DNA- and RNA-Based Computing Systems. Группа авторов

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DNA- and RNA-Based Computing Systems - Группа авторов

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DNA sequence. The one end of the sequence T15GCTTvvvvvvTTCG has a spacer [15 “T” nucleotides (T15)] that attaches to the glass surface."/>

      In step (iii), the sequences corresponding to the satisfaction of each clause are marked by hybridizing these with the complementary sequences corresponding to “vvvvvv.” In step (iv), all single‐stranded sequences remaining after the hybridization are destroyed by treating with Escherichia coli Exonuclease I. In step (v), all hybridized sequences are unmarked to get the single‐stranded molecules for all the remaining surface‐bound sequences. Steps (iii)–(v) are repeated for all the clauses one after another. The unmarked sequences remaining at the end are analyzed in a readout operation using PCR in step (vi).

      2.2.4 Sakamoto's Model

      Sakamoto et al. [5] introduced a hairpin formation model for solving an SAT problem using molecular biology techniques. For a given illustrative SAT problem (x1x2) ∧ (¬x2x3), literal strings (x1, ¬x2), (x1, x3), (x2, ¬x2), and (x2, x3) are formed. A literal string is a string used to encode the given formula with conjunctions of the literals selected from each clause. The literal strings are obtained by concatenating of DNA sequences corresponding to each literal in a ligation step. In these literal strings, if a variable is represented in both original and negation form, then it violates the SAT condition of the given SAT problem. The literal strings without such violation in which a variable is represented only and at least in one form (either actual or negation) constitute a satisfiable solution to the given SAT problem. In Sakamoto's model, possible literal strings are first obtained by ligation. A length of the literal string equals to the number of clauses × nucleotides used for each literal. Subsequently, the obtained literal strings are subjected to temperature variation, which leads to a hairpin formation if a variable is represented in its original and negation form. The restriction enzyme destroys all such hairpins. These solutions are readily eliminated in the subsequent gel electrophoresis operation where only the literal strings with the desired length are separated. All the literal strings separated are analyzed using the sequencer, and the solution of the given SAT problem is obtained. It is to be noted that the given procedure eliminates a large number of unsatisfying literal strings, which makes it easier to deduce the correct solution from the analysis of the remaining satisfying literal strings. The procedure is useful for large size problems. However, it also has a risk of missing some literal strings due to experimental errors that may lead to an erroneous solution to the given SAT problem.

Illustration of four literal strings ligated for the DNA hairpin formation-based computation.

      2.2.5 Ouyang's Model

Illustration of the (left) five-node super graph has five vertices, and eight edges where the vertices (5, 4, 2, 1) is the largest clique and (right) its complementary graph that is used to solve the maximal clique problem.

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