The Labyrinth of Inter-Time. Juriy Tashkinov

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The Labyrinth of Inter-Time - Juriy Tashkinov

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already warned you more than once!

      – You misunderstood everything!

      – Get out! And never cross the threshold of my tavern! I’ll see you one more time, and you won’t waste any more air intended for honest people! – the angry father grabbed the drunkard’s collar. And he flew away, hitting his back against the corner of the table – Teddy was a sorcerer, albeit weak and illegal. Three more strong guys ran up to the lout – the sons of the old innkeeper. The three men, who had recently been quietly chatting about public policy issues, jumped to their feet. Dil began waving a knife, Willie – a fragment of a broken bottle, and Teddy had a weapon of enchantment invisible to others.

      – Get Teddy alive! – shouted Halfrid. – He is an illegal magician! He must be handed over to the Anti-Witch League, as the Law says!

      One of the innkeeper’s sons grabbed a knife from Dil, who could barely stand on his feet, and now crossed him with Willie’s broken bottle. And the careless owner of the bladed weapon fell to the floor and tried unsuccessfully to get up. Two other strong guys tied Teddy up. Then the three of them grabbed Willie and threw him out into the street. Dil also flew after him.

      – Throw Ted in the closet! – Halfrid said.

      And so every day: beer flows like a river, new gossip pours in from all sides, the bored sons of the tavern owner have something to occupy their fists in peacetime. Everyone is having fun, there is bread and circuses, everyone is happy.

      But one guest is not having fun today. An albino with red eyes sits silently with a friend, lost in thought and finishing more than his first mug of intoxicating drink. But even beer haunts him from bitter thoughts and memories.


      A huge hall made of white marble. In the center of the hall is a long stone table. At the head of the table sits a long-bearded old man – the Master of the Brotherhood of the Defenders of the Crown. Behind him flies the flag of a secret organization:

      Two people entered the hall.

      «We’ve all gathered today…» the master of the brotherhood began, not paying attention to the newcomers. The rest of the meeting participants remained silent.

      – Congratulations, master! You have joined us again! – one of the new arrivals shouted in joy.

      – What are you talking about, Ilan? I am always with you! I will never leave you! – the elder absentmindedly looked around, seemingly taken by surprise by this simple question.

      – But you, Master Avinius, returned from prison today! Two hours back talked with you in the mirror.

      Any, even the weakest, magician could bend the bars without much effort, so special prisons were created for sorcerers. The condemned person touched the enchanted mirror and found himself in a separate world. And everyone could see the prisoner using a special object in the form of a coin, which must be brought to any mirror. But real freedom could only be given by a magician who entered the world through the looking glass or the king personally.

      – By the mirror? You are probably on Sun overheated! Today like this heat! – Avinius playfully waved his palms near his face.

      – What’s wrong with you, Ilan? I spent the whole morning preparing the meeting with the master! – said Sorenius, one of the brotherhood members. – So who were you talking to in the mirror?

      – I already said: with Master Avinius. Eleon, my student, also saw it. I still have the key to the prison with me.

      At these words, Avinius’s face changed:

      – Who are you listening to, gentlemen! Ilan has gone crazy and deprived his student of his will! Or maybe they also became faithful?

      He tried to snatch the key coin from Ilan’s hands, but Sorenius was ahead of the head of the brotherhood.

      – We must investigate the case before we think about conclusions!

      – Sorenius, I order you! Give this item to me! – the old man extended his bony hand.

      – Sorry, master, I respect you, but I can’t do this! We’ll just see what kind of key my brother brought to the Council!

      The old man rushed at the careless subordinate, but Sorenius was able to easily cope with the master. Then he brought the round object to the mirror, where the image of Avinius appeared. All those gathered gasped at once, looking from the old man in the hall to another, looking through the looking glass.

      – Who you are? – Sorenii took the initiative, turning to the reflection.

      – I, dear Sorenius, master Avinius, Master of the Brotherhood of Defenders Crown, member which, as I remember, you are too,» the reflection in the mirror made some manipulations with its hands. Avinius, the one who was in hall meeting, fell to the floor. Everyone present knew that the old man mastered the Light spell perfectly, so hundreds of white wands were aimed at the impostor. Instead of the old man, a young man was already sitting there.

      – Tion?! You! After all, the teacher trusted you! He must be killed! Immediately! – Sorenius commanded.

      – Please, don’t kill! I can still become useful! I’ll tell you everything I know! – Tion was almost sobbing, crawling on his knees.

      – And what do you know? How betray? To your workshop betrayal we already believe. We also know that those who once betrayed will repeat this again and again,» said Sorenii.

      – I don’t know much. But please! Just don’t kill,» the actor kept crawling on his knees.

      – Who put me in prison? – asked Avinius.

      – Don’t know!

      – Is it true?! – Sorenius asked indignantly.

      – OK! OK! This Khan! Khan ordered the thugs to imprison Avinius. He appointed me instead of him in parliament and brotherhood.

      – Who?!! – asked the surprised Sorenii.

      «Royal Advisor Khan,» the prisoner repeated again.

      – What is he talking about! And why do you think he needs all this? – Ilan asked.

      – He needs a crown!

      – What? While alive king! – Sorenius smiled incredulously.

      – He will kill Henry at the Autumn Festival!

      – You know, friend. Even Khan can’t do it. – It’s Ilan’s turn to smile.

      – Already under strength. Day before yesterday he stole a black staff from the Vault.

      Panic ran across the faces of those present.

      «You don’t joke with such things,» Sorenius said seriously.

      – I’m not joking! And further. None of you will live until the morning! Now…

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