My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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they are descendants of a family of great antiquity, others will tell that they are pupils of apostles. Can they and peahens who knows? However nobody knows where now Templars. Where they disappeared. Many claim that Templars are modern masons. It is unknown where their bed. We only know that they exist. We believe that their bed is real. Well, it can indeed. There are a skull bed, a bed of a devil, and many other beds. There is a lot of them. All of them are governors. Many sit at parliaments, at the government. They, this secret for seven locks. Nobody knows whether there are they? And if exist, then know nobody what becomes in their beds.

      Here and Roman, having convicted Nina of disclosure of a secret. He knew that Léonard Da Vinci's fresco hides a set of secrets as, however, all his pictures. They are mysterious also fascinating. Looking at pictures, you always feel that they immerse you in other world. World fine and wonderful. To the world where we have a rest. We have a rest soul and a body. Roman told.

      – Nobody knows where a secret and where he is present. Happens that this secret at all not a secret, but not a secret this secret.

      – You about what?

      – About Da Vinci's pictures.

      – And what not so with these pictures?

      – They have many secrets. – he told. – Secrets which will never be revealed.

      Understanding what Roman means, she asked.

      – Do you consider that these secrets will never be revealed?

      – People are blind. – he told. – They have before a nose answers to sets of questions, and they do not see them.

      – You about pictures? Or about something other?

      Roman heaved a deep sigh.

      – About everything. – he did not know that to answer this question? On it the answer so which was not. Whatever you may say, people are blind. To them it is allowed to see everything, and they see nothing. They are blinded thirst of the power and money. Dollar and euro, here their god. God Nenasytnosti of the power, and vanity. Thirst of the power, superiority over others. – The person is nasty. Maturing he to become more ambitious. Its ambitions eventually will stick together it. He does not see anything. And rescue from it is not present. – he made a pause, then told. – But pictures, their philosophy. – he told. – Their abstract thinking. In them our rescue.

      – In pictures?

      – Only. – he told. I speak about art in general. About music, poetry. They agree are abstract and philosophically wise.

      – I agree with you. – then she took an interest. – Nevertheless, why you told that I divulged some secret?

      – I told it because all veil of a fresco the Last Supper, has to remain a secret. To us to reveal her. Time will come, and church she would recognize what truth pernicious was for them. We believe that Jesus all the life was the monk, but why in some religions there are eases. And without being the monk, the person to become the priest, marries, brings children. And in Denmark female priests. That it as not the truth. Perhaps to one Jewish book it is written the truth. Bisexual god. It has no sexual character. This theory is rejected by all religions of the world, except Jews.

      Nina with interest listened to Roman. Everything was interesting to it what he spoke about. She took an interest.

      – And what book there is a speech?

      – ZAAR. – Roman answered. – The book is called ZAAR.

      – Did not read. – with regret Nina answered. Then she told. – However except the Bible on this subject I read nothing.

      Roman immediately noticed.

      – Did you tell that you the pragmatist, that is the atheist?

      Nina steamed.

      – But I did not say that I do not know bible history. – then she added. – I put everything under doubts. I prove impossible. – then it it is proud finished. – This my specialty.

      The novel having listened to Nina asked.

      – Do you want to prove, what was in the history of the Bible did not take place? – he was terrified. – How then belief?

      – In any way. – she waved away. – I do not force people to be undeceived in what they trusted already more than two thousand years in. I only call in question what is written to the Bibles.

      Roman took an interest.

      – And at what faculty you study?

      – Historical and philosophical.

      On what Roman told as if he cut off.

      – It is clear.

      We always choose a profession from going from those opportunities what to us provides life. But what if we want absolutely other what to us is imposed by parents? We argue with them, and eventually without achieving the end result. We become unfortunate. All life working where never wanted to work. What here you will tell, parents.

      For Nina it was simpler. It arrived on the historical and philosophical university from the first. Nobody was against its choice. Always the being interested girl history, and philosophy, it simply did not want to arrive except this faculty anywhere.

      Roman took an interest.

      – Do you love history?

      – I love. – Nina answered. She was never as proud as now. She will gain the diploma of the historian. Agree, to know everything than ever there was on the planet an earth, this happiness. – I just live it!

      Roman smiled.

      – Do you joke?

      – In any time. I do not joke. History is interesting to me. As to the true musician music, and to the artist of art.

      Roman noticed.

      – But music is a same art as however, and theater.

      – This so. – Nina agreed. – Everything can be defined in one word. Art.

      The novel asked a loaded question.

      – Tell, for you art and stories, this same?

      Nina specified.

      – Meaning?

      – In sense of history. – he explained, and then added. – The matter is that art integral part of history.

      – This so. – Nina told. – Art history will always be with us. It integral part of our history. Pictures, music. Anything! This our history.

      – It is clear. – Roman told. – But I meant something another?

      – What?

      – And you did not understand?

      – Frankly speaking did not understand.

      – I meant history in art of history of antiquity.

      – Now

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