Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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similar, and in the case of simian virus 40, the majority of VP1 pentamers are packed in hexameric arrays. Nevertheless, close packing with icosahedral symmetry is achieved by limited variations of the contacts, either among topologically similar, but chemically distinct, surfaces (poliovirus) or made by a flexible arm (simian virus 40).

      Structurally simple icosahedral capsids in more-complex particles. Several viruses that are architecturally more sophisticated than those described in the previous sections nevertheless possess simple protein coats built from one or a few structural proteins. The complexity comes from the additional protein and lipid layers in which the capsid is enclosed (see “Viruses with Envelopes” below).

       Structurally Sophisticated Capsids

      Some naked viruses are considerably larger and more elaborate than the small RNA and DNA viruses described in the previous section. The characteristic feature of such virus particles is the presence of proteins devoted to specialized structural or functional roles. Despite such complexity, detailed pictures of the organization of this type of virus particle can be constructed by using combinations of biochemical and structural methods. Well-studied human adenoviruses and members of the Reoviridae exemplify these approaches. These two examples also illustrate distinct mechanisms by which large icosahedral capsids can be stabilized, via either specialized proteins that glue interactions among major capsid proteins or mutually reinforcing associations between protein layers.


      The interactions of protein IX and other minor proteins with hexons and/or pentons were deduced initially by difference imaging (Fig. 4.5) and refined subsequently by X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM (Fig. 4.16A). The minor capsid proteins make numerous contacts with the major structural units. For example, on the outer surface of the capsid, a network formed by extensive interactions among the extended molecules of protein IX knit together the hexons that form the groups of nine (Fig. 4.16B). The function of protein IX as capsid “cement” has been confirmed by the much-reduced heat stability of altered particles that lack this protein. Other minor capsid proteins are restricted to the inner surface, where they reinforce the groups of nine hexons and their associations, or weld the penton base to its surrounding hexons. Not surprisingly, such protein “glues” also buttress other larger icosahedral structures, such as the herpes simplex virus nucleocapsid and the capsids of much larger viruses, such as Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1 (some 190 nm in diameter). During adenovirus assembly, interactions among hexons and other major structural proteins must be relatively weak, so that incorrect associations can be reversed and corrected. However, the assembled particle must be stable enough to survive passage from one host to another. It has been proposed that the incorporation of stabilizing proteins like protein IX allows these paradoxical requirements to be met.


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