The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here.. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here. - Michael G. Reccia

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has a field around them. It is often described as the aura, but it is much more than that. The aura, often referred to, is simply a reflection of the electro-magnetic tendencies within and exhibited by a soul, a measure of that soul’s health, evolution and spiritual understanding. The soul may be measured by the information which the aura contains - information that can be seen plainly from outside the field, but not from within it, usually, except by psychics and those who are mediumistic, and by what you would describe as shamans and mystics.

      However, the aura is only part of the field that is generated by the individual. The aura is the energy field that is closest to the soul and extends for about three metres out from the physical body, with the most luminous and, therefore, the most easily observed part of the aura being at a distance of about a third of a metre out from the body. Beyond this there extends a second field that is linked to the mental process of the individual, and it is this field that allows form to be brought forth.

      You might say: ‘Well, if I want to create something, I first have to get the materials, and I have to use my hands, my mind and my heart and put part of myself into this creation then I have something that is outside of myself.’ That is not strictly true. The object you desire to create already exists within the field as soon as it is imagined. It is the need to make sense of the object on a physical level that requires energy to be expended on a physical level in order to see the object. I know this is a complex concept.

      What I am saying is that each object created is created first within the field without use of hands, tools, or expenditure of physical energy. It is created the moment that it is dreamt of. The field, if you like, is a ‘field of dreams’. (Michael speaking: at this point I can see Joseph is smiling because he is showing me an image of the film Field Of Dreams... so he has a sense of humour.) It is a field within which the individual dreams up everything that it needs. The images within the field are then rationalised within the greater Field, which is the Field of mankind. In other words, the thoughts appear to be more solid and manifest themselves within the greater Field of mankind.

      Therefore the phrase ‘be careful what you wish for’ is a very apt one indeed, because what you wish for or dream about you create within your own personal field, and it manifests itself and is contained within your own personal field for a time. Then it manifests itself, to a greater or lesser degree, in the circumstances around you, which are created by the Field of mankind as a whole. This takes time, dependent upon the individual and the individual’s belief (i.e. strength) in being able to dream, create, and manifest what it wishes for. The mental field of the typical individual, however, is filled with so much heaviness, so much disbelief and so much dross that it takes a great deal of mental power and time (as you measure it) for the dreams to manifest themselves around the individual.

      It is important that you understand that things are not meant to be this way. The God-essence or manifestation of God that the individual actually is, is able to instantly project within the field of dreaming whatever it conjures up, whatever it perceives, and that is how the individual is supposed to manifest experience on this level. But, over the centuries, this ability to believe in creation coming from the mind and the heart rather than the hands has been lost. The Ancients knew that creation was not a matter of taking up tools; it was a matter of sitting and seeing and projecting and always believing, because it is that belief that solidifies the images within the Field.

      What I am saying is – and this can be very dangerous – it is possible for you as individuals to have everything and anything that you desire in the measure that you believe in what you are creating.

      ...But you do not believe this. You believe that the Field humanity gives out is ‘reality’. You believe that you are separated from the things that are around you. You believe that you have no connection with the things that affect on you on a day-to-day basis. You believe that they are random forces, that you are at the whim of some vengeful God, perhaps, and that you are a ‘boat’ buffeted on a sea of chance and circumstance ...and that is completely untrue.

      Every object and every situation that manifests in a life has been created through mental energy and first activated by the soul that those circumstances are happening to. And it is in God’s image that you are made in that you are a ‘Creator’, every minute and every day of your existence, within the greater Field, you are a Creator. You have been given God-power – you need never fear for want of any object or fear any loss or lack, because there can be no lack as long as you create supply. YOU create supply. You say it is God who has created supply, and in the greater sense it is, but the manifestation of supply comes when you believe in yourself as being God.

      I am talking, of course, about positive manifestations, but the Field of humankind at present is set to manifestations of a negative nature. It is set to despondency. It is set to violence. It is set to a compulsive acquisition of other objects within the greater Field. How nonsensical this is from our point of view, when anything that you desire you create within your own field. There is nothing for you as an individual outside of that field except a field of reference - the greater Field of humanity, within which you experience the situations you have created for your own growth. The mind is a tool with which to create what you need around you in order to grow, and no object has any worth except as a tool in order for you to grow.

      To say you cannot take it with you is a fallacy. You take it all with you when you come back home to the spirit worlds because it is all within the field you have created, but you take the purest form of that which you have created with you, not the actual solidification of the situations that you are growing from, but the essence of those tools. That is what you take with you. (Michael: I’m sorry, I don’t understand that...)

      …Each situation around you is a manifestation of the deepest desires of your own soul to grow, whether that situation brings you pain or loss or struggle or challenge, it is a manifestation from yourself that you have decided you need. When you retreat from the field into the greater vibrations, within your aura are contained the results of the thoughts that you have brought forth in order to grow. For example, if you create an apple, you take the results of having created an apple back with you into the greater vibrations and not the physical manifestations of the apple that present themselves within the greater Field of humanity. You take the results or the consequences of having created the apple. These are what you take with you.

      So, you can never lose anything because, from cradle to grave, within the greater Field of humanity everything is contained within the aura of the individual that pertains to that individual’s growth as a soul. There is no ‘reality’... There is no reality - there is only perception and through the mind you set up certain shadow plays that you involve yourself in, in order to become more God-like, but that is all they are – shadows. You are projecting part of yourself, and the situations around you are part of yourself solidified, projected through the physical mind, in order that you may perceive different aspects of yourself and grow as a result of that.

      We will speak on another occasion about ‘realities’ that are withdrawn from the Field of humanity, the greater realities if you like, but at present we wish to give a greater understanding of the nature of so-called ‘physical reality’.

      Everything comes from nothing. Men study the universe and say, ‘How could it come from nothing?’ but everything comes from nothing because there is nothing except the ‘Essence’. And the Essence projects in order to further Itself, to become more than Itself, to grow... yes, even at God-level.

      What we are trying to bring to humanity is an understanding that the Field is able to be manipulated by the individual, that no prayer is wasted, that no striving for Light is a nonsense, because every thought has equal creative power and every thought manifests.

      The troubles you find yourself in presently exist because the individual and the Field choose to manifest the worst

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