Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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a T = 3 structure. As their name implies, the picornaviruses are among the smallest of animal viruses. In contrast to the T = 1 parvoviruses, the ~30-nm-diameter poliovirus particle is composed of 60 copies of a multimeric structural unit. It contains a (+) strand RNA genome of ~7.5 kb and its covalently attached 5′-terminal protein, VPg (Appendix, Fig. 21). Our understanding of the architecture of the Picornaviridae took a quantum leap in 1985 with the determination of high-resolution structures of human rhinovirus 14 and poliovirus.

      The overall similarity in shape of the β-barrel domains of poliovirus VP1, VP2, and VP3 facilitates both their interaction with one another to form the 60 structural units of the capsid and the packing of these units. How well these interactions are tailored to form a protective shell is illustrated by the model of the capsid shown in Fig. 4.13: the extensive interactions among the β-barrel domains of adjacent proteins form a dense, rigid protein shell around a central cavity in which the genome resides. The packing of the β-barrel domains is reinforced by a network of protein-protein contacts on the inside of the capsid, which are particularly extensive about the fivefold axes (Fig. 4.13C). The interaction of five VP1 molecules, which is unique to the fivefold axes, results in a prominent protrusion extending to about 25 Å from the capsid shell (Fig. 4.13A). The protrusion appears as a steep-walled plateau encircled by a valley or cleft. In the capsids of many picornaviruses, these depressions, which may contain the receptor-binding sites, are so deep that they have been termed canyons.

      One of several important lessons learned from high-resolution analysis of picornavirus capsids is that their design does not conform strictly to the principle of quasiequivalence. For example, despite the topological identity and geometric similarity of the jelly roll domains of the proteins that form the capsid shell, the subunits do not engage in quasiequivalent bonding: interactions among VP1 molecules around the fivefold axes are neither chemically nor structurally equivalent to those in which VP2 or VP3 engage.


       Remarkable architectural relationships among viruses with double-stranded DNA genomes

      Viruses with double-stranded DNA genomes are currently classified by the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses into 31 families on the basis of the criteria described in Chapter 1. As might be expected, these viruses exhibit different morphologies and infect diverse organisms representing all three domains of life. They span a large size range, with genomes from a few kilobase pairs (members of the Polyomaviridae) to >2,500 kbp (Pandoravirus). Nevertheless, consideration of structural properties indicates that these very disparate virus families in fact represent a limited number of architectural types.

      Structural information is now available for the major capsid proteins of representatives of some two-thirds of families of known double-stranded DNA viruses. Based on the fold of the proteins, most of these families can be assigned to one of just five structural classes. It is noteworthy that the two most common major capsid protein folds, the double β-barrel jelly roll and the HK97-like, are found in viruses that infect Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya (including mammals), as summarized in the figure.

      The small number of building blocks seen in the major capsid proteins of these viruses might indicate

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