The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here.. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here. - Michael G. Reccia

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The seed is then clothed in various radiations that allow it to interact on a physical level with that physical level. These can be compared to ‘skins’ or fields of various energies that complete the illusion of separateness from God. From the inner to the outer, the skins become more dense, but they are nothing more than ‘shades’ put around a ‘light’ and, within those shades – and particularly within the outermost three – the earthly perceptions and consciousness reside, but these are nothing more than an illusion or a field which is tissue-thin.

      What we are saying is that everything you perceive to be dense, permanent, vast and ‘real’ is contained within these three outer skins or fields, and that these are permeable, which is why we are able to contact you from our level of ‘reality’, which is also a projection (although a less dense one) that is around the seed that is always a part of God.

      This is what is meant by: ‘In the beginning was the Word’. In the beginning was the concept, and the concept was separation in order to experience. Following separation, there is growth of what is perceived as the ‘individual’. And the amazing thing is that the field energies that lie within the three outer skins are shared by all beings on Earth, but the field energies are all there is – there is nothing else on this level of consciousness. The level itself does not exist ...only the perception of it, as shared by the consciousness of all living things. This is the true nature of creation on your level. So, everything is contained within the individual and the individual is contained within God.

      Therefore, all projections by the consciousness into the perceived field energies within the three skins are dominated by mind, not by substance. It is the mind that creates and manipulates the field energies; it is the mind that creates the illusion of separation, and it is the mind that presently fills the fields with the darkness we have to penetrate from within in order to reach you.

      We are trying to dispel the concept of God as being ‘outside’ of this physical universe ...or above it ...or below it ...or separate from it because, in actual fact, the physical universe only exists as a field of consciousness, created by God as the individual rather than God as the Whole. In other words, the seed was made ‘flesh’ and the seed required substance around it in order to interact with itself. And so the consciousness from the seed created the fields. It is God-consciousness, yes, but God-consciousness given to the seed to do whatever it wishes with and to create whatever it feels it needs to create in order to express itself.

      Often the ‘seed’ or individual cries out to God in prayer to help it in areas that God has not consciously created, but which the seed, the individual, has created. This does not mean that the seed is separated from God, but, rather, that the seed has been given God-power to create whatever it perceives to be true, which we hope goes a little way towards helping you to understand why there is such chaos within these three perceived fields. Because the seed, although not separate, has lost its memory of where it began and, in doing so, has allied itself with the fields of perception rather than with its true heritage.

      Our task in contacting you is to peel back the layers of misconception that separate the seed from its greater Whole and, in doing so, to create an increase of God-power within the fields so that the growth that is expected of the seed by God in projecting Itself into individuality can take place.

      We have to warn mankind that this expected growth is not taking place at this time.

      The individual is taking part as a player in the same ‘play’ – is playing and replaying the same play again and again without understanding why it is here. And the souls who are being born back into this illusion of individuality time and again are causing their reincarnations on Earth by their own desire, and not by any volition on the part of God for them to return to this planet.

      Therefore, many souls are choosing to reincarnate into the same conditions they left when they passed on [into the spirit worlds] in order to replay exactly the same type of experiences they crave, and that is not the purpose of the three fields. The purpose of the three fields is to allow expansion of God-consciousness, to bring the seed to a point where it becomes more than the seed and can produce seeds of its own. It is no coincidence that reproduction on your level within the three fields is a matter of the seed issuing from the seed. It is exactly the same process on a God-level, with the expectation for the seed being that it bring through further seed, allowing growth of the original seed and the God from which it came.

      This is not taking place, however, and because God does not oppose God – how could God oppose Himself/Itself? There can only be gentle direction given from our point of view, rather than coercion. Whilst the seed involves itself in the illusion to the extent that all else is unimportant, the Source can do nothing until such time as, via instruction, the seed loosens its grip on perceived reality and reaches within to perceive absolute reality, not the projection.

      This is why this communication is taking place and we hope that what is said today gives you some measure of the severity of the situation and the need for perception from within to take place within the seed.

      This is why I am speaking to you and this is why I begin our communications with the terms January and Beginnings. This is how each of you began. This is who you are. We have worked to broaden your [Michael and David’s] perception to this point – a point at which we can begin to commune with you for the greater good. It has taken three years of organisation by us in order to reach this point, and things from this moment onwards will change in order for the work to be done.

      You [Michael] will also see my companion, who mostly works, from the point of view of your psychic vision, in shadow so do not be alarmed if you perceive his presence as a shadow or a feeling that someone is intensely interested in what you are doing. He protects me as I speak to you and pulls my consciousness back should the density of vibration around the connection of this communication prove too much for me.

      I look forward to subsequent meetings.

      God bless All, and may the Light be with you until our next meeting.

      Chapter 2


      Michael’s observations: Here is Joseph’s second talk, given around Christmas time. This second ‘connection’ was much easier on me mentally and physically. It was as though a lot of work and adjustment had taken place behind the scenes since we last ‘sat’ for communication, and that the slight problems in achieving vibrational compatibility apparent in that first session had been tweaked somewhat to allow me to tune in more fully and successfully to Joseph’s personality. The second paragraph of Joseph’s talk on creation introduces the first of his blockbuster statements. Joseph pulls no punches when putting his message across, and there would be many more such thought-provoking words to challenge the way we approach life in subsequent talks, as you will discover…

      Joseph: I wish to continue from the point at which we left you last time, and to talk about creation; not Creation on a universal level, but creation on an individual level, because creation is misunderstood by mankind.

      Everything that exists does not exist.

      Now, there is a statement! Everything that exists does not exist least not in a solidified form independent of observation. What I mean by that is that nothing outside the energy Field created by humankind and the individual fields created by humankind exists independently of those fields.

      As an example, a rock exists as a rock only because the Field believes that it exists. and it is no more permanent than the thoughts that have been put into it that give it weight and form within the Field.


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