Neuer Terrorismus – Reale Bedrohung oder konstruiertes Forschungsparadigma?. Julia Klein

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Neuer Terrorismus – Reale Bedrohung oder konstruiertes Forschungsparadigma? - Julia Klein Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag: Sozialwissenschaften

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African National Congress

      AQAP Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

      AQI Al Qaeda in Iraq

      AQLIM Al Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb

      AQY Al Qaeda in Yemen

      BAAD Big, Allied and Dangerous

      CETI Center for Terrorism and Intelligent Studies

      CMEPP Center for Middle East Public Policy

      CSA Convent Sword and the Army of the Lord

      CSTPV Center for the Study of Terrorism und Political Violence

      DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

      EOKA Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston

      ETA Euskadi Ta Askatasuna

      FARC Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s army

      FLN Front de Libération de Nationale

      GSCP Salafist Group for the Preaching and Combat

      GTD Global Terrorism Database

      IRA Irish Republican Army

      ISIL Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

      ISVG Institute for the Study of Violent Groups

      ITERATE International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events

      LRA Lord’s Resistance Army

      LTTE Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

      MAK Maktab al Khidamat

      MCTR Military Council of the Tribal Revolutionaries

      MIPT Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism

      MMO Mapping Militant Organizations

      OIRA Official Irish Republican Army

      PGIS Pinkerton Global Intelligence Service

      PKK Workers’ Party of Kurdistan

      PLO Palestine Liberation Organization

      PRI Institutional Revolutionary Party

      RAF Rote Armee Fraktion

      RDWTI RAND Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents

      START National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism

      TKB Terrorism Knowledge Base

      TOPs Terrorist Organization Profiles

      TRAC Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortiums

      UDD Democracy Against Dictatorship

      UFF Ulster Freedom Fighters

      UVF Ulster Volunteer Force

      WITS Worldwide Incidents Tracking System

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