My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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is necessary? Look for somebody other silly woman.

      – Enough! – Roman did not sustain. It was out of itself(himself) from Nina. He already regretted that he offered it the help. – if you do not want to accept the help, then do not accept, to offend that what for? I to you the little boy Oh, damn! Enough! you do not want as you want, I will not begin to force you.

      Nina, having recovered, apologized for the behavior. It was a shame to it with the behavior, and she told that she flared up on in vain. Then she explained. – In my life there were so many well-wishers that …

      – I understand. – Roman answered. – Also you excuse me if I on bondage offended you.

      – And you me.

      They each other tenderly smiled. Nina told.

      – And you know what my favourite artist?

      – No, but I think you to me it now tell.

      Nina told.

      – My favourite artist Leonardo Da Vinci.

      Nina answered.

      – Leonardo Da Vinci is pleasant to all. There is no person to whom his creativity was not corrected.

      – You wanted to tell art.

      – Quite right. – then she added. – Salvador Dalí, too famous artist.

      Roman confirmed.

      – Quite right. – then he took an interest. – What it is pleasant to you in Leonardo Da Vinci's pictures?

      – Mysteriousness. – Nina answered. – His pictures are mysterious. There is no such cloth in which there was no riddle. All his pictures are full are mysterious and mysterious.

      Roman assumed.

      – How woman?

      It was pleasant to Nina that Roman compared Leonardo Da Vinci's pictures to women. Women inherently mysterious creations. They can never be understood and if you understand, then in the next second it will turn out that it not so. You did not understand it, and appeared in fools. Truly say: – To understand the woman of all life will be a little. – this statement is the truth.

      Nina smiled, told.

      – As woman. – then she added. – Somebody does not know how to understand the woman. It is inherently a riddle. Here an example, Mona Lisa or as she is called still, Gioconda. Agree, this cloth has a mysteriousness. Will not you understand who looks from this cloth, it or somebody else?

      – What do you mean?

      Nina explained.

      – I consider that I on a cloth am represented the woman.

      Roman with interest took an interest.

      – Who is represented on this cloth?

      – Perhaps. – assumed Nin. – On this cloth the man is represented.

      Roman did not understand.

      – What do you mean?

      Nina explained.

      – There will be transsexuals at all times. – then she added. – Her mysterious smile, smile of the woman or man? It is mysterious and unclear. – then she added. – The answer can be lies on a surface. Gioconda is a transsexual. – she made a pause, then added. – not for nothing she is named Mona Lisa and Gioconda, in Italian Gioconda is Mona Lisa. A double name meaning same. What if does this woman have other name? – assumed Nin. – For example Mokond. You look, from Mona we take Mo, and from Gioconda we take a root конд. Here also Mokond turns out. And if to change one more letter, oh, on and, then the man's name Makond turns out. Very few people considered such theory from scientists. They assumed that on a cloth it is represented that person, but who is he? Nobody found out it. – She made a pause, and added. – Do you see how many it is possible to philosophize concerning this picture? And how many still? Last Supper, (FRESCO). Concerning this fresco it is possible to philosophize eternally.

      – Apropos?

      – Concerning the people represented there. Nobody knows who on it is represented? By its blazhashchy consideration it is possible to see the represented not only men, but also the woman. And even cup of the Saint of Graal. (Book by D. Brown DA VINCI CODE). The church, of course, rejects this theory, but judge, on all icons the Mother of God is represented with the child. What if it is the truth, and Jesus was married to Maria? And from it it had a posterity. Not without reason crusaders looked for sacred Graal, and perhaps protected something else. Perhaps the most important secret of mankind, Jesus's family.

      The novel having listened to Nina took an interest.

      – You believer or not? – he listened to it and it was interesting to it. It is always pleasant to learn new, but if this new is connected with religion, and threatens to bring down all church system, having turned it into ashes, it quite another matter. If the belief sways, what will remain? Then he added. – Somebody does not know whether Jesus was married or not?

      Nina answered.

      – I am a pragmatist. I believe only that I see that I can prove.

      – And you can prove that Jesus was married?

      – If it is necessary and.

      – What do you mean, under these words?

      Nina explained.

      – We never prove anything without need. If it is required to somebody, then I will prove it.

      – And if is not present?

      – The secret will always remain a secret.

      Roman grinned.

      – And if secret any more not a secret?

      – What do you mean?

      Roman told.

      – You just told me it.

      – I? – Nina was surprised. – Yes by no means!? – she was terrified. – I just told you my philosophical reflections.

      On what Roman noticed.

      – And in philosophical reasonings it is possible to learn many secrets.

      – What secrets?

      – Secrets which never have to be published.

      Nina pricked up the ears. She understood that she told Roman something superfluous, but that? She did not know it. She asked.

      – What from me it is necessary to you?

      – That you were careful in the reasonings, and the fact that bad to happen.

      – Do you threaten me?

      – No, I advise. – then he added. – There is nobody the truth is not necessary. All prefer that they inspire in all long-long time. On volume the world

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