Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner. Группа авторов

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Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner - Группа авторов

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review of social immunity in honey bees, Simone‐Finstrom (2017) described the colony level adaptations for health in a continuum from prophylactic to activated: polyandry, task allocation, transfer of compounds and microbiota, resin use, allogrooming, hygienic behavior, social fever, and absconding. On the one extreme, diverse genes made possible by multiple matings and the compartmentalization of honey bee societies offer fixed preventative measures for health. The diversity that comes from numerous patrilines is linked closely to colony vigor and disease resistance and, once a queen mates, the colony's diversity (and thereby the protective alleles coding for disease protection) can only be changed by requeening. Likewise, the social structure of the honey bee colony, with its separation of castes, offers an important first line of defense against infectious disease since castes are separated in both time and space. Yet, the allocation of tasks is rarely altered by pathogen exposure.

      On the other extreme, both social fever and absconding are actions taken by honey bees predominantly as a consequence of exposure to a pathogen and represent specific actions to combat the agent. Those social immune strategies located in‐between on the continuum may offer both prophylactic and treatment modalities; for example, the collection of resins can be preventative when bees seal their nest cavity in a complete protective “propolis envelope” or resin gathering can be activated by a specific pathogen as a kind of “self‐medication.” In our overview of social immunity, we will focus on just three of these traits: allocation of tasks with compartmentalization, use of compounds with antimicrobial actions – both bee‐derived and plant‐derived, and social fever. The miticidal actions of grooming and hygienic behavior are covered in detail elsewhere in this book on chapters about wild colony health, the biology of the varroa mite, and queen breeding for mite resistant honey bees.

      Task Allocation and Compartmentalization

      Group living elevates the risk of disease transmission through the close intermingling of thousands of individuals, especially for pathogens that are spread by direct contact. In eusocial organisms like the honey bee, the homogeneity in closely‐related individuals (all worker bees are daughters of the queen) together with the uniform physical environment both contribute to heightened risk of pathogen transmission. However, the complex social structure of honey bee colonies with its division of labor and allocation of tasks is one of the most important first levels of protection against disease (Cremer et al. 2007). In fact, the selection pressure of pathogens likely contributed to the evolution of social organization in honey bees (Naug and Camazine 2002; Stow et al. 2007). Modeling of honey bee societies depict a highly compartmentalized structure inside the hive with the core of the colony consisting of young bees surrounding a single queen with the foragers existing on the periphery. Even the dance stage of the foragers is located just inside the hive entrance so that the returning foragers – the bees most likely to bring novel parasites and pathogens from their travels outside the hive – are confined in a form of localized quarantine. The distribution of bees into castes with corresponding age classes, further serves to isolate potential spread of infection with young bees of the same age interacting regularly and overlapping spatially, while bees of different ages have limited direct contact (Baracchi and Cini 2014).

Schematic illustration of trophyllaxis, or the transfer of food from bee to bee, augments disease transmission.

      Antimicrobial Compounds Produced by Bees

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