The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2. Virgil

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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2 - Virgil

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passit on, and litil Troy I knaw,5

      Lyke the gret cite contyrfait on raw,

      With Ilion, and wallis lyke Pergama,

      And a smal burn half gane dry alswa,

      Onto his surname clepit Exanthus.

      At port Seya I entir, and eik with ws10

      Al our Troianys togiddir welcum war

      Onto thar frendly cite famyliar.

      In hys wyde palyce the kyng ressauyt thaim all,

      And, in the myddis of the mekil hall,

      Thai byrl the wyne in honour of Bachus;15

      Gret fest with joy wes maid for luf of ws;

      The mesis and the danteis thyk dyd stand,

      And goldyn cowpis went fra hand to hand.

      CAP. VI.

      Quhou Helenus declaris tyll Ene

      Quhat dangeris he suld thoill on land and see.

      Thus drave we our in solace day be day,

      Quhil at the weddir prouokis ws to assay20

      Our salis agane; for the sowth wyndis blast

      Our piggeis and our pynsalis wavit fast.

      Onto the prophet Helenus tho went I,

      And with syk wordis besocht hym reuerently;

      O gentil Troiane, dyvyne interpretur,

      Quhilk the respons of Phebus hes in cur;

      Quhilk knawist eik the reuelationys5

      Of god Apollois diuinationys,

      Vndir hys trestis and burdis at Delphois schene,

      And into Claryus vndir the lawrer grene

      That vnderstandis the cowrs of euery star

      And chyrm of euery byrdis voce on far,10

      And euery fowle on weyng fleyng in the sky,

      Quhat thai betakyn, and quhat thai signyfy;

      Say me, I pray the, quhat dangeris principaly

      In to my cowrs and vayage eschew sall I,

      Or how I may, or be quhat meyn, eschaip15

      Sa gret aduersiteis quhilkis beyn to me schaip.

      For as to me al devote godly wightis

      Schew we suld haue a prospir rays at rychtis,

      And euery oracle of goddis admonyst eik

      That we the realm of Italy suld seik,20

      Ensew tha landis quhilkis war for ws provyde

      Alanerly newlyngis on that other syde;

      Schame for to say, the Harpye Celeno

      Spays onto ws a feirful takyn of wo;

      A vengeans from the goddis pronuncis sche,25

      With schameful hungir sal happyn our menȝe.

      Helenus than, eftir the rytis and gyis,

      The ȝong bestis slew in sacryfys,

      Purchesyng favour of goddis to stanch thar fed,

      And lowsit the garlandis of his haly hed:30

      Syne me, Phebus, he ledis by the hand

      Onto thi tempil, on seyr materis musand;

      Quhar this gret preist gan spekyn and declar

      To me thir wordis of the goddis answar:

      Son of the goddes, sen traist is manifest5

      That throu deip seys thi wayage is addrest,

      And eik, of forton by the boundis hie,

      The purviance dyvyne wil so it be;

      The kyng of goddis so distributis the fatis,

      Rollyng the chancis, and turnyng thame thusgatis;10

      Of mony wordis, schortly, a quhoyn sall I

      Declare, at thou mayr sovirly tharby

      May seik out throu the strange stremys onkend.

      And at a port of Itale arryve at end:

      The remanent heirof, quhat evyr be it,15

      The werd Systeris defendis that suld be wyt,

      And eik the douchtir of auld Saturn, Juno,

      Forbyddis Helenus to speik it, and cryis, ho!

      First say I the, that twichand Italy,

      Quhilk thou trastis be at hand and fast by,20

      And the addressis ignorantly, but weyr,

      To entyr sone in the port, as it war neir,

      Lang wylsum ways, and far landis alswa

      A ful gret space dissyveris ȝou tharfra.

      Ȝour aris fyrst into the Sycil see25

      Bedyit weill and bendit oft mon be;

      And of Ausonya the salt stremys eik

      Rownd about with ȝour schippis mon ȝe seik,

      And Avernus, clepit the layk of hell,

      And Aheie, the ile quhar Circes dwell,30

      Or euer thou may sovirly vpbeild

      Thi cite in land of Italy or feild.

      I sall the schaw takynnys tharof ful meit,

      Quhilkis thou sal hald within thi mynd secreit.

      Quhen thine alane musyng as thou sal ga,5

      By aventur, endlang a watir bra

      And vndir ane aik, fyndis, in to that steid,

      A gret sow ferryit of grysis thretty hed,


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