Leg over Leg. Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq
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Another kind of lover is the one who loves a woman more if she is proud, a spitfire, difficult to handle, so that conciliating her calls for energy and effort. Most of those who undertake such a task have no other occupation than love and divert themselves with it wherever they find it. Another is the man who loves a woman who possesses the traits of nobility, self-command, and dignity; this is the way of men of ambition and capacity. Any man who sees a woman of humble station who resembles one nobly born and falls in love with her simply because of the resemblance belongs to this category, and the members of this school are called “comparators.” It is more common among women, for a woman can scarcely see a man without saying, “he looks like one of the emirs of the olden days,” or today’s days, or the coming days. Another is the man who falls in love with the woman who is abject, meek, and affectionate; this is the way of those who are kind and sensitive. Another is the man who falls in love with the woman whose countenance bears signs of grief, depression, and worry; this is the way of the tenderhearted and those easily moved by music. Another is the man who falls in love with the woman who is full of joy, unrestrained, and fun-loving; this is the disposition of those who are sad and wretched, for to look at a woman of that type dispels care and brings light where once reigned distress and despair. Another is the man who falls in love with the woman who is full of mirth and frivolity, flightiness, chatter, and hilarity; this is the way of fools and the ignorant. Another is the man who falls in love with a woman for her culture, understanding, eloquence, readiness of tongue, and quickness of wit; this is the course of scholars and litterateurs. Another is the man who falls in love with women who have lots of trinkets and dress elegantly, who are full of coquetry and affectation; this is the road of those given to extravagance and excess. Another is the man who falls in love with the wanton, shameless, brazen woman; this is the case with depraved lechers. Another is the man who falls in love with the inconstant, sensual, nymphomaniacal, unclean woman; this is the disposition of the man to whom whoring has done its worst. Another is the man who falls in love with the chaste virgin who refuses to let any man have his way with her, in the hope of corrupting her and then boasting of it among his peers; if, subsequently, she gives in to him, he grows tired of her or wishes she hadn’t. Such men, in my opinion, are more evil than those who make love to nymphomaniacs. And another is the man who loves the coming together of all these different traits in his beloved, as appropriate. So much for the moral dimension. As for the physical, the thin man falls for the fat woman and vice versa, the brown-skinned loves the white and vice versa, the tall loves the short and vice versa, and the smooth-skinned loves the hirsute and vice versa. As far as women are concerned, the man they love most is the bull-necked horseman, dashing and daring.
فاما الغنى والفقر فلا ضابط لهما فان الغنى يتهافت على حب الفقيرة كما يتهافت على حبّ الغنية * بل البخيل من الاغنيآ يؤثر حب الفقيرة طمعا فى ان يرضيها بالقليل من المال * والغالب ايضا ايثار حبّ الجيل الغريب للاستطلاع على ما عنده من الغرائب التى تتصور المخيلة وجودها فيه دون غيره * الا اذا منع مانع جهل بلغته فحٍ يحصل للمخيلة انقباض فى تماديها * وكما ان لطف النسآ وفلقطتهن١ تعجب الرجال ولا سيما فى الفراش كذلك كان يعجب النسآ من الرجال ترارتهم وشيظميّتهم * فلا تكاد امراة ترى رجلا على هذه الصفة الا وتقول فى قلبها عند هذا كفايتى وغَنآى * وقد لحظت العرب هذا المعنى باشتقاقهم الطَول من الطُول * غير ان النسآ على الاعم يجنين اللذات من كل مجنى ويكرعن من مواردها ما ساغ وما اغص * فمَثَلهن كمثل النحلة تجنى من الزهر وان يكن على الدمن * فامّا الغيرة فهى خلق طبيعى فى كل بشر اذا كان سليم الذوق * فان الانسان يغار على متاعه من ان ينتهكه غيره فكيف على حرمته * وما يقال من ان الافرنج ليس لهم غيرة على نسائهم فليس على اطلاقه * فان منهم من يقتل زوجته ونفسه معا اذا علم منها خيانة * نعم انهم يتساهلون معهن فى امور كثيرة ربما تعدّ عند المشرقيين قيادة * الا انها فى نفس الامر وقاية من الخيانة * اذ قد تقرر عندهم ان الرجل اذا حظر امراته عن الخروج وعن معاشرة الغير اغراها بالضَمْد * بخلاف ما اذا ارضاها بهذه اللذات الخارجية *
١ ١٨٥٥: قلفطتهن.