absence of RNA. In the trunk, the N helix contains 37.5 subunits per turn. Comparison of N-N interactions in such a turn and in rings of 10 N molecules (Fig 4.7), as well as the results of mutational analysis, are consistent with formation of rings containing increasing numbers of N molecules from the tip via different modes of N-N interaction induced by association with long genomic RNA. Once a second turn of the N-RNA is stacked on the first, the M protein can bind to add rigidity. Reprinted from Ge P et al. 2010. Science 327:689–693, with permission. Courtesy of Z.H. Zhou, University of California, Los Angeles.


       General Principles

      In solid geometry, each of the 20 faces of an icosahedron is an equilateral triangle, and five such triangles interact at each of the 12 vertices (Fig. 4.9A). In the simplest protein shells, a trimer of

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