The Labyrinth of Inter-Time. Juriy Tashkinov

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The Labyrinth of Inter-Time - Juriy Tashkinov

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of panic.

      – A good start! – said the ghost of a black rebel already familiar to us. – The main thing, Khan, is that everything goes as we plan.

      The ghost could now move calmly, having drunk his fill of Khan’s energy.


      Dawn just recently spilled the scarlet wine of the glow on the black blanket of the sky. Somewhere in the distance, a lanelle chirped, rejoicing at the birth of a new day. And this all-consuming smell of wild myrtles that bloomed all around.

      A great holiday for many students of the magic school: very soon they will be able to use magic.

      The high hill dozed languidly in anticipation of the approaching event, and the free wind gently ruffled it. A stone staircase, built several centuries ago, ran up the hill. It was here, and not within the city walls, that the ceremony for awarding the right to magic took place.

      Master Avinius stood at the top. Each of the students climbed up in turn to receive the right they had earned over the years of study.

      – Errifen! «Come to me, my student,» said the great magician. The named one went up the steps. -You have earned the right to magic! Swear on your name that you will use this right only for good!

      – I swear, my teacher!

      – We are all in the hands of Fate! But swear to me in the name of your mother that you will never take the path of evil!

      – I swear, my teacher!

      – Swear in the name of your father that you will protect the king and his family to the last drop of blood!

      – I swear, my teacher!

      – Let it be so! By the power given to me, I give you the legal right to magic! – Avinius ran his brush over Errifen’s shoulder, and for a moment a flame flared up on it, but then went out. Errifen fell to his knees, as tradition required, to thank the teacher for his efforts and patience.

      – Arise, my faithful student! Now you are a magician!

      Now it’s Tion’s turn to receive his legal right. Friends tapped him on the shoulder encouragingly, and he went towards his fate. He so wanted to quickly gain the right to magic, but he had to strictly follow traditions, and he had to slowly move from step to step. He kept looking at his feet to show modesty.

      – You have earned the right to magic! Swear on your name that you will use this right only for good! – Avinius repeated, as required by the ancient ritual.

      – I swear, my teacher! – Tion lowered his gaze even more. He never took an oath that he could not fulfill. But the seal of Loyalty burned stronger than his conscience, so he took all subsequent oaths.

      – We are all in the hands of Fate! But swear to me in the name of your mother that you will never take the path of evil!

      – I swear, my teacher! – the student said more confidently. Already became, for the sake of his father and beloved.

      – Swear in the name of your father that you will protect his family to the last drop of the king’s blood!

      – I swear, my teacher!

      – Let it be so! By the power given to me, I give the legal right to magic!

      Tion did as Khan taught him. One moment, and he turned into an exact copy of Avinius. The next second, and Avinius and Tion stood before the astonished students again.

      – Take away the impostor! – shouted the young man in the guise of an old man. As it turned out, the royal guards, led by Simon, were standing nearby. Not even a minute passed before the unfortunate Avinius, in the guise of Tion, was imprisoned in a prison world.

      And you already know how Tion’s fate ended.


      A round steel table took up most of the room. There were flasks and retorts on the table, and liquid was boiling on the stove. And all the free space was occupied by manuscripts covered with various hieroglyphs of long-forgotten languages. Lightning or smoke sometimes flew out of the flasks, filling the entire room.

      – Found! I found this! How stupid I was before! How could I not notice such an obvious thing! This is incredible!

      All the people loved the king because he was kind to his people. But it was difficult to call him a good politician: what could interest a born scientist other than science? He spent days on end in the musty laboratory. Henry received the highest level of magic at the moment, and a tattoo with the number «16» adorned his delicate shoulder. And politics can be left in the reliable hands of Parliament and the Councilor!

      There was a knock on the room and Khan entered.

      – Hello, dear assistant! – Henry hugged the head of Parliament.

      – Be healthy, Your Highness!

      – Can you imagine! I found! It’s so wonderful! We understood magic completely wrong! And it is based on the forces of nature!

      – I am amazed by your talent! – Khan bowed slightly.

      – What’s new in the Country?

      – Troubled Times threaten the United Kingdom! – said Khan.

      – What kind of passion are you talking about?! What’s the matter.

      – A new organization of conspirators has emerged. They call themselves the brotherhood of the Defenders of the Crown. But they want to make an attempt on your life. I know this from reliable sources.

      – What should we do now! There can be no attempt on my life! After all, so many more works must be written, so many discoveries have not yet been made!

      – Your Highness, I see only one way out: we need to eliminate the conspirators!

      – You know, Advisor, that I completely trust the Parliament in matters related to politics. So you can take action.

      So Henry signed his own death warrant. Khan left the laboratory hall, and as soon as he entered the room, a familiar ghost appeared in it.

      «Everything is going as well as possible,» Dell grinned.

      Chapter 4. The Chase

      – Do not stop! – Eleon shouted.

      – I haven’t heard footsteps for a long time? – said the girl.

      – Be patient a little longer! When we reach the Magic Forest, the anti-magicians will no longer be scary! After all, ancient magic lives in the forest, and inquisitors will not be welcome guests!

      The three fugitives continued to run, constantly looking back.

      – What is your name? Why did you save me? – Eleon’s girl asked when they stopped to rest for a few minutes.

      – Does

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