The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here.. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here. - Michael G. Reccia

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is what Jesus said to you, which is what many of the prophets have said to you, but you have given exclusivity to them; you worship them as saints and they never wanted you to. They said, ‘Here is the way, here is the truth, here is the Light’ ...and, instead of taking on board the message, you worshipped the messenger.

      This is not necessary. Worship no one, only Creation. Worship what is within you – the one, true God, the Source of your life and your consciousness, and help to make a difference in this world.

      I was not always a spiritual man. I, as much as any other soul, went through lifetimes when I was not aware that I was a soul; lifetimes in which I viewed the universe from the standpoint of individuality and believed it to be so; lifetimes when I thought I was at the whim of a cruel universe; lifetimes when I looked in a mirror and actually believed that what I saw was truly me.

      Then, through experience and through promptings (because I was psychic I could hear the voices and could see the faces of people who had gone beyond the illusion) it slowly occurred to me that I was more than this temple of flesh, that I was a spirit, that I was eternal and that I was more than the illusion I was witnessing.

      I was also taught that I was creating, that I was adding to that illusion, that I was a god in the making, that I could influence my environment – influence my immediate environment (the environment of my body) and then influence the world around me. I was shown that my view of the world contributed to how that world was; that I wasn’t at the whim of every storm and tempest; that there was no unforgiving God but God was a constant presence of Light within me and, if I wanted to fulfil my mission as a soul, all I had to do was to spread that Light outwards.

      When I arrived in the spirit realms, and as I climbed the spiritual ladder, as it were, many things were revealed to me. I looked in the records of the passage of time for the Earth and discovered many things about its origins. I spoke with angels on the spirit side of life. I spoke with truly wise men and women whom I did not have to seek out but who instantly stood in front of me the minute I asked my questions. I was made aware of the origins of Creation, the reasons for the Earth being there and the nature of man and of his soul.

      All these questions cannot be answered in one book. You may not like some of my answers but all I can say to you is that, with my hand on my spiritual heart at my centre, I have researched, tried and tested and believed every word I have given to you. I am not an agent for darkness; I am working for the Light, and it is my intention to give you some indication of your abilities as a child of God. I ask you to test and to prove for yourself everything that I have said to you, and if you find me lacking in any area then reject what I have said.

      There will be other books to follow; there are more complex issues that I and others on my side wish to talk to you about. I hope that you will enjoy this one, read the others and support this series of books. Remember that in buying a book such as this you are parting with illusion, nothing more, and you are being given knowledge you will take in and which will change you and change your viewpoint forever. I know that every one of you that buys this book will be recompensed. If you find it interesting, pass on the information to the next soul. Give them the book, get them to get in touch with its publishers and spread the word.

      May God bless and keep you forever.


      Chapter 1


      Michael’s observations: My memory of this first communication between Joseph, myself and David is of a private clairvoyant ‘session’ one afternoon that proved to be quite difficult in terms of my maintaining a link with the communicator. Joseph had never spoken to and through me before, and there were many pauses in the speech and much grunting, groaning and sighing (which, mercifully, has been taken out of the transcript!) as I struggled to align my vibrational rate with that of this new communicator – ‘The Man in Red’ as we called him in those early days, due to the fact that he always came through to us at that time dressed in a fiery red robe or surrounded by a cloak of red spiritual light. I was extremely tired and disorientated following this initial session, which took place in David’s attic with the lights turned off and with David instigating and monitoring the recording of the session. Subsequent communications became much easier, with far more of Joseph’s personality and gesticulations being evident during the periods he used me as an instrument. He has a forceful and demonstrative personality, and would sometimes bang the desk with my fist – not in anger, but to emphasise a point – or wildly gesticulate as he sought to explain certain concepts to us.

      When David and I sat for this initial communication we had no idea that the information from this and subsequent meetings would eventually build into a book, although we knew even at this stage that the lectures and the knowledge they offered were not simply for us and that it was essential that they somehow be made available to a wider audience. Neither did we know that we would eventually be joined by the third member of our earthly ‘team’, my partner Jane, and that we would subsequently sit as a trio to bring through Joseph’s later communications and much spiritual information from other guides. Any slight repetition by Joseph concerning the themes he wishes to speak about here is due to the newness of our ‘connection’ at that time, and subsequent talks flow far more smoothly, as you will discover in the course of reading this book, with the communication being sustainable for increasing amounts of time as Joseph and I become used to working with each other.

      Joseph: I wish to speak to you about January, about the beginning of things, and so I am bringing into your minds a concept that you are familiar with at the beginning of each year, because I wish to talk about a beginning: the beginning of a communication between our level of existence – which is not a level you have encountered before – and yours. By this I mean that this instrument [Reference to Michael] has not until now been in touch with the group of souls who are today attempting to communicate with you.

      I am their ‘spokesperson’ if you like - it is as good a term as any, although there is no difference or hierarchy between us here. The red vibration I bring with me is not my natural hue; it is a beam of energy that is needed to punch through the density of thought that surrounds the Earth plane, especially at this time.

      The red vibration is energy to contra the energy of the Earth plane. This instrument [Michael] knows that the red vibration is used in spiritual healing to stimulate the physical body and the nervous system in one who has become depleted. However, it is necessary for us, in communicating with you, to build a ‘wall’, as it were, using the red vibration to keep out the ether from around the true beam of light we are bringing to you, and through which we are able to communicate with you. Were you to see this red beam from our point of view it would look like a tunnel, although a tunnel is perhaps a bad analogy as it has no dimensional width at all, yet we have to try and convey ideas to you using terms with which you are familiar. We are no more than a molecule’s width away from you but we have to penetrate your dark level of consciousness in order to speak to you.

      What should we speak about? We wish to talk about beginnings today, and about the seed that is within the human soul; for the soul is not the seed, it is a covering or vehicle for the seed and not the seed itself. The seed is separate and comes into being of its own volition. Yet there is a paradox here because it does not have that volition until it becomes separate. So, we ask you to consider that God wishes separation in order to grow. The volition first comes from God but, at that point, the seed becomes aware of its own purpose. In other words, God at first thinks of separation and, at that point, the separation exists. Again, the paradox is that the separation is a concept of God and, therefore, a part of God, so actual separation never – in terms of your understanding – exists.

      So, each seed is separate and yet contained within the Whole that is

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