Essential Korean Vocabulary. Kyubyong Park

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Essential Korean Vocabulary - Kyubyong Park

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이름과 주민등록번호를 써 주세요. baeujaui ireumgwa jumindeungnokbeonhoreul sseo juseyo. Fill in your spouse’s name and social security number.

      총각 chong·gak unmarried man

      한국에서는 농촌 총각들이 결혼하기 어렵다. hangugeseoneun nongchon chonggakdeuri gyeolhonhagi eoryeopda. It’s difficult for Korean men in the countryside to marry.

      처녀 cheo·nyeo unmarried woman

      기혼 gi·hon married (person)

      기혼이세요, 미혼이세요? gihoniseyo, mi­honi­seyo? Are you married or single?

      기혼자 gi·hon·ja married person

      유부남 yu·bu·nam married man

      유부녀 yu·bu·nyeo married woman

      신분증 sin·bun·jeung identification, ID card

      신분증을 보여 주세요. sinbunjeungeul boyeo juseyo. Please show me your identification.

      주민등록증 ju·min·deung·nok·jeung i­den­ti­fication, ID card, social security card

      주민등록증을 분실했어요. jumindeungnok­jeungeul bunsilhaesseoyo. I lost my ID card.

      주소 ju·so address

      주소를 아래 줄에 써 주세요. jusoreul arae jure sseo juseyo. Please write your address on the line below.

      생년월일 saeng·nyeo·nwo·ril date of birth

      생년월일이 어떻게 되세요? saengnyeonworiri eotteoke doeseyo? What’s your date of birth?

      국적 guk·jeok nationality

      고향 go·hyang birthplace, hometown

      고향이 어디세요? gohyangi eodiseyo? What's your hometown?

      직업 ji·geop occupation

      직업이 무엇입니까? jigeobi mueosimnikka? What is your occupation?

      서명 = 사인 | ~하다 seo·myeong = sa·in | ~·ha·da signature | to sign

      여기에 서명해/사인해 주세요. yeogie seo­­myeonghae/sainhae juseyo. Sign here, please.

      1.2 Life, Stages of Life, Death

      일생 il·saeng lifetime

      일생에 다시 없을 기회를 놓치지 마세요. ilsaenge dasi eopseul gihoereul lochiji maseyo. Don’t miss this opportunity of a lifetime.

      (한)평생 (han·)pyeong·saeng (in one’s) whole life

      평생 혼자 살고 싶지는 않아요. pyeongsaeng honja salgo sipjineun anayo. I don’t want to live the single life forever.

      인생 in·saeng human life, lifetime

      오늘은 내 인생 최악의 날이었어. oneureun nae insaeng choeagui narieosseo. It was the worst day of my life.

      삶 sam life

      침대에서 나오기도 싫고 삶의 의욕을 다 잃어버린 느낌이야. chimdaeeseo naogido silko salmui uiyogeul da ireobeorin neukkimiya. I can’t get out of bed. I think I’ve lost my will to live.

      수명 su·myeong life expectancy

      통계적으로 볼 때 여자가 남자보다 수명이 길다. tonggyejeogeuro bol ttae yeojaga namjaboda sumyeongi gilda. Statistically women live longer than men.

      살다 sal·da to live

      저는 늘 대도시에서 살고 싶었어요. jeoneun neul daedosieseo salgo sipeosseoyo. I’ve always wanted to live in a big city.

      경험 | ~하다 gyeong·heom | ~·ha·da experience | to experience

      이 분야에서 경험보다 중요한 것은 없습니다. i bunyaeseo gyeongheomboda jungyohan geoseun eopseumnida. Nothing is more important in this field than experience.

      체험 | ~하다 che·heom | ~·ha·da experience | to experience

      겪다 gyeok·da to experience, undergo, suffer

      저는 제가 직접 겪은 일에 대해서 씁니다. jeoneun jega jikjeop gyeokkeun ire daehaeseo sseumnida. I write about the things I’ve experienced first hand.

      아기 a·gi baby

      제가 없는 동안 아기 좀 봐 주시겠어요? jega eomneun dongan agi jom bwa jusiges­seoyo? Could you look after my baby while I’m away?

      태어나다 tae·eo·na·da to be born

      저는 부산에서 태어났어요. jeoneun busa-

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