The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2. Virgil

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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2 - Virgil

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Jupiter to Grece all has translait;15

      Our al the cite, kyndillit in flambis hait,

      The Grekis now ar lordis but ony fors.

      Within the wallis, ȝone mekil standand hors

      Ȝettis furth armyt men; and now Synon

      Is victour haill, kyndilland eueron20

      The new fyris glaidly, as it war sport.

      At athir ȝet beyn ruschit in sik a sort,

      Sa mony thousandis come neuer from Myce nor Arge;

      Sum cumpanyis, with speris, lance and targe,

      Walkis wachand in rewis and narow stretis;25

      Arrayit batalis, with drawyn swerdis at gletis,

      Standis reddy forto styk, gor and sla:

      Skarsly the wachis of the portis twa

      Begouth defens and melle as thai mycht,

      Quhen blyndlyngis in the batail fey tha fyght.30

      Throu thir wordis of Panthus, and goddis heste,

      Amyd the flambis and armour in I preste;

      Ruschand thidder quhar sorofull Erynnys,

      The noys and brute me drew, and quhar, I wys,

      The clamour hard I rys vp to the ayr.5

      And of our fallowis to me come twa pair:

      Repheus fyrst, be the lycht of the moyn,

      Valiant in armys Ephitus followit soyn;

      Hypanys syne, and eik Dymas in hy,

      Fast to our syde adionyt by and by;10

      Mygdoneus son alsso, Chorebus ȝyng,

      Quhilk in tha days, for fey luf hait byrnyng

      Of Cassandra, to Troy was cummyn that ȝeir,

      To help Priam and Troianys in the weir;

      Onhappy he was, wald not beleif fermly15

      Hys sayd spowsis command and prophecy!

      Quhen I thame saw this wys adionyt to me,

      And wilful forto stryke in the melle,

      Thus I begouth thame forthirmar to steir:

      O ȝe maist forsy ȝong men that beyn heir,20

      Wyth brestis strang, and sa bald curage hie,

      Invayn ȝe pres to succur this cite

      Quhilk byrnys al in fyre and flambys rede;

      The goddis al ar fled out of this stede,

      Throu quhais mycht stude our empyre mony day:25

      Now all thar templis and altaris waist leif thai.

      Bot gif ȝour desyre be sa fermly prest

      To follow me dar tak the vtyrmest,

      Quhat fortune is betyd, al thingis ȝe se;

      Thar is na mair; lat ws togidder de,30

      And in amyd our ennemyis army schute.

      To venquist folkis is a comfort and bute

      Nane hope of help to beleif, or reskew.

      Swa, with thir wordis, the ȝong menis curage grew,

      That in the dyrk lyke ravenus wolffis, on rawis,5

      Quham the blynd fury of thar empty mawis

      Dryvis furth of thar den to seik thar pray,

      Thar litil quhelpis left with dry throtis quhil day;

      So, throw the wapynnys and our fays went we,

      Apon the ded ondowtit, and wald nocht fle.10

      Amyd the cite we held the master streit,

      The dyrk nycht hyd ws with cloys schaddowis meit.

      CAP. VII.

      The woful end, per ordour, heir, allace!

      Followys of Troy, and gestis of Eneas.

      Quha sal the harmys of that woful nycht

      Expreme? or quha with tong to tell hes mycht

      Sa feil ded corsis as thar lyis slane?15

      Or, thocht in cace thai weip quhil teris rayn,

      Equaly may bewail tha sorowis all?

      The ancyant, worthy cite down is fall,

      That mony ȝeris held hie senȝeory:

      Stekit in stretis heir and thar thai ly,20

      Feil corsis ded of mony onweldy wyght,

      Dung down in howsis, fey thai fal all nycht.

      In sanctuarys and templis of goddis eik;

      Na quhar mercy nor succur mycht thai seik.

      And not only of Troianys, throu owt the town,

      The blude is sched, thus marthyrit and slane down,

      Bot sum tyme eik to thame, ourcummyn and schent,5

      Agane returnys in brestis hardyment,

      So that sum Grekis victoris war smyte ded.

      Cruel womenting occupyit euery steid;

      Our alquhar dreid, our alquhar wo and cayr,

      And of the deth feil gastly schaddowis thair.10

      Bot first enconteris ws Androgeus,

      With a gret cumpany of the Gregyus,

      Onwarly wenyng his fallowis we hadbe;

      In haymly wordis to ws thus carpis he:

      Haist ȝou, matis, quhat slewth tareit ȝou thus lait?15

      Our other feris rubbis, tursyng away, fut hait,

      The spreith of Troy, quhilk now is brynt to gledis,


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