Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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Determination of virus structure by X-ray diffraction. This method requires crystallization of the sample of interest, such as a virus particle. The conditions under which a supersaturated solution of a protein or virus particles will form crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction, while retaining its native structure, cannot be predicted. Consequently, highly concentrated and purified virus particles are incubated under many different conditions, varying such parameters as concentrations of salt or metal ions, the presence of other polymers, and temperature. This empirical approach has been facilitated by the development of crystallization screening kits and robotic devices to set up crystallization trials. Nevertheless, it can be time-consuming, and success is not guaranteed. A virus crystal is composed of virus particles arranged in a well-ordered three-dimensional lattice. When the crystal is bombarded with a monochromatic X-ray beam traveling through the pinhole, each atom within the virus particle scatters the radiation. Interactions of the scattered rays with one another form a diffraction pattern that is recorded. Each spot contains information about the position and the identity of the atoms in the crystal. The locations and intensities of the spots are stored electronically. Determination of the three-dimensional structure of the virus from the diffraction pattern requires information that is lost in the X-ray diffraction experiment needed for calculating the positions of the atoms. The diffraction pattern collected from the crystal is now most usually interpreted by using the phases from the structure of a related molecule as a starting point, and subsequently applying computer algorithms to calculate the actual values of the phases. This method is known as molecular replacement. Once the phases are known, the intensities and spot positions from the diffraction pattern are used to calculate the locations of the atoms within the crystal.

      Not all viruses can be examined directly by X-ray crystallography: some do not form suitable crystals, and the larger viruses lie beyond the power of the current procedures by which X-ray diffraction spots are converted into a structural model. However, their architectures can be determined by using a combination of structural methods. Individual viral proteins can be examined by X-ray crystallography and by multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. The latter methods, which allow structural models to be constructed from knowledge of the distances between specific atoms in a polypeptide chain, can be applied to proteins in solution, a significant advantage.

      Atomic-resolution structures of individual proteins or domains can also be modeled into lower-resolution views (currently ~15 Å) obtained by small-angle X-ray scattering. This technique, which is applied to proteins in solution, provides information about the overall size and shape of flexible, asymmetric proteins, and has provided valuable information about viral proteins with multiple functional domains (see Chapter 10). It can also reveal dynamic properties, such as conformational change, a property shared with serial femto-second X-ray crystallography, in which as many as hundreds of thousands of images of small crystals are recorded in a very short time.

      From a structural point of view, the best-understood helical nucleocapsid is that of tobacco mosaic virus, the very first virus to be identified. The virus particle comprises a single molecule of (+) strand RNA, about 6.4 kb in length, enclosed within a helical protein coat (Fig. 4.6B; see also Fig. 1.9). The coat is built from a single protein with an extended shape. Repetitive interactions among coat protein subunits form disks, which in turn assemble as a long, rod-like, right-handed helix. In the interior of the helix, each coat protein molecule binds three nucleotides of the RNA genome. The coat protein subunits therefore engage in identical interactions with one another and with the genome, allowing the construction of a large, stable structure from multiple copies of a single protein.

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