Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg
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gahénang imp do (sth) for someone.
gahéné the work, the doing, the action.
gahéya pass be being used; pass be caused to do, be caused to be made.
hapa gahé? what is to be done? why? what good is it? (karya napi? R, punapi karya? C)
gahé 2 n doing (in a special sense of making a feast), festival meal, family feast, a feast for the gods.
gahgah intrans unload.
gahi n what is quickly sold, what is much in demand; adj much in demand; quick; adv quickly (=gelis).
gahik intrans (nggahik trans) yell, scream.
gahit 1 n a species of bird.
gahit 2 intrans be dry, be withered (soil, leaves).
gahok (=gawok) intrans be amazed, astonished.
gahok-an n wonder.
gahu n harrow (nggahu trans).
maja gahu n aloes-wood.
gahuk intrans (nggahuk trans) scrape, scratch with the fingers.
gahunggung n a species of wild strawberries.
gaja- n elephant (in compound words) (S).
gajah n elephant; in chess, a bishop.
gajah makaképu n a special shape of balé.
gajämina 1 n a whale; the name of a constellation (=gajah mina); n a statue of an elephant.
gajämina 2 intrans (ngajäminang trans) be like wild pigs, stay all together in a herd.
gaji n wage, pay (hupah L, pikolih H).
gajih 1 n wage, pay (hupah L, pikolih H).
gajih 2 n a kind of fat black rice.
gala K adj strong, brave, firm, famous for strength, notorious.
galägala n strength, power; n a hero, a man famous for his courage.
galah 1 n boat hook, pole.
galah 2 n a string, double yarn, cord.
galah 3 n a measure (2 cihit =1 galah =1/2 madé).
galak adj hostile, ready to fight, fierce, fiery, untamed, reckless; n hostility (nggalakin trans).
galakin pass be treated in a hostile, fierce manner.
galang 1 L n light, brightness (senang H); adj light, bright; intrans (nggalang trans) shine, illuminate; make a road; enlarge the mind.
galang bulan L moonlight.
galang kangin, galang tanah n the dawn.
galang matanhahi sunlight.
galang tros adj translucent, transparent.
galang 2 n pillow (=galeng); an oblong, flat cushion (nggalang trans).
galar n crossbeam, cross-stick; the bamboo on which the floor of a balé is laid.
galayah intrans lie flat on the ground on one’s back.
galeng L n flat and oblong cushion, pillow (=galang) (papedek H, bantal C) (nggaleng trans).
galepung K n flour, meal (tepung L).
galih 1 adj unbroken whole (rice grains).
galih 2 R n bone (tulang L); skeleton.
galimgim H intrans be loquacious, not keep silent (ngalimgim trans).
galing adj slim, slender, lean, slight (body).
galinggaling n a creeper with large roots.
galir adj worn out (thread of a screw); loose (the cock of a gun).
galok intrans cry aloud, scream (=gahik).
galuh K n princess (=putri) (usually tuwan galuh).
galung 1 n headdress; arrangement of hair.
galung 2 n a species of mango.
galung 3 intrans (nggalung trans) celebrate the New Year.
galung-an n the end of the Bali year of 210 days (six Bali months); the name of the 11th seven-day week of this year.
hagalungan n one Bali year.
galur n case at law, action at law, cause.
gama K n law, religion (usually hagama); lawyer.
hi para gama the lawyers (should be written parāgama, contr from pare agama).
gamang n the shimmering sight of a distant object; an invisible being, angel, guardian angel.
gambah intrans hang loose (esp hair), be untied, loose.
gambahgambah intrans hang free, be blown to and fro by the wind (hair).
gambang n a kind of xylophone, part of the orchestra used at solemn religious ceremonies.
gambar 1 intrans (nggambar trans) draw, portray, paint, make a picture; n image, picture, portrait, illustration.
tukang ngambar n painter, artist.
gambar 2 R (=gagambar) n the top of the sheath of a kris (hurangka L).
gambel intrans play musical instruments together (magambel intrans the ‘playing’); nggebug gambel strike the instrument (gagambelan).
gambir n the name of a species of bushy plant.
gambuh n a sort of dramatic performance, drama with dancing and music; lagu gambuh soft music.
gamel H intrans (nggamel trans) hold, hold fast, have power over, govern, possess (gisi L).
gamelang pass be held; sampun gamelang have been taken over, been seized.
gampang H adj easy, not heavy (=hampang) (hihing L).
gamparan 1 n a pretty way of walking.
gamparan 2 (Raf) n shoe (=carapu).
gampél adj conjunct (consonant, written on the same line as its predecessor): pa gampél, sa gampél, şa gempél.
gampés intrans (nggampés trans) stand in a defensive posture, parry blows.
gampil intrans collect, bring together; put together in the mind, comprehend.
gampok intrans strike inwards