The Labyrinth of Inter-Time. Juriy Tashkinov

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The Labyrinth of Inter-Time - Juriy Tashkinov

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but to run deep into the forest, following in the footsteps of his daughter and her saviors.

      And his enemies literally stepped on his heels, not giving him a second of rest…

      Chapter 3. The secret of Advisor Khan.

      One single window among the cold stone walls of the castle. Near the window there is a wooden table, a lit candle on it sends an uncertain light to the bored walls.

      Royal Councilor Khan, the head of Parliament, sat in the room and studied the new denunciation under the rhythmic crackling of a candle that filled the whole room with a burning smell, and his little daughter played in the next room. He is not tall, he looks like he is fifty years old, but there is not a single gray hair on his jet-black curls.

      Nobody liked the Advisor, not even the ruler. He was born into a poor family, but his tenacious mind quickly gave him a path to life. Khan is cunning and uncompromising, so he quickly surpassed his comrades. And luck is always on his side. Avinius at the last moment refused the post of Royal Advisor, tormented by remorse for raising Dell, a dark magician. But in vain! When it comes to power, it is better to go all the way. There is no place for being too sentimental in politics!

      The years went by, but Khan did not change, he only became more cunning and resourceful. Even the death of his wife did not become a reason to be kinder and more compliant. (Although there were persistent rumors that he himself killed the poor woman – people love to talk). He always worked tirelessly, trying to find those who wanted to screw him. The paranoia probably came from the former king.

      There was a guard outside the door. It was ordered not to let anyone in. Therefore, nothing could prevent the head of Parliament from working.

      It was early spring, and the evenings were often still cold. But he, all in his thoughts, did not even notice how it became even colder, even for March, although the windows were closed: Khan was afraid of being struck by a spell of lightning or other death at the hands of enemies. And there was a reason: many hated the Advisor. There was a noise behind the door.

      – What is there again! – the Advisor was indignant.

      Suddenly, a black-haired young man of strong build appeared before the eyes of the head of Parliament, as if out of nowhere.

      – I ordered: not to let anyone in! Security! – Khan turned sharply to the door.

      – Don’t fuss like that! – the uninvited guest spoke, blocking the path to the exit. – I won’t delay you for long. I just need to talk to you.

      – There is a specially designated time for conversations. Sign up for an audience. And now I’M BUSY! Security!

      «I would love to come another time, but I’m afraid that I will disappear forever.» And the conversation will be informal.

      – Introduce yourself! – the angry Advisor almost shouted.

      – Of course, my friend. «My name is Dell,» said the guest.

      – Dell… Dell… I don’t remember that name.

      – After the War of Troubles, no one dares to name their son that. I am a ghost. Until today I was invisible, if you refuse my offer, in an hour I will disappear into oblivion. Fate is inexorable, and everything is in its hands!

      Once upon a time I alone dealt with an invincible army. And now I bring the cold with my presence, and I can only cope with the flowers on the windowsill!


      This story dates back to the reign of the last king, Leonard. Then the Order of Glory was able to awaken Darkness in its purest form, and ancient demons burst out of the depths of the universe. Their army, consisting of people and ghosts who could not be killed with an ordinary sword, surrounded the Sorcerer’s House.

      People fought bravely for their homes, for the king, but courage is not always a strong weapon, especially against ancient magic. The walls of the city collapsed and a black cloud poured in. Fifteen ghosts from the whole army were killed, but for each enemy there were three hundred lives of Leonard’s warriors. The castle gates did not last long, and the king was captured by evil spirits.

      And when there seemed to be no hope, one of the students of Master Avinius appeared. The young man possessed the rarest gift – the spells of Darkness. Few people could see the Forces in their original form, but even fewer people had power over them. Avinius, for example, ruled over the Light. And this young man, with the power of thought, was able to disperse an entire regiment of the enemy. The ghosts disappeared into oblivion, only their armor and shields remained to decorate the nearby lands. The war has been won. Everything would be fine. But Leonard became extremely paranoid. He strengthened his security so that no one would take him prisoner again, as during this war. Then the madman ordered the young man to be arrested, too, because he was afraid of the powerful magician. They say that he even ordered the death of the queen, accusing him of conspiracy. It is impossible to say whether this is true, but she was no longer seen within the castle walls.


      – Avinius found me. He called me the Chosen One. And I saved the kingdom from certain destruction! – Dell continued to tell. «And ended up in prison because of it!» Such is the king’s gratitude for freedom! You know, Khan, the world is not fair. I was only remembered as the villain who tried to attack the king. And not as a savior! After the feat, I was left completely exhausted, and did not even try to resist when the guards grabbed me. But the Element, which endowed me with Strength, filled me with hatred and malice, making me stronger. I broke the prison into a thousand pieces and was freed. And along with me – other powerful magicians who were outlaws. Together we went to the royal castle, in the name of revenge!


      But Dell, of course, didn’t tell everything. He forgot to mention that the spirit of Antimonik came to him in a dream and offered him Power. And Dell did not reject the offer.

      He awakened the Dark Army of Spirits again. The All-Powerful Element endowed him with a new talent – he became the new Dark Lord, the embodiment of Evil and Horror in a human body. The gates had not yet been completely restored, and collapsed again under the onslaught of the rebels.

      They say that Avinius personally killed the student when he had already raised the black staff cursed by the Darkness over Leonard’s head. Dell died, but his shadow wandered for many years: first, Leonard was found dead in his bedchamber with a hole in his chest. Then many others who participated in the persecution of the caster of Darkness died from unknown causes. They said it was the spirit of a black rebel.


      – Dell, Black Rebel! This can’t be! – Superstitious fear was visible in Khan’s eyes.

      – Don’t believe me? – with these words the guest grabbed the Advisor’s wrist. But the Head of Parliament did not feel anything. The hand went right through.

      – You really are a ghost! But this cannot be. I dream about you! The dead cannot meet the living!

      «It turns out they can,» the ghost’s face was adorned with a demonic smile that would make anyone tremble. – An hour ago, members of my order performed a ritual, and here I am in front of you. But I’ll disappear soon. I want to be

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