Disagreements of the Jurists. al-Qadi al-Nu'man

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Disagreements of the Jurists - al-Qadi al-Nu'man Library of Arabic Literature

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there came to them clear evidence»;10 «Those to whom the Scripture was given differed concerning it only after clear proofs had come unto them»;11 «Religion before God is Islam. Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except after knowledge had come to them, through malevolence toward each other»;12 «Do they then earnestly consider the Qurʾan, or are their hearts locked up?»;13 and «Do they not earnestly consider the Qurʾan? Had it been from other than God, they would surely have found therein much incongruity.»14 For in these verses, God censured division and disagreement and encouraged unity and solidarity, commanding and promoting the latter. He made it desirable to uphold the faith and prohibited the formation of schisms therein.



      وقد رأيت وبالله أستعين وعليه أتوكّل، وعلى تأييد وليّه وإرشاده ومراده١ أعوّل ، وإيّاه لفاقتي أسترشد وأستعدّ، ومن زاخر٢ بحره أغترف وأستمدّ، بأن أبسط هذا الكتاب وأبتدئ فيه بعلّة اختلافهم والذي دعاهم إليه وحملهم عليه وسبّبهم فيه وأتلو ذلك بذكر جملة قولهم وما أصّلوه لأنفسهم وبيان فساده عليهم وأشفّعه بذكر مذهب أهل الحقّ فيما اختلفوا فيه وإيضاحه وبيانه والشواهد له والدلائل عليه ثمّ أذكر بعد ذلك قول كلّ فرقة واحتجاجها بما قالته والردّ عليها فيما فارقت فيه الحقّ بما انتحلته وقول أهل الحقّ في ذلك بحسب ما أخذناه عن أئمّتنا صلوات الله عليهم رجاء ثواب الخدمة في ذلك والعناية بأسبابه فأمّا البرهان فلأولياء الله المفيدين له الفاتحين٣ لأبوابه .

      ١ خ، ل: مواده ولعلّ الصواب: هداه. ٢ ل: زواخر. ٣ خ: الفاتحين ؛ ز، ل: والفاتحين.

      I have therefore decided to write a detailed exposition of this matter in the present book, and in doing so I seek assistance from God, place my trust in Him, and depend on the support, direction, and guidance of His ward the Imam, adopting him as a beacon to guide my way and a stock of provisions against my time of need, and drawing and scooping up water from his overflowing sea. I begin by setting forth the causes of their disagreement, what led and compelled them to differ, and what paved their way to discord. I will follow this by presenting their doctrine in general and the principles they have adopted for themselves, demonstrating the invalidity of these principles as support for their views. I will pair all that with an exposition of the doctrine of the people of truth15 concerning that over which these others have differed, clarifying and explaining it, and adducing quotations and evidence in support of it. After that I will present the doctrine of each group, the arguments they have adduced in support of those doctrines, refutation of the positions they have taken in which they have strayed from the Truth, and the doctrine of the people of truth regarding these positions, according to what we have learned on the authority of our Imams, peace be upon them. I seek thereby nothing but the reward for serving this goal and for undertaking to provide the means to reach it. However, proof belongs to the wards of God, who alone are able to provide it and open the doors that lead thereto.

      الباب الأوّل

      ‫‫ذكر علّة الاختلاف

      Chapter One

      The Cause of Disagreement



      قصدت في هذا الكتاب قصد الاختصار، وحذفت منه الأسانيد والتكرار ليخفّ على قاريه١ ومتأمّل٢ ما فيه، واقتصرت من٣ الأخبار على ما كان منها مشهورًا ومعروفًا مأثورًا، فمن ذلك ما يدخل في هذا الباب٤ الحديث المأثور عن عليّ عليه السلام أنّه قال وقد رأى اختلاف الناس بعد رسول الله صلّی الله عليه وعلی آله وسلّم أمّا لو ثُنيت لي وسادة وجلست للناس لقضيت بين أهل القرآن بالقرآن ، وبين أهل التوراة بالتوراة ، وبين أهل الإنجيل بالإنجيل، ولما اختلف منكم اثنان في حكم من أحكام الدين، والحديث المأثور عن رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وعلى آله أقضاكم عليّ، وأنّه بعثه الى اليمن فقال يا رسول الله بعثتني إلى قوم ذوي أسنان وأنا حديث السنّ ولا علم لي بالقضاء، فضرب بيده على صدره وقال اللهمّ فقّهه٥ في الدين واهده إلى الحقّ المبين، فقال عليّ صلوات الله عليه وعلى الأئمّة من ولده فما أشكل عليّ بعدها قضاء بين اثنين.

      ١ ز، خ: قاريه ؛ ل، م: قارئه. وأثبتّ الكلمة بدون همزة للسجع. ٢ ز، خ، ل: ومتأملي. وأثبتّ صيغة المفرد لتوازي كلمة قارئ قبل ذلك ولكن قد يكون الاثنان بصيغة الجمع: على قارئيه ومتأمّلي ما فيه. ٣ ل: عن. ٤ ز: الكتاب. ٥ ل: فقّه.

      In this book, I have chosen to follow the path of concision, omitting the chains of authority from oral reports as well as repetition, so that readers and examiners of this work might find it easy to follow, and citing only such oral reports as are well known, widely accepted, and transmitted reliably. To this category belong the following: the reliably transmitted report from ʿAlī, God’s blessings upon him, that he said, upon witnessing the people’s disagreement after the passing of the Messenger of God: “Were the mat for dispensing justice folded for me, and were I to sit before the people, I would judge among the people of the Qurʾan by the Qurʾan, among the people of the Torah by the Torah, and among the people of the Gospel by the Gospel. No two of you would disagree over a single ruling of the religion”;16 the reliably transmitted report from the Messenger of God: “The best judge among you is ʿAlī”;17 and the report that when the Prophet Muḥammad sent ʿAlī to Yemen, the latter remonstrated, “O Messenger of God, you have sent me to people who are experienced elders, yet I am young and have no knowledge of judgeship!” The Prophet struck ʿAlī’s chest with his hand, blessing

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