My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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in textbooks. It can only be studied with the lecturer of history, and if he knows that its such what it was actually.

      Roman took an interest.

      – What do you mean?

      – Here take, for example recent our history. – Nina told. – This it is not written in textbooks on stories. – she spoke.

      Its novel interrupted.

      – What it?

      – Tell? – Nina asked a question to the Novel. – What do you think of Lavrenti Beria? It was a large figure in public authorities in due time?

      – How that? – Roman was surprised. – He was the head of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs or KGB. – he made a pause, then rejected. – I am always confused in these terminologiya.

      Nina corrected Roman.

      – Then KGB called People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs.

      – And what from that?

      – And that. – Nina told. – Can you tell who it was for the person?

      – How who? – Roman was surprised. – He was a murderer and terrace.

      – It is so written in books on stories. – Nina told. – I know what it was actually?

      – From where?

      – Our rector, somehow on classes in a subject history of communism told: – Lavrenti Beria was a person resolute and direct. It never changed the decisions, and correctly did. At that time the people needed the heroes and tyrants. Here history also created anti-heroes in persons Lavrenti Beria and Joseph Stalin. The power demands the victims. Here and they in the thirtieth years of the twentieth century became anti-heroes. And who made their such? Party. It is dear. Not without reason say that the first member of the politburo does not rule the country. This only symbol of the power.

      Roman was terrified.

      – Do you so consider?

      – And only I am one. – Nina told. – Here simple example, chess. On a board thirty two figures, on each party of a board their sixteen. Will you tell who plays party? Do not you know? I will answer you. All figures except the king. There is no king, and a game ended.

      Roman noticed.

      – In your opinion in all countries the president is not necessary? Who, in your opinion, governs?

      – Party. – immediately it steamed. – Not the first secretary general, but party rules the state. As she will tell so it and will be.

      – But then who makes decisions? Party or first person of this state. – he made a pause, and added. – I consider that the decision is made by him.

      – Perhaps you are right. There are decisions which have to be accepted by one person. But, I will tell you. It in exceptional cases. If war for example or natural cataclysms.

      – Means. – Roman noticed. – After all he has the right to vote!?

      – In exceptional cases. – Nina agreed. – But in the majority cases of the king it is necessary to protect. – then she carefully added. – And that God grant revolution, or coup. There are also no times, the state. The states without leader this not the states, but just neutral earth.

      Roman agreed.

      – It so. – then it asked. – But than or whom then the party governs?

      – State. – Nina answered. – As the party needs so it and will be. Here, for example, the present. We lived at socialism, did not know a grief. And here to grow – please capitalism appeared suddenly. Who, in your opinion, put it in action? Of course party. – she made a pause, then added. – parties became more favorable to live under capitalism, than at socialism. Tell, than to us it was bad the CPSU? Lived in the USSR or in RSFSR. Lived did not grieve and to grow – please. Hungry capitalism appeared suddenly. He ate everything, in grists left nothing. Tell to whom this it was favorable, only parties. She made the decision and realized it. And here result. As you see I live in poverty, I make ends hardly meet. There is always no money, salary small, and the government claims that we still something have to it. To go here to DPRK. There is full socialism. Also lucky persons trade with other countries!

      Roman listened to it and was terrified. He could not understand why Nina so hated capitalism? He took an interest.

      – Do you hate capitalism only because you have no money? But whether you know? It is necessary to earn.

      Nina answered.

      – Yes under capitalism how many earn until the government raises a basket of a living wage though work on fathers-in-law works, all the same will be a little, and work comes out there is nothing.

      – How there is nothing? I am discordant. Work always and. It is only necessary to know, where to settle.

      – And you have such plush job?

      – Perhaps.

      Nina understood that they approached an essence of this conversation. Now she at last learns that from it it is necessary to it.

      – I listen to you.

      – That ж. – it began. – I suggest you to help the sister.

      – Meaning?

      – I will explain now. – he made a pause. At this moment the phone call of stationary phone sounded. The novel having risen from a table passed to the room, and having picked up the receiver from the telephone set, put it to an ear, and told. – Hallo.

      That time, having remained one, Nina thought. She did not know what work this person wanted to offer it? And she could not understand why she told Roman all that she told him? Who made her concerning this Damned policy talk? You never know she thinks there? To speak to every first comer about everything? Still this call? Nina did not know who called on her phone number? She was not even sure that all that happens to it a reality. This can a dream? But too it is realistic to be a dream. Everything was real. She got up from a table, approached a window. Looking at the trees growing opposite to its windows, it seemed to it that something hid in them something awful, frightening. Something that she could not explain. Trees as if spoke to her, take care. Something terrible is also inexplicable awful it felt coming from this park. It was dreadfully awful. What is it? she could not understand It. She saw how in trees someone's small eyes directing horror flashed. They as if looked at it, to its apartment, and waited for something. But what? Could not understand this Nin. Her body was captured by horror. Heart shrank, and on all body ran goosebumps. Some terrible the presentiment did not leave her body. She felt that something to happen, but that? She did not know it. She turned back, looked in a corridor, and saw стоящею behind her Natalia. She looked at her and tried to tell something to her, but that? It could not be understood. She was silent, and having only pointed by a hand to a window, disappeared. Having immediately looked at Nin in a window, felt something that never felt. Full emptiness heart and all organism. As though someone pulled out from it all joy of life, all that it is necessary for the person for joy and life. In it there is no joy left, only full bottomless emptiness.

      In it someone is a high time touched her shoulder, she sharply turned back, and

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