The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here.. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here. - Michael G. Reccia

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things to change, and yet we find such difficulty in persuading individuals to give some of their time in thinking of the Light, in bringing into reality the Light through their mental process and changing the bias of the Field from self-seeking negativity to a more enlightened and creative (in the spiritual sense) society.

      That is our task, and in order to implement that task we have to first bring the individual back to the basics, and tell you that you are everything - everything that you perceive, because it has all proceeded from you, just as you have proceeded from God. And once that is all stripped away – the mistaken concept that we are placed into a fixed world, and that we are temporary, when in fact it is quite the opposite… we are fixed and the Field is temporary and malleable – then we can begin to do work, then we can start to heal the Field, start to repair minds and also to move souls away from the Field so that other souls who have not yet incarnated can be born into this particular reality.

      We appreciate your endeavours and we would leave you with the thought, during your festivities, that the greatest gift we can give you is the realisation that you are everything and that everything proceeds from you. If you want health, you create it. If you want wealth, you create it. If you want harmony, you create it. And, in doing so, you begin to influence the greater Field, which is our intent in bringing through this information. We intend it to be distributed into the Field and not to be hidden.

      Chapter 3

      The Circle

      Joseph: I wish to talk with you again today, this being the third part of our conversation concerning the nature of reality. I wish to talk to you about the circle, about the sphere – because, however you proceed outwards from any point on a sphere, you eventually arrive back at that same point - at the starting point. This is what people cannot grasp within a linear universe; they cannot conceive of something that does not begin and does not end, and yet the evidence for this is everywhere, at molecular and atomic level, and within nature throughout your world.

      I am discussing atomic structure because the nature of the atom is to be spherical, and each atom is re-used. I remind you that you personally [Michael] were taught while you were at college that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Now this is not quite true... physical atoms are re-used, re-designated, and they cannot be destroyed due to their being a reflection of God-creation, which is contained within a circular or spherical energy field.

      It is the same with life; it is the same with the human cycle. Everything is cyclic… it is supposed to be that way; it is embedded within the nature of what we are. It is God-consciousness and God-consciousness, if you like, is circular. It is cyclic. It brings Itself back to Itself. Therefore, It does not have a beginning. It does not have an end. It simply IS. It is self-contained and you are contained within that creative circle (cycle) of the sphere of God-consciousness.

      Every life should be regarded as a circle, as a circular motion of the soul that that life is attached to. In order that the soul actually comes back to the point where it began following its incarnation it goes through a cycle of events whilst on Earth that eventually bring it back to itself and return its consciousness to a higher level. So, no journey on Earth, no journey anywhere, in fact - no adventure, no setting out - is actually in a straight line. It is a circular event, because it brings back to the soul doing the adventuring, or the ‘setting out’, the benefits of the encounters that it comes across during each adventure.

      The soul does not grow older; the soul cannot grow older because its vibration is circular. The soul maintains itself; it is self-perpetuating; it does not run out of energy. The physical journey is, similarly, a circular event with the physical body that is attached to the soul undertaking the series of adventures that begin with it being created, being formed around the incarnating soul and then, later, the body returns to the circle of energy it has come from, both on a spiritual level and on a physical level. It is the same for us in our sphere of consciousness. We are aware that we are simply adding to ourselves by the endeavours we undertake. We do not ‘go away’ from anything ‘towards’ something else. We do not journey outwards. We are simply embarking on a further circular vibration that will bring benefits to us, so that our being, our essence, may be enriched by the experiences we absorb while passing through and reacting with certain circular wavelengths. All life, all situations, are wavelengths of the soul and, as the motion of those wavelengths unfolds in a circle, certain things happen along those energy vibrations.

      In reality there are no births and no deaths; there are simply points of observation from within that circular motion, and the consciousness of the soul is also taken on a circular motion. So, nothing you perceive of as lost is ever lost; nothing you perceive of as having been damaged is, in truth, damaged. What you are observing is simply a bending of a particular wavelength in order to bring to the soul certain perceptions, certain experiences that eventually enhance the wavelength that is returning the soul to its original point of consciousness. The soul ‘arrives’ back at its original point of consciousness without damage, but it is enriched by the experiences it has encountered via the changes to the wavelengths that have taken place during its circular journey of existence.

      The soul, in effect, does not travel anywhere. The soul, from the point of view of your earthly perception, is born into your level of consciousness, grows physically and mentally through a certain number of years and then comes back to its spiritual home. In reality it goes nowhere. None of us ever go anywhere because everywhere is within us – this is what I am trying to get across to you by talking about circular motion. You are self-contained within the self-containment that is God. You cannot go anywhere. You only perceive movement, which is actually the change of the wavelengths that you are experiencing, in order to bring your consciousness around to a more complete vision of who you are.

      Therefore, you should take heart with regard to your perceptions of people having been lost, having been damaged, having been tortured, having been hurt. In fact they haven’t been; they have simply been viewed as such from one point on their circular journey of consciousness. When they get back to the start point that damage is seen for what it was… simply an illusion that has been used to enrich their sense of being by bringing to them – and the people whose lives they have touched along that journey of consciousness – more understanding of themselves and the universe around them.

      And you may say: ‘Well, how can they receive more understanding through being damaged, or tormented, or tortured, or murdered, or maimed?’ You have to understand that the circular motion of one soul, at certain points, touches the circular motions of the souls around it and, in doing so, that journey of consciousness takes on for a time (and it is only for a time) certain vibrations from the souls who touch that circle. In these circumstances it often seems that the less advanced soul has taken advantage of the consciousness of the more advanced soul, and this is because you are looking at things only from the point of view of your circular journey across the Earth plane. In fact, the consequences of an advanced soul touching the journey, the motion, of a less advanced soul far outweighs the consequences of a less advanced soul touching the path of a more advanced soul.

      In other words, on a level of soul-consciousness, the soul whom you perceive as having been murdered, or maimed, or tortured, or lost knows that no harm has really come to it. It knows that it has simply passed through an energy field during which time its vibrations have touched the vibrations of another soul in order to donate Light to that other soul; in order to donate to that other soul a point of consciousness upon the other soul’s journey that illuminates a part of its journey.

      So, you have to look at the seemingly negative things that happen on your plane as being in soul-reality moments when some Light has been put into the darkness; although you will say, ‘The murderer is still a murderer’, or, ‘The torturer is still a torturer’, or that people have ‘got away with’ this or with that. No. What has happened in these circumstances is that

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