The ABC's of LGBT+. Ashley Mardell

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The ABC's of LGBT+ - Ashley Mardell

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woman, and anything in between while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling.

      Appropriation: Borrowing or adopting something as one’s own when it did not originate from them or their culture. This type of use occurs without proper understanding, credit, and/or permission. (Example: white people wearing feathered headdresses as costumes during Halloween.)

      Aro: An umbrella term for any identity on the aromantic spectrum. Also shorthand for “aromantic.”

      Aromantic: An umbrella term, or stand-alone identifier, for someone who experiences little or no romantic attraction.

      Asexual: An umbrella term, or stand-alone identifier, for someone who experiences little or no sexual attraction.

      Autosexual/romantic: Being able to elicit a sexual/romantic attraction from yourself by yourself and/or not desiring to partake in sexual activity with others, but still enjoying being sexually intimate with yourself.

      Bicurious: Someone curious about having sexual/romantic attractions and/or experiences with more than one gender.

      Bigender: Someone who has/experiences two genders.

      Binary: The rigid way society divides sex and gender into only two categories: 1) male/men and 2) female/women.

      Bisexual/romantic: Being attracted to two or more genders.

      CAFAB/CAMAB: These are acronyms for “coercively assigned female at birth” and “coercively assigned male at birth.”

      Cisgender/Cis: A person whose gender identity is the same as their sex and/or gender assigned at birth.

      Conflate: To confuse, blend, connect or combine two independent things/ideas.

      Community: When this book uses the term “community” it refers to a collective group of LGBTQIA+ people and organizations, as well as their supporters, who are all united by common identities, cultures, and/or social goals.

      Demigender: Someone who has/experiences a partial connection to one or more genders.

      Demisexual/romantic: A person who only experiences attraction to people with whom they have formed a strong emotional bond.

      DFAB/AFAB/FAAB: Acronyms for “designated female at birth,” “assigned female at birth,” and “female assigned at birth.”

      Diamoric: In terms of personal identity, a non-binary person may identify as diamoric to emphasize their own non-binary identity and their attraction to/relationship(s) with other non-binary people. In terms of a relationship, a diamoric relationship or attraction is one that involves at least one non-binary person.

      DMAB/AMAB/MAAB: Acronyms for “designated male at birth,” “assigned male at birth,” and “male assigned at birth.”

      Enby: This is a slang term meaning “a non-binary person.”

      Erasure: When an identity is given insufficient representation, made invisible, or its existence is invalidated.

      Female to Female/FTF: Someone whose sex and/or gender was assigned male at birth and who rejects that their gender was ever male.

      Fluid: Not fixed, able to change.

      -flexible: Suffix indicating someone is predominantly attracted to one gender but allows for and acknowledge exceptions. (Example usages: heteroflexible, homoflexible, etc.)

      -flux: In regards to orientation, “flux,” is a suffix that indicates that a person’s attractions fluctuate in amount or intensity. (Example usages: biflux, trifux, polyflux, etc.)

      FTM: Acronym for “female to male.”

      Gay: This label can refer specifically to men who are attracted to men; it can refer to people who are primary attracted to the same or similar gender as their own; or it can be an umbrella term for anyone who is not straight.

      Gender: In the context of individual self, gender is the state of being a man, a woman, both, neither, somewhere in between, or something entirely different. In the context of society, gender is a system of classification rooted in social ideas about masculinity and femininity.

      Gender confusion/Gender f*ck: A person who deliberately seeks to cause, or enjoys when they create, confusion in regards to their own gender.

      Gender dysphoria: Distress or unhappiness experienced because one’s gender does not match their sex and/or gender assigned at birth.

      Gender euphoria: Extreme happiness, or comfortability, experienced because a person’s gender is being affirmed.

      Gender expression: The manifestation of one’s gender.

      Gender identity: The identifier (or lack of identifier) someone uses to communicate how they understand their personal gender, navigate within or outside our societal gender systems, and/or desire to be perceived by others.

      Gender indifferent: Being gender indifferent means being apathetic about one’s gender/gender expression.

      Gender neutral: Having a gender that is neutral.

      Gender nonconforming/Gender diverse/Gender variant/Gender-expansive: These are umbrella terms and descriptors which refer to people who identify and/or express themselves in ways that are different from society’s binary norms.

      Gender roles: Societal roles, positions, behaviors, and/or responsibilities allowed or expected from men and women based on societal norms.

      Genderfluid: Having a gender that changes.

      Genderqueer: Someone whose gender exists outside of or beyond society’s binary concept of gender.

      Graysexual/romantic: People who experience very low amounts of attraction; people who experience attraction rarely or only under certain conditions; and/or people who are not sure whether they experience attraction.

      Graygender: This identity involves having a weak sense of gender and/or being somewhat apathetic about one’s gender identity/expression.

      Heterosexual/romantic a.k.a. Straight: Being attracted to the other binary gender.

      Homosexual/romantic: A person who is attracted to the same or similar gender(s) as their own.

      IAFAB/IAMAB a.k.a. FAFAB/FAMAB: Acronyms for “intersex assigned female/male at birth” and “forcibly assigned female/male at birth.”

      ID: Shorthand for “identify.”

      Intergender: A person who identifies between or as a mix of the binary genders.

      Internalization: Conscious or unconscious learning/assimilation of behaviors/attitudes.

      Intersectionality: The various ways a person or group’s combined social identities/roles (e.g. gender, race, socio-economic status, etc.) interact to shape their experience of the world.

      Intersex: A sex category that includes people whose anatomy does not completely fit into either of society’s typical definitions of male

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