The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here.. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here. - Michael G. Reccia

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it on board and, hopefully, realise that there is a lighter, more uplifting way to live. In effect, the soul who has been – from your point of view – murdered or tortured has elected at an advanced level for those things to happen to it in order that it may donate some Light to the path of the darker or less enlightened souls whose circular journeys it touches during that conjunction of wavelengths.

      We [Joseph and his colleagues] are also on a circular journey – it is no different for us, except we are aware of the fact. The circle of our level of existence has to touch the aura of the communicator [Michael] in order that our consciousness – our intent made known through a sharing of consciousness – can be passed on to your level of consciousness. It is the same thing. Michael and myself are touching at a point along our separate wavelengths so that I can donate something to this level of consciousness through the consciousness of this soul [Michael] who is touching my wavelength. And so it is with all souls.

      No one is ever lost, no person is ever murdered, no person ever dies in tragic circumstances because you cannot die. You have moved only in consciousness, only in terms of a wavelength, away from your original state, and the soul is just passing through that period. Once it comes back to the spirit worlds, once it completes the circle, it realises this and is released from the effects that seemingly negative period had on that point of the circle of experience.

      This is why you ‘sit’ on Earth in [spiritual] circles. This is why there is power in circles, because you are joining together the circular wavelengths of a number of souls in order to create a passageway for vibrations, which is also circular. The nature of God is circular. Words do not do justice to what I am trying to say, but God is a circle. Life is a circle and the building blocks of life are circular by design. The atom recreates itself because it comes back to its point of starting out on its journey of physical existence. This is why matter can be re-dedicated by what you would call Higher Authority, by God-authority. An atom can be re-designated as it sets out in consciousness – because all matter is alive – it can be re-designated as part of another object, but that other object, that new object, is also a circle – another circle. This is why things return to dust on your level of existence, because they are completing the circle of their current existence in form and are returning to the essence they were in consciousness before they were designated as a certain circular wavelength that you perceived as an object for a short period of time.

      You see, it is no coincidence that the seers on your level have used crystal balls because the sphere or circle enables those who are spiritually aware, and who have opened up their vibrations somewhat to the greater reality, to see other points on the circle through a circle. This is how the ‘future’, as you understand it, can be seen ‘ahead of schedule’. The seer on this level is seeing into the circular motion of the soul that he is sitting with, or sitting on behalf of, and can see more points on that individual’s circle than the sitter himself or herself can.

      I have spoken for long enough and I do not wish to tire the communicator, but I wish you to know that I am more heavily involved in your lives than you perceive, and I am working with a purpose to enable God’s work to be done through yourselves. May God’s Love be with you until the circular wavelength of our meetings comes back to the point at which we meet.

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