Metal Oxide Nanocomposites. Группа авторов

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Metal Oxide Nanocomposites - Группа авторов

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      1 * Corresponding author: [email protected]

      Introduction to Nanocomposites

       Ritu Malik1, Vijay K. Tomer2*, Vandna Chaudhary3, Nirav Joshi4 and Surender Duhan1,2†

       1Department of Physics, D.C.R. University of Science & Technology, Murthal (Sonepat) Haryana, India

       2Department of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, D.C.R. University of Science & Technology, Murthal (Sonepat) Haryana, India

       3Center of Excellence for Energy and Environment Studies, D.C.R. University of Science & Technology, Murthal (Sonepat) Haryana, India

       4São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil


      Nanocomposite is a special class of material that has emerged as potential candidate to solve technological problems in the engineering domain since long. These materials started to capture the industrial attention with the introduction of their special class of polymeric-based composites. From that point forward, composite materials have turned out to be basic building materials and are outlined and made for different applications including car segments, sporting products, aviation parts, buyer merchandise, and in the marine and oil ventures. The growth in composite usage was attributed to the enhanced product performance and global competition for lightweight components. Interestingly, composite materials could possibly replace steel and aluminum, in fabricating industrial products with their better performance. This replacement of steel and aluminium components with composite materials can fabricate goods which are 60-80% and 20-50% of original weight, respectively. In current scenario, the composites are obviously materials of choice for almost every engineering application. In this chapter, a detailed discussion regarding the types, properties, processing, applications and advantages/disadvantages of composites has been presented in great depth and broadness.

      Keywords: Composites, fillers, fibers, reinforcements, matrix

      A composite material is obtained by merging two or more materials (wood, minerals, plastic

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