My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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heaved a deep sigh. He did not get used to bring bad messages, but this message was the fact that bad, it was awful. He told Nina.

      – Your sister.

      – What my sister? – scaredly asked Nin. – What happened?

      – The plane by which it flew crashed. – he told her tragic news. – Truth …

      Here he saw that Nina changed countenance. It was lifeless. Lifeless and white. White as measure. Trees brought it a bad message, and Roman confirmed it. Seeing that Nina falls on it unconscious, he picked up her, and having taken her on hands incurred to the room, and having put her to bed tried to bring her round, and then called the ambulance.

      Having recovered, Nina saw near beds of the standing Roman. She did not know what now with it was? It was in confusion. Having looked at Roman, she quietly took an interest.

      – Where Natalia? – then she asked – she died?

      Having calmed Nina, Roman answered.

      – I do not know it. "The plane made landing in France. – he told. – At Charles De Gaulle's airport". There several people descended from the plane. – Roman calmed Nina, and then added words which became optimistical for Nina. – Perhaps among descended there was your sister. Now it is checked.

      – It is checked? – did not understand Nin at once. it is fixed looked at Roman, and asked: – Who are you such actually? And what from us it is necessary to you? – then she fainted again, and Roman having laid her on a bed, said in low tones.

      – In due time you learn it. – he kissed her bluntly and having touched with a hand her hair, added as if admiring it. – Beauty!


      Two: I, and my the second I

      "The plane made landing in France. At Charles De Gaulle's airport". There several people descended from the plane. These people were the most different nationalities. French, Spaniards, Africans. All arrived to Paris, someone on the personal records, someone on business, someone to have a rest. Among them there was a young woman. The young person who arrived by this flight to go further. Its plane was, departed in three hours. So she could take a walk in the city of haute couture, walk on shops, buy something for itself. Having passed passport – customs control, she left to the city, got into the taxi, and went to the city. Ekhy with the taxi driver, she thought: – Kind of it was good here, for Cardan. In the Damned country called by the USSR, and here on freedom, in the country where it is possible to open the business, to get on feet, to become the person. It is a pity that it is impossible! But whether it is impossible in general or in principle? Of course, it was possible. Was to go to the French Embassy here, in Paris enough and to ask political a shelter. To tell where it worked and to lay out everything about construction of the Soviet helicopters and the defensive industry. And here, she would receive that she wanted long ago freedom! Everything would be as she would like and in any way differently. – but what's next? Here in what a question? – what will be farther with me? Of course it is possible, I some time will hide? But whether I will be able to hide eternally? Somebody all the same recognizes me. I will be searched by investigation, and perhaps the Interpol department of capture of spies. Such department is, I perfectly know it. I of this system. What I am a silly woman that went to study to them! What on me found? Would live as all normal people now, and here?. – it interrupted the thoughts. To it, appear, that they climb to it in the head as if testing it. Watched what it will do next? There is such concept as influence of human mentality on the person. He thinks, analyzes, and makes decisions. All as always. Thoughts paste on us at once. There is a lot of them and they are so chaotic that our brain itself selects the thoughts, necessary for it, and gives them in our thinking, providing to ourselves to solve this or that problem of our life. The woman continued to reflect. – do you live as незнамо what? You execute orders, you kill people. – she made a pause. – And it is given everyone. Everyone who to study as the intelligence agent, dooms himself if not to loneliness, then to difficult, difficult life. And it is the fact. So I advise really to think before solving whom to you to become. But it is fine. Think of thoughts, and in France I am for a while. Is necessary though something to look. D'Eiffel tower, for example. Speak from there all Paris is visible! Ah! Paris-Paris! There is no city, probably, in all this world more perfectly. Many artists and writers created the masterpieces here! Dumas father, Dumas son. They created the best works in France. The lady with butts, three musketeers. Prisoner of Château d'If. I list all the famous works by these authors, those which know the whole world! And artists? Let's remember all the favourite abstract artist, Salvador Dalí. Who knows, he would paint all these pictures if he does not live in France? It seems to me that is not present, did not write. I cannot but also tell about Anjelica and her all stories. Anjelica is the woman who fought for the love, and eventually found the prince. "They drove to Paris". Here it is this remarkable, beautiful beautiful and stately city! Why stately? Let's remember at least its Parisian secrets? Kings! Kings, it is proud the palaces standing on balconies. Their internal furniture, beauty of pictures, frescos in halls of the palace. What can be velichavy more majestic? Perhaps only the Amber room? But where it? It perhaps will never be found? And someone can found, but holds it secretly from others? Who knows? And how many Russians in Paris? Running ы the seventeenth year from the approaching socialism. How many them here? Not to count! – Natalia made a pause in the reasonings, and assumed. – France can it is so good because in it there are a lot of Russian people? Knowing what is honor and the word of the officer? It is quite possible. The Russian people differ from the Soviet citizens. Yes. – she unexpectedly concluded for herself. – It so it also is. Present France, this partly merit and officers of its Majesty of Nikolay the second. – They approached the Eiffel Tower. Natalia paid off the taxi driver, and went to her, the Eiffel Tower. Having bought the ticket, it passed in the elevator, and having risen by the osmotrovy platform, went out of the elevator. At this moment fresh clean air struck with it in a face. Her brains were filled with euphoria, she deeply sighed, and having extended hands before herself, told. – freedom! – Then she exclaimed. – FREEDOM! AS it is FINE, FREEDOM! – she could not think of anything, her brain gave the command – relax, have a rest from everything that collected for all these years! Did you long wait for it? You deserved it. – in it it is a high time as if flushed as a butterfly of soul. It soared in the clear clear sky, over all these points below. – What they are small? – she thought. – These points. – she burst out laughing, approached the region of the osmotrovy platform, leaned the elbows on a handrail, and having waved with one hand that whom she saw below, shouted: – Hey you, there below! What do you go there? Go here! Here it is so fine! – in it she is a high time heard reaching it sounds of church bells. She looked round, and saw in the distance Notre Dame de Paris. – here it was occurred by Victor Hugo at once. Its novel which is perhaps based on the real facts from life of this cathedral. Notre Dame de Paris. She immediately remembered Gipsy Esmeralda, the monk Frodo, and of course the humpback, how without him? Paris! How many secrets does he hide? How many still will present to us to learn about it and about all France? – Hey! I here! – Nina exclaimed that was urine. Looking at cathedral. Then she thought. – Freedom! This it is so fine! – She did not see around herself anything. It was alone with by itself and with freedom wind her foaming brain. Everything was fine these minutes. She forgot about everything. Now it did all this for itself. It was not to anybody any put. Her soul soared in freedom to this osmotrovy platform of the Eiffel Tower. She was happy. An instant of the fine stupefying happiness of a fine female soul. The soul which broke loose, and soaring now under clouds on this osmotrovy platform, clean air of freedom.

      In it it is a high time the woman approached it, and told it that it draws attention. What she answered that to it all the same. It on freedom and it all the same that look at it.

      – Yes. – the woman told. – Freedom is always fine. – then she added. – Unfortunately,

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