Underground Passages. Jesse Cohn

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Underground Passages - Jesse Cohn

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Man of Letters,” in Criticism and Culture: Papers of the Midwest Modern Language Association 2, ed. Sherman Paul (Iowa City: Midwest Modern Language Association, 1972), 6.

      123 Pierre Quillard, L’Anarchie par la littérature (Paris: Édicions du Fourneau, 1993), 11, 13–14.

      124 Félix Martí-Ibañez, “La Cultura en el nuevo orden revolucionario,” Documentos Históricos 1.1 (October 1937): 12.

      125 Candace Falk, “Forging Her Place: An Introduction,” Emma Goldman: A Documentary History of the American Years, Vol. 1: Made for America, 1890–1901 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), 46.

      126 Clara E. Lida, for instance, distinguishes between what she calls “anarquismo literario” (with the emphasis on the “literary”) and “literatura anarquista” (with the emphasis on the “anarchist”). See Lida, “Literatura anarquista y anarquismo literario,” Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 19.2 (1970): 360–381.

      127 If Vittorio Frigerio is right to say that this “appropriation and use of texts and writers from outside the movement” constituted a kind of “diver[sion] of the symbolic capital of official literature and science for its own purposes” (“La Vérité par la fiction”), then the sexist values inherent in the evaluations forming such a list might reflect that formation of symbolic capital—already massively skewed towards male writers—as much as the (by no means inconsiderable) residual sexism in the anarchist movement and its media apparatuses. It also presents a striking contrast to the gender balance among ordinary militants who wrote for anarchist publications: here, women’s participation is notable. Indeed, Lida asserts that “the presence of women who contributed to the anarchist press was much higher than that of other socialist movements of the time” (“Discurso e imaginario en la literatura anarquista,” Filología 29.1–2 [1996]: 123).

      128 Some of these writers made more or less equivocal gestures toward anarchism; Wilde went so far as to declare his political preference for anarchism in response to Jules Huret’s famous survey. However, none were integrated into any anarchist organization or movement per se.

      129 Ming K. Chan and Arif Dirlik, Schools into Fields and Factories: Anarchists, the Guomindang, and the National Labor University in Shanghai, 1927–1932 (Durham: Duke University Press, 1991), 87.

      130 Stephen Filler, Chaos From Order: Anarchy and Anarchism in Modern Japanese Fiction, 1900–1930 (Diss., Ohio State University, 2004), 4, 216–217.

      131 Marcella Bencivenni, Italian American Radical Culture in New York City: The Politics and Arts of the Sovversivi, 1890–1940 (Diss., City University of New York, 2003), 121; Flávio Luizetto, “O recurso da ficção: um capítulo da história do anarquismo no Brasil,” in Libertários no Brasil: Memória, Lutas, Cultura, ed. Antônio Arnoni Prado (São Paulo: Editora Brasilense, 1986), 131; Boaventura, “A Ficção Anarquista,” 79–92. Boaventura further notes that the subjects shifted depending on the audience: the novels of Brazilian anarchists such as Fábio Luz and Domingos Ribeiro Filho concerned “the life of the Brazilian middle class at the turn of the century,” with the intention of “denounc[ing] the frivolity and corruption of that world, suggesting alternative ways of life,” whereas short stories and serial novels in anarchist journals more often featured working-class protagonists, locating the sources of oppression in the workplace (84).

      132 Walter da Silva Oliveira, Narrativas à luz d’A “Lanterna”: Anticlericalismo, anarquismo e representações (Diss., Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2008), 13–14, 83.

      133 Michel Ragon, Histoire de la littérature prolétarienne en France (Paris: A. Michel, 1974), 145.

      134 Qtd. in J. Rafael Macan, “Prologo,” Narraciones anarco-sindicalistas de los años veinte (Barcelona: Icaria, 1978), 22–23, trans. mine.

      135 Umberto Eco, Six Walks in the Fictional Woods (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994), 49.

      136 Errico Malatesta, Anarchy, trans. Vernon Richards (London: Freedom Press, 2001), 15–16.

      137 Errico Malatesta, The Anarchist Revolution, ed. and trans. Vernon Richards (London: Freedom Press, 1995), 98.

      138 Roland Barthes, Image-Music-Text, ed. Stephen Hill (New York: Hill and Wang, 1977), 191–192; A Barthes Reader, ed. Susan Sontag (New York: Hill and Wang, 1982), 476.

      139 Ricardo Mella, Ideario (Gijón, Spain: Impr. “La Victoria,” 1926), 242.

      140 Francisco Ferrer y Guardia, The Origin and Ideals of the Modern School, trans. Joseph MacCabe (New York and London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1913), 28.

      141 Wilson, “Amoral Responsibility,” 56–57; Jensen, interview in Margaret Killjoy, Mythmakers & Lawbreakers: Anarchist Writers on Fiction (Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2009), 22. While many anarchists read Jensen (who does not self-identify as anarchist), they have criticized his recent attacks on transgendered people. Wilson, too, is highly controversial among anarchists for his defense of pedophilia.

      142 Antonio Elorza, La utopía anarquista bajo la segunda república (Madrid: Editorial Ayuso, 1973), 370.

      143 Carol Farley Kessler, Daring to Dream: Utopian Fiction by United States Women Before 1950 (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995), 112.

      144 Martha A. Ackelsberg, Free Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women (Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2005); see also Mujeres Libres, “Salvemos a las mujeres de la dictadura de la mediocridad. Labor cultural y constructiva para ganar la guerra y hacer la Revolución,” in Mujeres Libres: España 1936–1939, ed. Mary Nash (Barcelona: Tusquets Editor, 1977), 93–95.

      145 Errico Malatesta, Life and Ideas, ed. Richard Vernon (London: Freedom Press, 1965), 179.

      146 Voltairine de Cleyre, Selected Works of Voltairine de Cleyre, ed. Alexander Berkman (New York: Mother Earth Publishing

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