The Labyrinth of Inter-Time. Juriy Tashkinov

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The Labyrinth of Inter-Time - Juriy Tashkinov

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style="font-size:15px;">      «This is a seal of loyalty,» said Sorenius. – Such magic beyond the power of any sorcerer. We are indeed dealing with a conspiracy. We must inform the king about the black staff!

      A sharp knock on the door. Then another one. The next blow shatters the door, and an entire army rushes into the room. At the head of the soldiers who entered was Simon, Head of the Royal Guard. The man appears to be about fifty years old.

      – Hello, Simon! To what do we owe the appearance of such an important person? – Sorenius asked.

      «In the name of the king, all members of the brotherhood are declared outlaws,» Simon said impartially, not paying attention to Sorenius. – Hand over all weapons. You are sentenced to life imprisonment.

      But there are many more soldiers than members of the brotherhood!

      Ilan, with an imperceptible movement, grabbed the key coin and handed it to Eleon.

      – You must convey to the ruler everything that you have recently seen. Avinius will be your witness. You will find a map of the Country in my house. Don’t hesitate! You have a little more than two months, but time will not stand still!

      He made a barely noticeable movement, and a portal appeared behind the albino. Ilan pushed Eleon, and he fell onto a plane that was supposed to move him many miles away.


      A small house in the middle of the forest, which always smells of myrtle. Here he spent several years under the supervision of a teacher who made him a powerful magician. Eleon grabbed the card lying on the table. He collected food in a bag and mounted his horse. The road is not close, but time is running out.

      Just a few days ago he again entered the hall where that fateful meeting of the Brotherhood took place. And I found here only the corpses of true friends. Now he is the last one left from the Brotherhood of Defenders of the Crown, and who, if not him, will protect the king? But among the other bodies he did not find Ilan.

      – Maybe he’s still alive?


      Eleon ordered himself another glass of beer. After a long story, everyone went deeper into their thoughts. Dorian kept remembering his beloved, and Eleon remembered his murdered comrades.

      The sunset spilled colors onto the endless canvas of the sky, and suddenly it became possible to take a break from the annoying heat.

      The central square was filled with people.

      – Lord, what does all this mean? – Dorian was unable to hide his emotions.

      «Watch in silence,» said Eleon.

      Surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, stood five people in black cloaks with hoods.

      «The law states that illegal magic must be punished with all severity and without delay!» – said one of them.

      – He used magic illegally! – said our recent acquaintance – one of Halfrid’s sons, and pulled Teddy into the center of the circle, trying to resist.

      – No, please, he’s lying!

      – There is only one way to check this! – said one of the inquisitors, removing his hood and smiling ominously. Silence suddenly reigned in the square. – The ancient spirit of Justice will help us judge. ILLIGULUS! – he shouted, throwing his hands up. Teddy suddenly fell to the floor, writhing in pain. He tried to cover his face with his hands, but the spell knew no barriers. Not even a few seconds had passed before the poor fellow was no longer moving.

      – Oh my God! Isn’t this a dream? – Dorian closed his eyes, then opened them again. Blinked. He pinched his elbow. But the picture hasn’t changed.

      – May the Great Spirit of Justice be glorified! – the five inquisitors shouted in one voice. – Lead the next one!

      The young man now stood in the center of the circle. One man emerged from the crowd.

      – NO! He is not guilty! This is all slander!

      – Don’t be humiliated, father, I beg you! It doesn’t affect them.

      – The Spirit of Justice will judge! – said the same one, in a black cloak. – He never takes innocent people! ILLIGULUS!

      The guy remained standing where he was. Nothing happened.

      – The Spirit spared you – that means you are innocent. He only takes magicians who do not have the right to practice witchcraft. But now we need to check your sister, is he as innocent as you?!

      The young black-haired girl was thrown at the feet of the executioners. She stood up proudly and spat in the face of the inquisitor who had so short-sightedly removed his hood.

      «I hope you pay with your life for this,» he said, wiping his face.

      Eleon already realized that the girl was guilty if an innate gift can be considered a sin. He had a personal account with the Anti-Witch League. After all, thanks to them, he ended up in this foreign place!

      – Dorian, I’ve only known you for a short time. But tell me, will you stay with me? My path is thorny and full of dangers, so I would advise you to leave the square. But if you go, will you be with me to the end, earth?

      Dorian, speechless, could only shake his head.

      – Great. Then go towards the forest, we’ll meet you there. Get ready to run.

      I didn’t have to repeat it twice. Dorian took small steps towards the endless line of trees.

      The wolf raised his hand, and the two in black hoods fell to the ground, as if from an invisible blow. The chief has already raised his hands. But he didn’t have time to say the cherished spell. He grabbed his throat, as if someone was strangling him with an invisible rope. Eleon, taking advantage of the general confusion, threw the girl over his shoulder. Pushing aside the crowd, he squeezed into the forest, where it would be more difficult to find the fugitives.

      – Stop them! – shouted the inquisitor in an imperious tone, who never took revenge for the spit on his face. But the crowd suddenly closed in, preventing the order from being carried out. Everyone in the village loved the clerk and his family.

      – You pathetic people! Do you even understand who you are contacting? Move away quickly!

      The five inquisitors extended their hands forward, and red lightning streamed from them. The crowd parted. The executioners began to make their way through the resulting passage, but their path was blocked by the brother of the condemned woman, who was given life.

      – Move away! – said the one without the hood.

      – Only over my dead body!

      – You’re welcome! – said the judge, and lightning from his hands killed the young man. Here the exclamation of the father of the family was heard:

      – After all, he was innocent! You promised him life – and killed him! This is how you serve your spirit of Justice! – lightning

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