Beowulf in Parallel Texts. Sung-Il Lee

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Beowulf in Parallel Texts - Sung-Il Lee

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against all, till the best of houses 145

      Came to stand empty. It lasted for a great while.

      The friendly lord of the Danes suffered affliction

      For the length of twelve winters, every woe,

      sidra sorga; forðam [secgum]* wearð,

      ylda bearnum, undyrne cuð, 150

      gyddum geomore, þætte Grendel wan

      hwile wið Hroþgar, heteniðas wæg,

      fyrene ond fæhðe fela missera,

      singale sæce, sibbe ne wolde

      wið manna hwone mægenes Deniga, 155

      feorhbealo feorran, fea þingian,

      ne þær nænig witena wenan þorfte

      beorhtre bote to banan folmum;

      [ac se]* æglæca ehtende wæs,

      deorc deaþscua, duguþe ond geogoþe, 160

      seomade ond syrede, sinnihte heold

      mistige moras; men ne cunnon,

      hwyder helrunan hwyrftum scriþað.

      Swa fela fyrena feond mancynnes,

      atol angengea, oft gefremede, 165

      heardra hynða; Heorot eardode,

      sincfage sel sweartum nihtum;

      no he þone gifstol gretan moste,

      maþðum for Metode, ne his myne wisse.

      Þæt wæs wræc micel wine Scyldinga, 170

      modes brecða. Monig oft gesæt

      rice to rune; ræd eahtedon,

      hwæt swiðferhðum selest wære

      wið færgryrum to gefremmanne.

      Hwilum hie geheton æt hærgtrafum 175

      wigweorþunga, wordum bædon,

      þæt him gastbona geoce gefremede

      wið þeodþreaum. Swylc wæs þeaw hyra,

      Great sorrow. Therefore, it became well known

      To men, to the offspring of human kind, 150

      Through sadly sung tales, that Grendel had fought

      Against Hrothgar for long, borne fierce hatred,

      Perpetrated much crime and atrocity for many a year,

      Continual conflict: he would not have peace

      With anyone of the Danish host of men, 155

      Remove his deadly evil, or settle with riches.

      Nor there any wise man had good cause to expect

      Slackening of the sore from the slayer’s hands;

      But the fiend, the dark shadow of death, was

      Relentless in his grip of the old and the young, 160

      Hovered near and ambushed. In darkness he held

      The misty moors; men do not know

      Where the hellish demons move along, gliding.

      In this way the enemy of mankind, the horrid monster,

      Often committed a great mass of wicked crimes, 165

      Severe injuries: he inhabited Heorot,

      The richly decorated hall, in the dark nights;

      He was never allowed to approach the gift-seat,

      Treasure for God, nor did he know His love.

      That was a great distress to the lord of the Danes, 170

      Battering of spirit: many powerful often sat down

      For consultation; they deliberated on the solution,

      What would be the best that the brave ones

      Could do to rid themselves of the awful horrors:

      Now and again they promised sacrifices 175

      At heathen temples, and entreated with words

      To the soul-slayer* to bring about remedy

      And rid them of distress. (Such was their practice,

      hæþenra hyht; helle gemundon

      in modsefan, Metod hie ne cuþon, 180

      dæda Demend, ne wiston hie Drihten God,

      ne hie huru heofena Helm herian ne cuþon,

      wuldres Waldend. Wa bið þæm ðe sceal

      þurh sliðne nið sawle bescufan

      in fyres fæþm, frofre ne wenan, 185

      wihte gewendan; wel bið þæm þe mot

      æfter deaðdæge Drihten secean,

      ond to Fæder fæþmum freoðo wilnian.

      (III) Swa ða mælceare maga Healfdenes

      singala seað; ne mihte snotor hæleð 190

      wean onwendan; wæs þæt gewin to swyð,

      laþ ond longsum, þe on ða leode becom,

      nydwracu niþgrim, nihtbealwa mæst.

      Þæt fram ham gefrægn Higelaces þegn,

      god mid Geatum, Grendles dæda; 195

      se wæs moncynnes mægenes strengest

      on þæm dæge þysses lifes,

      æþele ond eacen. Het him yðlidan

      godne gegyrwan; cwæð, he guðcyning

      ofer swanrade secean wolde, 200

      mærne þeoden, þa him wæs manna þearf.

      Đone siðfæt him snotere ceorlas

      lythwon logon, þeah he

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