DNA- and RNA-Based Computing Systems. Группа авторов

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DNA- and RNA-Based Computing Systems - Группа авторов

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       Chuan Zhang1,2

       1National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing, 211189, China

       2Purple Mountain Laboratories, Nanjing, 211189, China

      Computing using DNA materials has been studied in the last few decades. Different from traditional silicon‐based computing, DNA computing is inherently massively parallel, molecular scale, and well suited for complex computing. The theoretical analysis of such computing usually builds on an abstraction model of DNA reactions, chemical reaction networks (CRNs) [1–5]. Based on such a model, there are mapping methods that can directly translate programmed CRNs to experimentally implementable DNA reactions [6,7]. Also, to enable the construction of more complex systems, compilers have also been developed [8,9]. Apart from that, some researchers also tried to establish instruction sets based on DNA reactions [10]. Overall, researchers are constructing DNA computing systems in a manner similar to constructing early computers, and more progress in this area can be expected in the near future.

State graph with state transition implemented by chemical reaction networks. Using DNA sequences generated by the compiler, DNA circuits are conveniently built.

      Source: From Soloveichik et al. [1]. Reproduced with the permission of Springer Nature.

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