The ABC's of LGBT+. Ashley Mardell

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The ABC's of LGBT+ - Ashley Mardell

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queer, non-binary, asexual vlogger and blogger also known as Queer As Cat on Tumblr and YouTube. Vesper strives to help raise awareness of the intersections of sexuality, gender and race and to increase visibility and representation for people like themselves who are in the crosshairs of such intersectionality.12

       Camille Beredjick from GayWrites:13 Camille is a queer writer, blogger and vlogger known as GayWrites on Tumblr and YouTube. She’s passionate about all aspects of the LGBTQIA+ movement and especially focuses on bisexual communities, inclusive media and journalism, and LGBTQIA+ issues in politics. She lives in New York.

       Emily Quinn from Intersexperiences:14 Emily is an artist and animator who used to work on Adventure Time before she came out as intersex on MTV. Now she works full time as an activist, raising awareness for intersex issues.

       Riley J. Dennis:15 Riley is a content creator, public speaker, writer, and activist who runs a semi-educational YouTube channel that discusses intersectional feminism, queer issues, and a host of other topics. She is a non-binary, transfeminine lesbian who is also a huge nerd. She loves Harry Potter and Pokemon.

       Pidgeon:16 Pidgeon is a mixed Latinx, queer, genderfluid intersex person, and activist, from Chicago. They are passionate about carving out a liberation space for intersex people, especially intersex people of color. You can find them on Everyday Feminism, and on their Twitter and Facebook pages.

       Micah from Neutrois Nonsense:17 Micah is a writer, advocate, and educator on transgender identities. Micah’s site is a leading resource among the non-binary community. Micah presents humorously didactic workshops involving cookie metaphors, reluctantly talks to journalists, volunteers as a speaker at local schools, and is a closet idealist. Micah’s mission is to contribute positively to everyone’s experience with gender.

      What is this book about?

      Why is this book important?

      This lack of knowledge regarding sexual and gender diversity is also largely reflected in today’s media, which typically only showcases stereotyped, trite depictions of LGBTQIA+ people. Reducing us to these one-dimensional clichés is not only inaccurate, but also harmful. It perpetuates the ideas that:

       People are no more than their sexuality (Example: “He’s gay, that’s all you need to really know.”)

       Certain behaviors and aesthetics are to be expected from individuals based on their orientation. (Example: “Gay men are effeminate, lesbians are butch, and bi people are promiscuous. Duh.”)

       Certain behaviors and aesthetics are to be expected from individuals based on their gender identity. (Example: “Trans women are feminine, trans men are masculine and gender neutral people are androgynous. Obviously.”)

      From personal experience, I can tell you it’s incredibly disheartening to go on a hunt for relatable, interesting LGBTQIA+ characters in TV or literature, only to find tropes such as:

       “Gay best friends” constantly preoccupied with shopping23

       Greasy, crude lesbians only seen in flannel24

       Unfaithful bisexuals convinced that their desire to experiment is a college phase

       Transgender youth isolated and rejected by their peers

       Obnoxious drag performers who only exist for comic relief

       Wounded queer heroes who bravely make it on their own after being disowned

      The fact of the matter is, there are infinite ways a person can be LGBTQIA+. I eagerly await the day I’m surrounded by more realistic, complex, and empowering depictions of LGBTQIA+ people in mainstream media. Perhaps:

       A gay scientist on the asexual spectrum

       A Christian bisexual, deeply invested in his faith

       A polyamorous, trans person elected as their high school’s prom king

       A non-binary bodybuilder who loves drag and takes it very seriously

       A fashion-knowledgeable lesbian helping their gender questioning friend explore gender nonconforming styles

       A popular, mixed race, intersex25 blogger whose relationship with their father takes years of hard work and patience before any mutual love and respect is formed

      Unfortunately, I fear there is a long road ahead before we see this kind of representation in mainstream media. Therefore, in an attempt to combat erasure and increase general LGBTQIA+ knowledge, this book hopes to offer visibility and a voice to identities that are usually lost and forgotten.

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