The Labyrinth of Inter-Time. Juriy Tashkinov

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The Labyrinth of Inter-Time - Juriy Tashkinov

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with these words an ominous smile appeared on the ghost’s lips. – Royal Advisor Khan. You have achieved the highest title a mere mortal could desire. But I see right through you! Even now you are missing something, although you don’t know what exactly. And I’ll give you a hint: the crown is missing.

      – You won’t be able to give it! – Khan didn’t even deny that he wanted to wear the crown.

      – I – no, of course. But I can help you achieve your goal. And in return I will get life. Sounds like a good exchange to me.

      – This is impossible.

      – Nothing is impossible. Half an hour ago you didn’t believe in the existence of ghosts. But I stand before you as a living, or rather, non-living example of the opposite. Fate is always so unpredictable! You don’t risk anything. If you do not become king, I will not be able to come to life, so there is no reason for me to deceive. Moreover, I have my own interest in the fall of Henry’s crown!

      – What if, having become king, I deceive you?

      – You won’t deceive me. So, do you agree? – Dell asked.

      «Yes,» Khan answered.

      – Hurry up. Create this sign on your left shoulder.

      An image appeared in the air:

      – What is this?

      – Seal of fidelity. In case of betrayal, you will turn into ashes. Without her I will disappear. And this way I can feed on your energy to live and give advice. What did you want? Nothing appears out of nowhere and disappears without a trace. In order for me to appear before you, the Order had to sacrifice a child. And this is too much, even for a sect of dark magicians.

      No one should know about our little secret. The Order of Vernikov will be at your personal disposal. I will warn Master Simon personally.

      – Simon, the head of the Royal Guard – the leader of the sect of dark magicians?!!

      – Have you stopped being surprised? But what about the Advisor – the future king? Will this news also surprise you? So, first, get rid of the Brotherhood of Defenders of the Crown. First of all, from Master Avinius. My mentor has not forgiven me, and will be an ardent opponent of revival. And he is a strong enemy! Maybe he, too, will decide to use the magic of Light to destroy the prison in which he will be put, and will go to kill the king, like I once did? I want to look at this!

      – If not for you, he, and not me, would have been the head of Parliament. This is the second time you have promoted me up the career ladder!

      «You must also get my staff out of the Vault,» Dell said.

      «Black staff…» Khan whispered with awe in his voice.

      – Yes, the same staff that I tried to kill Leonard with before my death. Darkness-cursed staff. Only he can kill the king. Be careful to handle it with silk gloves. Otherwise the curse will kill you! Touch causes instant death. Many people think that Avinius killed me. Nonsense! I died by accident! I touched the staff. And for many years he found himself in a gloomy world of Darkness and Horror. Many people go crazy, but I turned out to be stronger than the Element under my control. But death became the beginning of a new life for me! And soon I will become even stronger, my king.

      – I’ll kill Henry and end up behind bars! – Khan exclaimed.

      «Listen to me, and everything will be fine,» Dell said. – The secret of reincarnation will help. Including in the fight against these Defenders of the Crown.

      Dell handed Khan the book, and he began to read: «Once upon a time there were two sisters. One inherited the beauty of her mother, and young men came from all the principalities to see the land on which she walked. And the second was smart, like a mother, and she had no equal in magic. The sisters got along well with each other until they met the princely governor. Between two sisters, he chose one, whom he married. And his choice fell, of course, on the beauty. But the second girl cried sleepless nights until she came up with the right way to be with her beloved. She touched her sister, and immediately they swapped bodies. And now only one belonged to intelligence, beauty, and a beloved young man. And only the elder, who perfectly mastered the power of Light, could remove the spell.»

      – Only the primordial Elements can destroy the ancient curse! – said Dell. – Therefore, dear Khan, be careful with Avinius – he can expose us!


      Hundreds, no, thousands of politicians from all over the world promise a happy future. If everything was as they say, everyone would have lived just perfectly long ago. But people love money, without exception. Khan knew this very well. And now he called Tion, one of Avinius’ students, «for a conversation.» He also knew that Tion was getting married soon, but had no gold. He comes from a poor family.

      – Do something for me and I’ll pay for your wedding. By the way, I won’t offend you with the title either.

      – I can’t do this, Advisor! – said Tion.

      – You know, your father made a lot of mistakes in his youth. I think he should go to jail for them. I turned a blind eye to this for a long time. This item was found in his bedroom.

      Khan handed a small piece of paper to Tion. «Kill Henry and you get 5 gold»

      – What a coincidence, the royal guard receives gold for betrayal!

      – You! – Hatred lit up in Tion’s eyes.

      «You’re so honest, it’s time for me to do my duties too.» Soon your father will turn out to be an enemy of the state, and you, as his son, will be treated with caution. There is no future for the people you become, all roads are closed! And you don’t have to look with such hatred! Many people can’t stand me. But I have the information! – Khan looked into Tion’s eyes for a long time until he lowered his gaze.

      «I agree,» he said quietly.

      – Correct solution! – Khan burst into ominous laughter.

      From birth, magicians are equal. Titles and positions are not inherited. The son of a magician can become a peasant, and the descendant of a craftsman can become a member of parliament if he shows talent for magic and wisdom.

      All people, some from childhood, sign up to study at the University of Witchcraft. Until its completion and successful passing of the exams, no one has the right to use witchcraft.

      Tion was soon to take Avinius’ exams. And he will officially be allowed to use magic. Otherwise – death. Its name is the Illigulus spell.

      – Well, did you remember everything? – said Khan. – Repeat your lesson again!

      – Avinius gives me my legal right to magic. I use a transformation spell and take on the appearance of the master, and he becomes me. Then I have to shout for the guards to take the «imposter» away.

      – You say everything correctly. The main thing is to do everything right. Now imagine such a symbol on

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